
188 lines
6.2 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2023-10-13 18:01:07 +00:00
{% extends 'ascii/master.twig' %}
2023-10-12 18:45:11 +00:00
2023-10-13 19:41:25 +00:00
{% set header_title = 'ascii table' %}
2023-10-12 18:45:11 +00:00
{% set header_minimal = true %}
2023-10-13 19:33:34 +00:00
{% set styles = styles|default([])|merge([ globals.assetsInfo.get('ascii.css') ]) %}
{% set scripts = scripts|default([])|merge([ globals.assetsInfo.get('ascii.js') ]) %}
2023-10-12 18:45:11 +00:00
{% set table = [
['Null character', 'NUL'],
['Start of heading', 'SOH'],
['Start of text', 'STX'],
['End of text', 'ETX'],
['End of transmission', 'EOT'],
['Enquiry', 'ENQ'],
['Acknowledgement', 'ACK'],
['Bell', 'BEL'],
['Backspace', 'BS' ],
['Horizontal tab', 'HT' ],
['Line feed', 'LF' ],
['Vertical tab', 'VT' ],
['Form feed', 'FF' ],
['Carriage return', 'CR' ],
['Shift out/X-On', 'SO' ],
['Shift in/X-Off', 'SI' ],
['Delta line escape', 'DLE'],
['Device control 1 (often XON)', 'DC1'],
['Device control 2', 'DC2'],
['Device control 3 (often XOFF)', 'DC3'],
['Device control 4', 'DC4'],
['Negative acknowledgement', 'NAK'],
['Synchronous idle', 'SYN'],
['End of transmit block', 'ETB'],
['Cancel', 'CAN'],
['End of medium', 'EM' ],
['Substitute', 'SUB'],
['Escape', 'ESC'],
['File separator', 'FS' ],
['Group separator', 'GS' ],
['Record separator', 'RS' ],
['Unit separator', 'US' ],
['Excalamation mark'],
['Double quotes', 'quot'],
['Ampersand', 'amp'],
['Single quote'],
['Open parenthesis'],
['Close parenthesis'],
['Less than', 'lt'],
['Greater than', 'gt'],
['Question mark'],
['At symbol'],
['Uppercase A'],
['Uppercase B'],
['Uppercase C'],
['Uppercase D'],
['Uppercase E'],
['Uppercase F'],
['Uppercase G'],
['Uppercase H'],
['Uppercase I'],
['Uppercase J'],
['Uppercase K'],
['Uppercase L'],
['Uppercase M'],
['Uppercase N'],
['Uppercase O'],
['Uppercase P'],
['Uppercase Q'],
['Uppercase R'],
['Uppercase S'],
['Uppercase T'],
['Uppercase U'],
['Uppercase V'],
['Uppercase W'],
['Uppercase X'],
['Uppercase Y'],
['Uppercase Z'],
['Opening bracket'],
['Closing bracket'],
['Accent grave'],
['Lowercase a'],
['Lowercase b'],
['Lowercase c'],
['Lowercase d'],
['Lowercase e'],
['Lowercase f'],
['Lowercase g'],
['Lowercase h'],
['Lowercase i'],
['Lowercase j'],
['Lowercase k'],
['Lowercase l'],
['Lowercase m'],
['Lowercase n'],
['Lowercase o'],
['Lowercase p'],
['Lowercase q'],
['Lowercase r'],
['Lowercase s'],
['Lowercase t'],
['Lowercase u'],
['Lowercase v'],
['Lowercase w'],
['Lowercase x'],
['Lowercase y'],
['Lowercase z'],
['Opening curly brace'],
['Vertical bar'],
['Closing curly brace'],
['Delete', 'DEL'],
] %}
{% block container %}
<div class="ascii-wrap">
<div class="ascii-search">
<div class="ascii-search-box">
<input type="search" id="search" placeholder="Filter..." autocomplete="off">
<div class="ascii-search-hint js-invisible-on-scroll">
Type <em><code>printable</code></em> for all printable characters, or <em><code>control</code></em> for all control characters.
<div class="ascii-chars">
{% for code, info in table %}
{% set is_printable = code > 31 and code < 127 %}
{% set has_html = is_printable and info[1] is defined %}
{% set print = is_printable ? code|chr : info[1] %}
<div class="ascii-char" data-key-code="{{ code }}" data-key-desc="{{ info[0] }}" data-key-print="{{ print }}" data-copy="{{ print }}" {% if has_html %}data-key-html="{{ info[1] }}"{% endif %}>
<div class="ascii-char-print">{{ print }}</div>
<div class="ascii-char-desc">{{ info[0] }}</div>
<div class="ascii-char-misc">
<div class="ascii-char-misc-item" data-copy="{{ code }}">
<div class="ascii-char-misc-item-head">Decimal</div>
<div class="ascii-char-misc-item-value">{{ code }}</div>
<div class="ascii-char-misc-item" data-copy="{{ code|decoct }}">
<div class="ascii-char-misc-item-head">Octal</div>
<div class="ascii-char-misc-item-value">{{ code|decoct }}</div>
<div class="ascii-char-misc-item" data-copy="{{ code|dechex }}">
<div class="ascii-char-misc-item-head">Hex</div>
<div class="ascii-char-misc-item-value">{{ code|dechex }}</div>
{% if has_html %}
<div class="ascii-char-misc-item" data-copy="&amp;{{ info[1] }};">
<div class="ascii-char-misc-item-head">HTML</div>
<div class="ascii-char-misc-item-value">&amp;{{ info[1] }};</div>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
2023-10-13 19:33:34 +00:00
<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ globals.assetsInfo.get('ascii.js') }}"></script>
2023-10-12 18:45:11 +00:00
{% endblock %}