/* 1: */ package gregtech.common.covers; /* 2: */ /* 3: */ import gregtech.api.interfaces.tileentity.ICoverable; /* 4: */ import gregtech.api.interfaces.tileentity.IMachineProgress; /* 5: */ import gregtech.api.util.GT_CoverBehavior; /* 6: */ import gregtech.api.util.GT_Utility; /* 7: */ import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; /* 8: */ import net.minecraftforge.fluids.Fluid; /* 9: */ /* 10: */ public class GT_Cover_DoesWork /* 11: */ extends GT_CoverBehavior /* 12: */ { /* 13: */ public int doCoverThings(byte aSide, byte aInputRedstone, int aCoverID, int aCoverVariable, ICoverable aTileEntity, long aTimer) /* 14: */ { /* 15:13 */ if ((aTileEntity instanceof IMachineProgress)) /* 16: */ { /* 17:14 */ if (aCoverVariable < 2) /* 18: */ { /* 19:15 */ int tScale = ((IMachineProgress)aTileEntity).getMaxProgress() / 15; /* 20:16 */ if ((tScale > 0) && (((IMachineProgress)aTileEntity).hasThingsToDo())) { /* 21:17 */ aTileEntity.setOutputRedstoneSignal(aSide, aCoverVariable % 2 == 0 ? (byte)(((IMachineProgress)aTileEntity).getProgress() / tScale) : (byte)(15 - ((IMachineProgress)aTileEntity).getProgress() / tScale)); /* 22: */ } else { /* 23:19 */ aTileEntity.setOutputRedstoneSignal(aSide, (byte)(aCoverVariable % 2 == 0 ? 0 : 15)); /* 24: */ } /* 25: */ } /* 26: */ else /* 27: */ { /* 28:22 */ aTileEntity.setOutputRedstoneSignal(aSide, (byte)((aCoverVariable % 2 == 0 ? 1 : 0) != (((IMachineProgress)aTileEntity).getMaxProgress() == 0 ? 1 : 0) ? 0 : 15)); /* 29: */ } /* 30: */ } /* 31: */ else { /* 32:25 */ aTileEntity.setOutputRedstoneSignal(aSide, (byte)0); /* 33: */ } /* 34:27 */ return aCoverVariable; /* 35: */ } /* 36: */ /* 37: */ public int onCoverScrewdriverclick(byte aSide, int aCoverID, int aCoverVariable, ICoverable aTileEntity, EntityPlayer aPlayer, float aX, float aY, float aZ) /* 38: */ { /* 39:32 */ aCoverVariable = (aCoverVariable + 1) % 4; /* 40:33 */ if (aCoverVariable == 0) { /* 41:33 */ GT_Utility.sendChatToPlayer(aPlayer, "Normal"); /* 42: */ } /* 43:34 */ if (aCoverVariable == 1) { /* 44:34 */ GT_Utility.sendChatToPlayer(aPlayer, "Inverted"); /* 45: */ } /* 46:35 */ if (aCoverVariable == 2) { /* 47:35 */ GT_Utility.sendChatToPlayer(aPlayer, "Ready to work"); /* 48: */ } /* 49:36 */ if (aCoverVariable == 3) { /* 50:36 */ GT_Utility.sendChatToPlayer(aPlayer, "Not ready to work"); /* 51: */ } /* 52:37 */ return aCoverVariable; /* 53: */ } /* 54: */ /* 55: */ public boolean letsEnergyIn(byte aSide, int aCoverID, int aCoverVariable, ICoverable aTileEntity) /* 56: */ { /* 57:42 */ return true; /* 58: */ } /* 59: */ /* 60: */ public boolean letsEnergyOut(byte aSide, int aCoverID, int aCoverVariable, ICoverable aTileEntity) /* 61: */ { /* 62:47 */ return true; /* 63: */ } /* 64: */ /* 65: */ public boolean letsFluidIn(byte aSide, int aCoverID, int aCoverVariable, Fluid aFluid, ICoverable aTileEntity) /* 66: */ { /* 67:52 */ return true; /* 68: */ } /* 69: */ /* 70: */ public boolean letsFluidOut(byte aSide, int aCoverID, int aCoverVariable, Fluid aFluid, ICoverable aTileEntity) /* 71: */ { /* 72:57 */ return true; /* 73: */ } /* 74: */ /* 75: */ public boolean letsItemsIn(byte aSide, int aCoverID, int aCoverVariable, int aSlot, ICoverable aTileEntity) /* 76: */ { /* 77:62 */ return true; /* 78: */ } /* 79: */ /* 80: */ public boolean letsItemsOut(byte aSide, int aCoverID, int aCoverVariable, int aSlot, ICoverable aTileEntity) /* 81: */ { /* 82:67 */ return true; /* 83: */ } /* 84: */ /* 85: */ public boolean manipulatesSidedRedstoneOutput(byte aSide, int aCoverID, int aCoverVariable, ICoverable aTileEntity) /* 86: */ { /* 87:72 */ return true; /* 88: */ } /* 89: */ /* 90: */ public int getTickRate(byte aSide, int aCoverID, int aCoverVariable, ICoverable aTileEntity) /* 91: */ { /* 92:77 */ return 5; /* 93: */ } /* 94: */ } /* Location: F:\Torrent\minecraft\jd-gui-0.3.6.windows\gregtech_1.7.10-5.07.07-dev.jar * Qualified Name: gregtech.common.covers.GT_Cover_DoesWork * JD-Core Version: */