.TH LSM 1 "lsm rc1" Linux "User Manuals" .SH NAME lsm \- local service manager .SH SYNOPSIS .B lsm .I .R [options] .SH DESCRIPTION .B Lsm .R is a barebones process supervision or session management program. Unlike other solutions, it is designed to run as non-root to manage local processes, i.e. those in the same session as lsm. It supports starting, stopping, and logging services. This program, lsm, is merely a tcp client that talks to .B lsmd .R which is responsible for managing the services. To set up lsm, please also read .BR lsmd (1). .SH DIRECTIVES .IP "start " Start the specified service. .IP "stop " Stop the specified service. .IP "restart " Stop the specified service, then start it again. .IP "status [service]" Stat the specified service, or if no service is specified, veiw the status of the whole environment. .SH FILES .I ~/.config/lsmrc .RS The default lsm configuration location. .SH ENVIRONMENT Lsm does not currently utilize environment variables. .SH DIAGNOSTICS The following diagnostics may be issued on stderr: 1 .RS Invalid argument passed to lsm. .RE 2 .RS Lsmd returned an error. .RE 3 .RS Cannot connect to lsmd, either bad address, blocked connection, or lsmd not running. .RE .SH BUGS Please report all bugs on the GitHub issue tracker. .SH AUTHOR Mikhail Kristoforovich .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR lsmd (1)