Nikolite be the New Electrotine. PR Mod compatible.

This commit is contained in:
Dream-Master 2017-03-08 21:27:34 +01:00
parent cbe4e35d93
commit 43c114d436
3 changed files with 10 additions and 10 deletions

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@ -460,7 +460,7 @@ public enum Materials implements IColorModulationContainer, ISubTagContainer {
DeepIron ( 829, TextureSet.SET_METALLIC , 6.0F, 384, 2, 1|2 |8 |64 , 150, 140, 140, 0, "Deep Iron" , 0, 0, -1, 0, false, false, 3, 1, 1, Dyes.dyePink , 2, Arrays.asList(new MaterialStack(Iron, 1)), Arrays.asList(new TC_AspectStack(TC_Aspects.METALLUM, 2), new TC_AspectStack(TC_Aspects.MAGNETO, 1))),
Diamond ( 500, TextureSet.SET_DIAMOND , 8.0F, 1280, 3, 1 |4|8 |64|128 , 200, 255, 255, 127, "Diamond" , 0, 0, -1, 0, false, true, 5, 64, 1, Dyes.dyeWhite , 1, Arrays.asList(new MaterialStack(Carbon, 1)), Arrays.asList(new TC_AspectStack(TC_Aspects.VITREUS, 3), new TC_AspectStack(TC_Aspects.LUCRUM, 4))),
Electrum ( 303, TextureSet.SET_SHINY , 12.0F, 64, 2, 1|2 |8 |64|128 , 255, 255, 100, 0, "Electrum" , 0, 0, -1, 0, false, false, 4, 1, 1, Dyes.dyeYellow , 2, Arrays.asList(new MaterialStack(Silver, 1), new MaterialStack(Gold, 1))),
Nikolite ( 812, TextureSet.SET_SHINY , 1.0F, 0, 1, 1 |8 , 60, 180, 200, 0, "Nikolite" , 0, 0, -1, 0, false, false, 3, 1, 1, Dyes.dyeCyan , 0, Arrays.asList(new MaterialStack(Redstone, 1), new MaterialStack(Electrum, 1)), Arrays.asList(new TC_AspectStack(TC_Aspects.ELECTRUM, 2))),
Electrotine ( 812, TextureSet.SET_SHINY , 1.0F, 0, 1, 1 |8 , 60, 180, 200, 0, "Electrotine" , 0, 0, -1, 0, false, false, 3, 1, 1, Dyes.dyeCyan , 0, Arrays.asList(new MaterialStack(Redstone, 1), new MaterialStack(Electrum, 1)), Arrays.asList(new TC_AspectStack(TC_Aspects.ELECTRUM, 2))),
Emerald ( 501, TextureSet.SET_EMERALD , 7.0F, 256, 2, 1 |4|8 |64 , 80, 255, 80, 127, "Emerald" , 0, 0, -1, 0, false, true, 5, 1, 1, Dyes.dyeGreen , 1, Arrays.asList(new MaterialStack(Beryllium, 3), new MaterialStack(Aluminium, 2), new MaterialStack(Silicon, 6), new MaterialStack(Oxygen, 18)), Arrays.asList(new TC_AspectStack(TC_Aspects.VITREUS, 3), new TC_AspectStack(TC_Aspects.LUCRUM, 5))),
EnhancedGalgadorian (385, TextureSet.SET_METALLIC , 32.0F, 7200, 5, 1|2| 64|128 , 152, 93, 133, 0, "Enhanced Galgadorian" , 0, 0, 4500,24500, true, false, 1, 1, 1, Dyes.dyePink ),
FreshWater ( -1, TextureSet.SET_FLUID , 1.0F, 0, 0, 16 , 0, 0, 255, 0, "Fresh Water" , 0, 0, -1, 0, false, false, 1, 1, 1, Dyes.dyeBlue , 0, Arrays.asList(new MaterialStack(Hydrogen, 2), new MaterialStack(Oxygen, 1)), Arrays.asList(new TC_AspectStack(TC_Aspects.AQUA, 2))),
@ -598,7 +598,7 @@ public enum Materials implements IColorModulationContainer, ISubTagContainer {
NitroFuel ( 709, TextureSet.SET_FLUID , 1.0F, 0, 2, 16 , 200, 255, 0, 0, "Nitro-Diesel" , 0, 720, -1, 0, false, false, 1, 1, 1, Dyes.dyeLime , 0, Arrays.asList(new MaterialStack(Glyceryl, 1), new MaterialStack(Fuel, 4))),
AstralSilver ( 333, TextureSet.SET_SHINY , 10.0F, 64, 2, 1|2 |64 , 230, 230, 255, 0, "Astral Silver" , 0, 0, -1, 0, false, false, 4, 3, 2, Dyes.dyeWhite , 2, Arrays.asList(new MaterialStack(Silver, 2), new MaterialStack(Thaumium, 1))),
//Midasium ( 332, TextureSet.SET_SHINY , 12.0F, 64, 2, 1|2 |8 |64 , 255, 200, 40, 0, "Midasium" , 0, 0, -1, 0, false, false, 4, 3, 2, Dyes.dyeOrange , 2, Arrays.asList(new MaterialStack(Gold, 2), new MaterialStack(Thaumium, 1))),
BlueAlloy ( 309, TextureSet.SET_DULL , 1.0F, 0, 0, 1|2 , 100, 180, 255, 0, "Blue Alloy" , 0, 0, -1, 0, false, false, 3, 5, 1, Dyes.dyeLightBlue , 2, Arrays.asList(new MaterialStack(Silver, 1), new MaterialStack(Nikolite, 4)), Arrays.asList(new TC_AspectStack(TC_Aspects.ELECTRUM, 3))),
BlueAlloy ( 309, TextureSet.SET_DULL , 1.0F, 0, 0, 1|2 , 100, 180, 255, 0, "Blue Alloy" , 0, 0, -1, 0, false, false, 3, 5, 1, Dyes.dyeLightBlue , 2, Arrays.asList(new MaterialStack(Silver, 1), new MaterialStack(Electrotine, 4)), Arrays.asList(new TC_AspectStack(TC_Aspects.ELECTRUM, 3))),
RedAlloy ( 308, TextureSet.SET_DULL , 1.0F, 0, 0, 1|2 , 200, 0, 0, 0, "Red Alloy" , 0, 0, -1, 0, false, false, 3, 5, 1, Dyes.dyeRed , 2, Arrays.asList(new MaterialStack(Copper, 1), new MaterialStack(Redstone, 4)), Arrays.asList(new TC_AspectStack(TC_Aspects.MACHINA, 3))),
CobaltBrass ( 343, TextureSet.SET_METALLIC , 8.0F, 256, 2, 1|2 |64|128 , 180, 180, 160, 0, "Cobalt Brass" , 0, 0, -1, 0, false, false, 3, 1, 1, Dyes.dyeOrange , 2, Arrays.asList(new MaterialStack(Brass, 7), new MaterialStack(Aluminium, 1), new MaterialStack(Cobalt, 1))),
Phosphorus ( 534, TextureSet.SET_FLINT , 1.0F, 0, 2, 1 |4|8|16 , 255, 255, 0, 0, "Phosphorus" , 0, 0, -1, 0, false, false, 3, 1, 1, Dyes.dyeYellow , 2, Arrays.asList(new MaterialStack(Calcium, 3), new MaterialStack(Phosphate, 2))),
@ -745,7 +745,7 @@ public enum Materials implements IColorModulationContainer, ISubTagContainer {
static {
Iron .mOreReRegistrations.add(AnyIron );
Iron .mOreReRegistrations.add(AnyIron);
PigIron .mOreReRegistrations.add(AnyIron );
WroughtIron .mOreReRegistrations.add(AnyIron );
@ -818,7 +818,7 @@ public enum Materials implements IColorModulationContainer, ISubTagContainer {
Phosphorus .setOreMultiplier( 3).setSmeltingMultiplier( 3);
Saltpeter .setOreMultiplier( 4).setSmeltingMultiplier( 4);
Apatite .setOreMultiplier( 4).setSmeltingMultiplier( 4).setByProductMultiplier(2);
Nikolite .setOreMultiplier( 5).setSmeltingMultiplier( 5);
Electrotine .setOreMultiplier( 5).setSmeltingMultiplier( 5);
Teslatite .setOreMultiplier( 5).setSmeltingMultiplier( 5);
Redstone .setOreMultiplier( 5).setSmeltingMultiplier( 5);
Glowstone .setOreMultiplier( 5).setSmeltingMultiplier( 5);
@ -970,7 +970,7 @@ public enum Materials implements IColorModulationContainer, ISubTagContainer {
Thorium .addOreByProducts(Uranium , Lead );
Plutonium .addOreByProducts(Uranium , Lead );
Electrum .addOreByProducts(Gold , Silver );
Nikolite .addOreByProducts(Redstone , Electrum );
Electrotine .addOreByProducts(Redstone , Electrum );
Bronze .addOreByProducts(Copper , Tin );
Brass .addOreByProducts(Copper , Zinc );
Coal .addOreByProducts(Lignite , Thorium );
@ -1013,7 +1013,7 @@ public enum Materials implements IColorModulationContainer, ISubTagContainer {
Diamond .addOreByProducts(Graphite );
Beryllium .addOreByProducts(Emerald );
Apatite .addOreByProducts(Phosphorus );
Nikolite .addOreByProducts(Diamond );
Electrotine .addOreByProducts(Diamond );
Teslatite .addOreByProducts(Diamond );
Magnesite .addOreByProducts(Magnesium );
NetherQuartz .addOreByProducts(Netherrack );
@ -1089,7 +1089,7 @@ public enum Materials implements IColorModulationContainer, ISubTagContainer {
Naquadria.mMoltenRGBa[2] = 128;
Naquadria.mMoltenRGBa[3] = 0;
Nikolite.mChemicalFormula = "Rp";
Electrotine.mChemicalFormula = "Rp";
Trinium.mChemicalFormula = "Ke";
Naquadah.mChemicalFormula = "Nq";
NaquadahEnriched.mChemicalFormula = "Nq+";
@ -1188,7 +1188,7 @@ public enum Materials implements IColorModulationContainer, ISubTagContainer {
ConstructionFoam .add(SubTag.STONE, SubTag.NO_SMASHING, SubTag.EXPLOSIVE, SubTag.NO_SMELTING);
Netherrack .add(SubTag.STONE, SubTag.NO_SMASHING, SubTag.UNBURNABLE, SubTag.FLAMMABLE);
Stone .add(SubTag.STONE, SubTag.NO_SMASHING, SubTag.NO_RECYCLING);

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@ -427,7 +427,7 @@ public enum OrePrefixes {

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@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
public class GT_MachineRecipeLoader implements Runnable {
private final MaterialStack[][] mAlloySmelterList = {{new MaterialStack(Materials.Tetrahedrite, 3L), new MaterialStack(Materials.Tin, 1L), new MaterialStack(Materials.Bronze, 3L)}, {new MaterialStack(Materials.Tetrahedrite, 3L), new MaterialStack(Materials.Zinc, 1L), new MaterialStack(Materials.Brass, 3L)}, {new MaterialStack(Materials.Copper, 3L), new MaterialStack(Materials.Tin, 1L), new MaterialStack(Materials.Bronze, 4L)}, {new MaterialStack(Materials.Copper, 3L), new MaterialStack(Materials.Zinc, 1L), new MaterialStack(Materials.Brass, 4L)}, {new MaterialStack(Materials.Copper, 1L), new MaterialStack(Materials.Nickel, 1L), new MaterialStack(Materials.Cupronickel, 2L)}, {new MaterialStack(Materials.Copper, 1L), new MaterialStack(Materials.Redstone, 4L), new MaterialStack(Materials.RedAlloy, 1L)}, {new MaterialStack(Materials.AnnealedCopper, 3L), new MaterialStack(Materials.Tin, 1L), new MaterialStack(Materials.Bronze, 4L)}, {new MaterialStack(Materials.AnnealedCopper, 3L), new MaterialStack(Materials.Zinc, 1L), new MaterialStack(Materials.Brass, 4L)}, {new MaterialStack(Materials.AnnealedCopper, 1L), new MaterialStack(Materials.Nickel, 1L), new MaterialStack(Materials.Cupronickel, 2L)}, {new MaterialStack(Materials.AnnealedCopper, 1L), new MaterialStack(Materials.Redstone, 4L), new MaterialStack(Materials.RedAlloy, 1L)}, {new MaterialStack(Materials.Iron, 1L), new MaterialStack(Materials.Tin, 1L), new MaterialStack(Materials.TinAlloy, 2L)}, {new MaterialStack(Materials.WroughtIron, 1L), new MaterialStack(Materials.Tin, 1L), new MaterialStack(Materials.TinAlloy, 2L)}, {new MaterialStack(Materials.Iron, 2L), new MaterialStack(Materials.Nickel, 1L), new MaterialStack(Materials.Invar, 3L)}, {new MaterialStack(Materials.WroughtIron, 2L), new MaterialStack(Materials.Nickel, 1L), new MaterialStack(Materials.Invar, 3L)}, {new MaterialStack(Materials.Tin, 9L), new MaterialStack(Materials.Antimony, 1L), new MaterialStack(Materials.SolderingAlloy, 10L)}, {new MaterialStack(Materials.Lead, 4L), new MaterialStack(Materials.Antimony, 1L), new MaterialStack(Materials.BatteryAlloy, 5L)}, {new MaterialStack(Materials.Gold, 1L), new MaterialStack(Materials.Silver, 1L), new MaterialStack(Materials.Electrum, 2L)}, {new MaterialStack(Materials.Magnesium, 1L), new MaterialStack(Materials.Aluminium, 2L), new MaterialStack(Materials.Magnalium, 3L)}, {new MaterialStack(Materials.Silver, 1L), new MaterialStack(Materials.Nikolite, 4L), new MaterialStack(Materials.BlueAlloy, 1L)}};
private final MaterialStack[][] mAlloySmelterList = {{new MaterialStack(Materials.Tetrahedrite, 3L), new MaterialStack(Materials.Tin, 1L), new MaterialStack(Materials.Bronze, 3L)}, {new MaterialStack(Materials.Tetrahedrite, 3L), new MaterialStack(Materials.Zinc, 1L), new MaterialStack(Materials.Brass, 3L)}, {new MaterialStack(Materials.Copper, 3L), new MaterialStack(Materials.Tin, 1L), new MaterialStack(Materials.Bronze, 4L)}, {new MaterialStack(Materials.Copper, 3L), new MaterialStack(Materials.Zinc, 1L), new MaterialStack(Materials.Brass, 4L)}, {new MaterialStack(Materials.Copper, 1L), new MaterialStack(Materials.Nickel, 1L), new MaterialStack(Materials.Cupronickel, 2L)}, {new MaterialStack(Materials.Copper, 1L), new MaterialStack(Materials.Redstone, 4L), new MaterialStack(Materials.RedAlloy, 1L)}, {new MaterialStack(Materials.AnnealedCopper, 3L), new MaterialStack(Materials.Tin, 1L), new MaterialStack(Materials.Bronze, 4L)}, {new MaterialStack(Materials.AnnealedCopper, 3L), new MaterialStack(Materials.Zinc, 1L), new MaterialStack(Materials.Brass, 4L)}, {new MaterialStack(Materials.AnnealedCopper, 1L), new MaterialStack(Materials.Nickel, 1L), new MaterialStack(Materials.Cupronickel, 2L)}, {new MaterialStack(Materials.AnnealedCopper, 1L), new MaterialStack(Materials.Redstone, 4L), new MaterialStack(Materials.RedAlloy, 1L)}, {new MaterialStack(Materials.Iron, 1L), new MaterialStack(Materials.Tin, 1L), new MaterialStack(Materials.TinAlloy, 2L)}, {new MaterialStack(Materials.WroughtIron, 1L), new MaterialStack(Materials.Tin, 1L), new MaterialStack(Materials.TinAlloy, 2L)}, {new MaterialStack(Materials.Iron, 2L), new MaterialStack(Materials.Nickel, 1L), new MaterialStack(Materials.Invar, 3L)}, {new MaterialStack(Materials.WroughtIron, 2L), new MaterialStack(Materials.Nickel, 1L), new MaterialStack(Materials.Invar, 3L)}, {new MaterialStack(Materials.Tin, 9L), new MaterialStack(Materials.Antimony, 1L), new MaterialStack(Materials.SolderingAlloy, 10L)}, {new MaterialStack(Materials.Lead, 4L), new MaterialStack(Materials.Antimony, 1L), new MaterialStack(Materials.BatteryAlloy, 5L)}, {new MaterialStack(Materials.Gold, 1L), new MaterialStack(Materials.Silver, 1L), new MaterialStack(Materials.Electrum, 2L)}, {new MaterialStack(Materials.Magnesium, 1L), new MaterialStack(Materials.Aluminium, 2L), new MaterialStack(Materials.Magnalium, 3L)}, {new MaterialStack(Materials.Silver, 1L), new MaterialStack(Materials.Electrotine, 4L), new MaterialStack(Materials.BlueAlloy, 1L)}};
private final static String aTextAE = "appliedenergistics2"; private final static String aTextAEMM = "item.ItemMultiMaterial"; private final static String aTextForestry = "Forestry";
private final static String aTextEBXL = "ExtrabiomesXL"; private final static String aTextTCGTPage = "";