Some restructuring.

This commit is contained in:
flash 2023-10-12 22:09:04 +00:00
parent f9b73c6067
commit 2050ba294b
24 changed files with 611 additions and 411 deletions

View file

@ -8,9 +8,7 @@ define('MKI_STARTUP', microtime(true));
define('MKI_ROOT', __DIR__);
define('MKI_DEBUG', is_file(MKI_ROOT . '/.debug'));
define('MKI_DIR_SRC', MKI_ROOT . '/src');
define('MKI_DIR_LIB', MKI_ROOT . '/lib');
define('MKI_DIR_PUB', MKI_ROOT . '/public');
define('MKI_DIR_PAGES', MKI_ROOT . '/pages');
define('MKI_DIR_PUBLIC', MKI_ROOT . '/public');
define('MKI_DIR_CONFIG', MKI_ROOT . '/config');
define('MKI_DIR_TEMPLATES', MKI_ROOT . '/templates');
@ -32,4 +30,4 @@ try {
$ctx = new MakaiContext($db);
$makai = new MakaiContext($db);

View file

@ -133,10 +133,12 @@ body {
background-image: linear-gradient(180deg, #eee 0%, #ddd 50%, #ccc 50%, #aaa 100%);
background-clip: text;
-webkit-background-clip: text;
white-space: pre;
.header-wave {
background-image: linear-gradient(0deg, #281430 0%, #392540 50%, #4a3650 50%, #6c5871 100%);
-webkit-background-clip: text;
white-space: pre;
.header-right {
display: flex;

View file

@ -1,348 +1,6 @@
namespace Makai;
use Index\XString;
use Index\Http\HttpFx;
require_once __DIR__ . '/../makai.php';
define('MKI_REDIRS', [
'/about' => '/',
'/about.html' => '/',
'/about.php' => '/',
'/index.php' => '/',
'/index.html' => '/',
'/related.php' => '/',
'/related.html' => '/',
'/friends' => '/',
'/friends.php' => '/',
'/friends.html' => '/',
'/related' => '/',
'/etc.php' => '/',
'/etc.html' => '/',
'/etcetera' => '/',
'/etcetera.html' => '/',
'/etcetera.php' => '/',
'/misc' => '/',
'/misc.html' => '/',
'/misc.php' => '/',
'/etc' => '/',
'/365' => '/',
'/donate' => '/',
'/blog.php' => '/',
'/blog-post.php' => '/',
'/blog/:id' => '/',
'/old-blog' => '/',
'/old-blog/:id' => '/',
'/projects.php' => '/projects',
'/projects.html' => '/projects',
'/utilities' => '/projects',
'/utilities.php' => '/projects',
'/utilities.html' => '/projects',
'/contact.php' => '/contact',
'/contact.html' => '/contact',
'/nintendo' => '/contact',
'/nintendo.php' => '/contact',
'/ascii.php' => '/ascii',
'/key.php' => '/rngstr',
$router = new HttpFx;
$router->setDefaultErrorHandler(function($response, $request, $code, $text) use ($ctx) {
$path = 'errors/' . $code;
$tpl = $ctx->getTemplating();
$name = is_file(sprintf('%s/errors/%s.twig', MKI_DIR_TEMPLATES, $code)) ? sprintf('errors/%s.twig', $code) : 'errors/master';
$response->setContent($tpl->render($name, [
'http_error_code' => $code,
'http_error_title' => $text,
$router->get('/error/:code', function($response, $request, string $code) {
return (int)$code;
foreach(MKI_REDIRS as $source => $target)
$router->get($source, function($response) use ($target) {
$router->use('/', function($response) {
$router->get('/header-bgs.json', function() use ($ctx) {
return $ctx->getDefaultHeaders();
$router->get('/now-listening', function() use ($ctx) {
return $ctx->getTemplating()->render('np', [
'header_offset' => (int)filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'offset', FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT),
$router->get('/now-listening.json', function() {
$lfmInfo = json_decode(file_get_contents(''));
return [];
$lfmInfo = $lfmInfo[0];
return [
'name' => strval($lfmInfo->name),
'now_playing' => !empty($lfmInfo->nowplaying),
'url' => strval($lfmInfo->url),
'cover' => !empty($lfmInfo->images->large) ? strval($lfmInfo->images->large) : '',
'artist' => [
'name' => !empty($lfmInfo->artist->name) ? strval($lfmInfo->artist->name) : '',
'url' => explode('/_/', strval($lfmInfo->url))[0],
$router->get('/home', function() use ($ctx) {
return $ctx->getTemplating()->render('home/index');
$router->get('/', function() use ($ctx) {
$legacyPage = (string)filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'p');
if(!empty($legacyPage)) {
$legacyPages = [
'projects' => '/projects',
'contact' => '/contact',
'about' => '/',
'etc' => '/etc',
'hosted' => '/etc',
'friends' => '/related',
if(isset($legacyPages[$legacyPage])) {
header('Location: ' . $legacyPages[$legacyPage]);
return 302;
$dbConn = $ctx->getDatabase();
$projects = new Projects($dbConn);
$projectInfos = $projects->getProjects(
featuredOnly: true,
deleted: false,
take: 3,
random: true,
$projectItems = [];
foreach($projectInfos as $projectInfo)
$projectItems[] = [
'info' => $projectInfo,
'colour' => $projectInfo->hasColour() ? $projectInfo->getColour() : $projects->getProjectColour($projectInfo),
$contacts = (new Contacts($dbConn))->getContacts(
homePageOnly: true,
take: 3,
return $ctx->getTemplating()->render('index', [
'projects' => $projectItems,
'contacts' => $contacts,
$router->get('/contact', function() use ($ctx) {
return $ctx->getTemplating()->render('contact', [
'contacts' => (new Contacts($ctx->getDatabase()))->getContacts(),
$router->get('/projects', function() use ($ctx) {
$dbConn = $ctx->getDatabase();
$projects = new Projects($dbConn);
$projectInfos = $projects->getProjects(deleted: false);
$items = [];
foreach($projectInfos as $projectInfo)
$items[] = [
'info' => $projectInfo,
'langs' => $projects->getLanguages(projectInfo: $projectInfo),
'colour' => $projectInfo->hasColour() ? $projectInfo->getColour() : $projects->getProjectColour($projectInfo),
$sections = [
'projects' => [
'title' => 'Projects',
'desc' => '',
'items' => $items,
return $ctx->getTemplating()->render('projects', [
'sections' => $sections,
$router->get('/ascii', function() use ($ctx) {
$templating = $ctx->getTemplating();
$templating->addFilter('chr', 'chr');
$templating->addFilter('decoct', 'decoct');
$templating->addFilter('dechex', 'dechex');
return $templating->render('ascii');
$router->get('/rngstr', function($response, $request) {
$length = (int)$request->getParam('length', FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT);
if($length > 0 && $length <= 1024)
return XString::random($length);
$out = '8: ' . XString::random(8) . PHP_EOL;
$out .= '16: ' . XString::random(16) . PHP_EOL;
$out .= '32: ' . XString::random(32) . PHP_EOL;
$out .= '64: ' . XString::random(64) . PHP_EOL;
$out .= '128: ' . XString::random(128) . PHP_EOL;
return $out;
$router->get('/ssh.php', function() {
$query = '';
$minLevel = (int)filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'l', FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT);
if($minLevel > 0)
$query .= sprintf('l=%d&', $minLevel);
$query .= 'c=1&';
$query .= 'j=1&';
if($query !== '')
$query = '?' . substr($query, 0, -1);
header('Location: /ssh_keys' . $query);
return 302;
$router->get('/ssh_keys', function() use ($db) {
$minLevel = (int)filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'l', FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT);
$includeComment = !empty($_GET['c']);
$json = !empty($_GET['j']);
$keys = (new SSHKeys($db))->getKeys(minLevel: $minLevel, deprecated: false);
if($json) {
$items = [];
foreach($keys as $key) {
$items[] = $item = new \stdClass;
$item->algo = $key->getAlgorithm();
$item->key = $key->getBody();
if($includeComment) {
$item->comment = (string)$key->getComment();
$item->created = $key->getCreatedAt()->format(\DateTime::ATOM);
$item->level = $key->getLevel();
return $items;
header('Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii');
$body = '';
foreach($keys as $key)
$body .= $key->toString($includeComment) . "\n";
return $body;
$router->get('/authorized_keys', function() use ($db) {
$keys = (new SSHKeys($db))->getKeys(minLevel: 500, deprecated: false);
header('Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii');
$body = '';
foreach($keys as $key)
$body .= $key->toString(true) . "\n";
return $body;
$router->get('/git_keys_ro', function() use ($db) {
$keys = (new SSHKeys($db))->getKeys(minLevel: 100, deprecated: false);
header('Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii');
$body = '';
foreach($keys as $key)
$body .= $key->toString(false) . "\n";
return $body;
$router->get('/git_keys_rw', function() use ($db) {
$keys = (new SSHKeys($db))->getKeys(minLevel: 200, deprecated: false);
header('Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii');
$body = '';
foreach($keys as $key)
$body .= $key->toString(false) . "\n";
return $body;
$router->get('/whois', function() use ($ctx) {
return $ctx->getTemplating()->render('whois');
$router->get('/whois/lookup', function($response, $request) use ($ctx) {
$target = trim((string)$request->getParam('target'));
return [
'error' => true,
'text' => 'Missing input data.',
$hash = hash('sha256', $target);
$prefix = 'fm:whois2:target:';
$source = '';
try {
$redis = new \Redis;
$result = $redis->get($prefix . $hash);
if(empty($result)) {
$client = new \Makai\Whois\WhoisClient;
$result = $client->lookup($target);
$redis->setEx($prefix . $hash, 1800, serialize($result));
$source = 'fresh';
} else {
$result = unserialize($result);
$source = 'cache';
} catch (\RuntimeException $ex) {
return [
'error' => true,
'text' => $ex->getMessage(),
return [
'error' => false,
'source' => $source,
'result' => $result,

src/AssetsRoutes.php Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
namespace Makai;
use Index\Routing\Route;
use Index\Routing\RouteHandler;
class AssetsRoutes extends RouteHandler {
public function __construct(
private SiteInfo $siteInfo
) {}
#[Route('GET', '/header-bgs.json')]
public function getHeaderImages(): array {
return $this->siteInfo->getHeaderImages();

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
namespace Makai;
namespace Makai\Contacts;
use Index\Colour\Colour;
use Index\Colour\ColourRGB;

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
namespace Makai;
namespace Makai\Contacts;
use Index\Data\DbStatementCache;
use Index\Data\IDbConnection;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
namespace Makai\Contacts;
use Index\Routing\Route;
use Index\Routing\RouteHandler;
use Sasae\SasaeEnvironment;
class ContactsRoutes extends RouteHandler {
public function __construct(
private SasaeEnvironment $templating,
private Contacts $contacts
) {}
#[Route('GET', '/contact')]
public function getContact(): string {
return $this->templating->render('contact', [
'contacts' => $this->contacts->getContacts(),
#[Route('GET', '/contact.php')]
#[Route('GET', '/contact.html')]
#[Route('GET', '/nintendo')]
#[Route('GET', '/nintendo.php')]
public function getRedirect($response): void {
$response->redirect('/contact', true);

src/HomeRoutes.php Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
namespace Makai;
use Index\Routing\Route;
use Index\Routing\RouteHandler;
use Sasae\SasaeEnvironment;
use Makai\Contacts\Contacts;
use Makai\Projects\Projects;
class HomeRoutes extends RouteHandler {
public function __construct(
private SasaeEnvironment $templating,
private Contacts $contacts,
private Projects $projects
) {}
#[Route('GET', '/')]
public function getIndex($response, $request) {
$legacyPage = (string)$request->getParam('p');
if($request->hasParam('p')) {
$response->redirect(match($request->getParam('p')) {
'projects' => '/projects',
'contact' => '/contacts',
'about' => '/',
'etc' => '/',
'hosted' => '/',
'friends' => '/',
default => '/',
}, true);
$projectInfos = $this->projects->getProjects(
featuredOnly: true,
deleted: false,
take: 3,
random: true,
$projects = [];
foreach($projectInfos as $projectInfo)
$projects[] = [
'info' => $projectInfo,
'colour' => $projectInfo->hasColour() ? $projectInfo->getColour() : $this->projects->getProjectColour($projectInfo),
$contacts = $this->contacts->getContacts(
homePageOnly: true,
take: 3,
return $this->templating->render('index', [
'projects' => $projects,
'contacts' => $contacts,
#[Route('GET', '/home')]
public function getPersonalHome(): string {
return $this->templating->render('home/index');
// wow this is pretty quirky
#[Route('GET', '/about')]
#[Route('GET', '/about.html')]
#[Route('GET', '/about.php')]
#[Route('GET', '/index.php')]
#[Route('GET', '/index.html')]
#[Route('GET', '/related.php')]
#[Route('GET', '/related.html')]
#[Route('GET', '/friends')]
#[Route('GET', '/friends.php')]
#[Route('GET', '/friends.html')]
#[Route('GET', '/related')]
#[Route('GET', '/etc.php')]
#[Route('GET', '/etc.html')]
#[Route('GET', '/etcetera')]
#[Route('GET', '/etcetera.html')]
#[Route('GET', '/etcetera.php')]
#[Route('GET', '/misc')]
#[Route('GET', '/misc.html')]
#[Route('GET', '/misc.php')]
#[Route('GET', '/etc')]
#[Route('GET', '/365')]
#[Route('GET', '/donate')]
public function getRedirect($response): void {
$response->redirect('/', true);

View file

@ -7,75 +7,79 @@ use Sasae\SasaeEnvironment;
final class MakaiContext {
private IDbConnection $dbConn;
private ?SasaeEnvironment $templating = null;
private SasaeEnvironment $templating;
private SiteInfo $siteInfo;
private Contacts\Contacts $contacts;
private Projects\Projects $projects;
private SSHKeys\SSHKeys $sshKeys;
public function __construct(IDbConnection $dbConn) {
$this->dbConn = $dbConn;
$this->siteInfo = new SiteInfo;
$this->contacts = new Contacts\Contacts($dbConn);
$this->projects = new Projects\Projects($dbConn);
$this->sshKeys = new SSHKeys\SSHKeys($dbConn);
public function getDatabase(): IDbConnection {
return $this->dbConn;
public function getSiteInfo(): SiteInfo {
return $this->siteInfo;
public function getContacts(): Contacts\Contacts {
return $this->contacts;
public function getProjects(): Projects\Projects {
return $this->projects;
public function getSSHKeys(): SSHKeys\SSHKeys {
return $this->sshKeys;
public function getTemplating(): SasaeEnvironment {
if($this->templating === null) {
$isDebug = Environment::isDebug();
$this->templating = new SasaeEnvironment(
cache: $isDebug ? null : ['Makai', GitInfo::hash(true)],
debug: $isDebug,
$this->templating->addGlobal('header_nav', $this->getDefaultNavigation());
$this->templating->addGlobal('header_bgs', $this->getDefaultHeaders());
$this->templating->addGlobal('footer_quotes', $this->getFooterQuotes());
return $this->templating;
public function getDefaultNavigation(): array {
return [
['title' => 'Home', 'link' => '/'],
['title' => 'Projects', 'link' => '/projects'],
['title' => 'Contact', 'link' => '/contact'],
public function startTemplating(): void {
$isDebug = Environment::isDebug();
$this->templating = new SasaeEnvironment(
cache: $isDebug ? null : ['Makai', GitInfo::hash(true)],
debug: $isDebug,
$this->templating->addGlobal('globals', [
'siteInfo' => $this->siteInfo,
public function getDefaultHeaders(): array {
return [
'/assets/headers/krk-000.jpg', '/assets/headers/krk-001.jpg', '/assets/headers/krk-002.jpg',
'/assets/headers/krk-003.jpg', '/assets/headers/krk-004.jpg', '/assets/headers/krk-005.jpg',
'/assets/headers/krk-006.jpg', '/assets/headers/krk-007.jpg', '/assets/headers/krk-008.jpg',
public function createRouting(): RoutingContext {
$routingCtx = new RoutingContext($this->templating);
'/assets/headers/mkt-000.jpg', '/assets/headers/mkt-001.jpg', '/assets/headers/mkt-002.jpg',
'/assets/headers/mkt-003.jpg', '/assets/headers/mkt-004.jpg', '/assets/headers/mkt-005.jpg',
'/assets/headers/mkt-006.jpg', '/assets/headers/mkt-007.jpg', '/assets/headers/mkt-008.jpg',
'/assets/headers/mkt-009.jpg', '/assets/headers/mkt-010.jpg', '/assets/headers/mkt-011.jpg',
'/assets/headers/mkt-012.jpg', '/assets/headers/mkt-013.jpg', '/assets/headers/mkt-014.jpg',
'/assets/headers/mkt-015.jpg', '/assets/headers/mkt-016.jpg', '/assets/headers/mkt-017.jpg',
'/assets/headers/mkt-018.jpg', '/assets/headers/mkt-019.jpg', '/assets/headers/mkt-020.jpg',
'/assets/headers/mkt-021.jpg', '/assets/headers/mkt-022.jpg', '/assets/headers/mkt-023.jpg',
'/assets/headers/mkt-024.jpg', '/assets/headers/mkt-025.jpg', '/assets/headers/mkt-026.jpg',
'/assets/headers/mkt-027.jpg', '/assets/headers/mkt-028.jpg', '/assets/headers/mkt-029.jpg',
'/assets/headers/mkt-030.jpg', '/assets/headers/mkt-031.jpg', '/assets/headers/mkt-032.jpg',
'/assets/headers/mkt-033.jpg', '/assets/headers/mkt-034.jpg', '/assets/headers/mkt-035.jpg',
'/assets/headers/mkt-036.jpg', '/assets/headers/mkt-037.jpg', '/assets/headers/mkt-038.jpg',
'/assets/headers/mkt-039.jpg', '/assets/headers/mkt-040.jpg', '/assets/headers/mkt-041.jpg',
'/assets/headers/mkt-042.jpg', '/assets/headers/mkt-043.jpg', '/assets/headers/mkt-044.jpg',
'/assets/headers/mkt-045.jpg', '/assets/headers/mkt-046.jpg', '/assets/headers/mkt-047.jpg',
'/assets/headers/mkt-048.jpg', '/assets/headers/mkt-049.jpg', '/assets/headers/mkt-050.jpg',
'/assets/headers/mkt-051.jpg', '/assets/headers/mkt-052.jpg', '/assets/headers/mkt-053.jpg',
'/assets/headers/mkt-054.jpg', '/assets/headers/mkt-055.jpg', '/assets/headers/mkt-056.jpg',
'/assets/headers/mkt-057.jpg', '/assets/headers/mkt-058.jpg', '/assets/headers/mkt-059.jpg',
'/assets/headers/mkt-060.jpg', '/assets/headers/mkt-061.jpg', '/assets/headers/mkt-062.jpg',
$routingCtx->register(new HomeRoutes($this->templating, $this->contacts, $this->projects));
$routingCtx->register(new Contacts\ContactsRoutes($this->templating, $this->contacts));
$routingCtx->register(new Projects\ProjectsRoutes($this->templating, $this->projects));
public function getFooterQuotes(): array {
return [
'if it ain\'t broke, i\'ll break it',
$routingCtx->register(new AssetsRoutes($this->siteInfo));
$routingCtx->register(new NowListeningRoutes($this->templating));
$routingCtx->register(new Whois\WhoisRoutes($this->templating));
$routingCtx->register(new SSHKeys\SSHKeysRoutes($this->sshKeys));
$routingCtx->register(new Tools\AsciiRoutes($this->templating));
$routingCtx->register(new Tools\RandomStringRoutes);
return $routingCtx;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
namespace Makai;
use Index\Routing\Route;
use Index\Routing\RouteHandler;
use Sasae\SasaeEnvironment;
class NowListeningRoutes extends RouteHandler {
public function __construct(
private SasaeEnvironment $templating
) {}
#[Route('GET', '/now-listening')]
public function getIndex($response, $request): string {
return $this->templating->render('np', [
'header_offset' => (int)$request->getParam('offset', FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT),
#[Route('GET', '/now-listening.json')]
public function getJson(): array {
$info = json_decode(file_get_contents(''));
return [];
$info = $info[0];
return [
'name' => $info->name,
'now_playing' => !empty($info->nowplaying),
'url' => $info->url,
'cover' => $info->images?->large ?? '',
'artist' => [
'name' => $info->artist?->name ?? '',
'url' => explode('/_/', $info->url)[0],

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
namespace Makai;
namespace Makai\Projects;
use Index\Colour\Colour;
use Index\Colour\ColourRGB;

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
namespace Makai;
namespace Makai\Projects;
use Index\DateTime;
use Index\Colour\Colour;

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
namespace Makai;
namespace Makai\Projects;
use Index\Colour\Colour;
use Index\Colour\ColourRGB;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
namespace Makai\Projects;
use Index\Routing\Route;
use Index\Routing\RouteHandler;
use Sasae\SasaeEnvironment;
class ProjectsRoutes extends RouteHandler {
public function __construct(
private SasaeEnvironment $templating,
private Projects $projects
) {}
#[Route('GET', '/projects')]
public function getContact(): string {
$projectInfos = $this->projects->getProjects(deleted: false);
$items = [];
foreach($projectInfos as $projectInfo)
$items[] = [
'info' => $projectInfo,
'langs' => $this->projects->getLanguages(projectInfo: $projectInfo),
'colour' => $projectInfo->hasColour() ? $projectInfo->getColour() : $this->projects->getProjectColour($projectInfo),
$sections = [
'projects' => [
'title' => 'Projects',
'desc' => '',
'items' => $items,
return $this->templating->render('projects', [
'sections' => $sections,
#[Route('GET', '/projects.php')]
#[Route('GET', '/projects.html')]
#[Route('GET', '/utilities')]
#[Route('GET', '/utilities.php')]
#[Route('GET', '/utilities.html')]
public function getRedirect($response): void {
$response->redirect('/projects', true);

src/RoutingContext.php Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
namespace Makai;
use Index\Http\HttpFx;
use Index\Http\HttpRequest;
use Index\Routing\IRouter;
use Index\Routing\IRouteHandler;
use Sasae\SasaeEnvironment;
class RoutingContext {
private HttpFx $router;
private SasaeEnvironment $templating;
public function __construct(SasaeEnvironment $templating) {
$this->templating = $templating;
$this->router = new HttpFx;
$this->router->use('/', fn($resp) => $resp->setPoweredBy('Makai'));
public function getRouter(): IRouter {
return $this->router;
private function defaultErrorHandler($response, $request, $code, $text): void {
$name = sprintf('errors/%s', $code);
if(!is_file(sprintf('%s/%s.twig', MKI_DIR_TEMPLATES, $name)))
$name = 'errors/master';
$response->setContent($this->templating->render($name, [
'http_error_code' => $code,
'http_error_title' => $text,
public function registerDefaultErrorPages(): void {
$this->router->get('/error/:code', fn($response, $request, string $code) => max(min((int)$code, 599), 400));
public function register(IRouteHandler $handler): void {
public function dispatch(?HttpRequest $request = null): void {

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
namespace Makai;
namespace Makai\SSHKeys;
use Index\DateTime;
use Index\Data\IDbResult;

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
namespace Makai;
namespace Makai\SSHKeys;
use Index\Data\DbStatementCache;
use Index\Data\IDbConnection;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
namespace Makai\SSHKeys;
use Index\Routing\Route;
use Index\Routing\RouteHandler;
class SSHKeysRoutes extends RouteHandler {
public function __construct(
private SSHKeys $sshKeys
) {}
#[Route('GET', '/ssh_keys')]
public function getSshKeys($response, $request): array|string {
$minLevel = (int)$request->getParam('l', FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT);
$includeComment = $request->hasParam('c');
$json = $request->hasParam('j');
$keys = $this->sshKeys->getKeys(minLevel: $minLevel, deprecated: false);
if($json) {
$items = [];
foreach($keys as $key) {
$items[] = $item = new \stdClass;
$item->algo = $key->getAlgorithm();
$item->key = $key->getBody();
if($includeComment) {
$item->comment = (string)$key->getComment();
$item->created = $key->getCreatedAt()->format(\DateTime::ATOM);
$item->level = $key->getLevel();
return $items;
$body = '';
foreach($keys as $key)
$body .= $key->toString($includeComment) . "\n";
return $body;
#[Route('GET', '/authorized_keys')]
public function getAuthorisedKeys($response, $request): string {
$body = '';
$keys = $this->sshKeys->getKeys(minLevel: 500, deprecated: false);
foreach($keys as $key)
$body .= $key->toString(true) . "\n";
return $body;
#[Route('GET', '/git_keys_ro')]
public function getGitKeysReadOnly($response, $request): string {
$body = '';
$keys = $this->sshKeys->getKeys(minLevel: 100, deprecated: false);
foreach($keys as $key)
$body .= $key->toString(false) . "\n";
return $body;
#[Route('GET', '/git_keys_rw')]
public function getGitKeysReadWrite($response, $request): string {
$body = '';
$keys = $this->sshKeys->getKeys(minLevel: 200, deprecated: false);
foreach($keys as $key)
$body .= $key->toString(false) . "\n";
return $body;
#[Route('GET', '/ssh.php')]
public function getSshPhp($response, $request): void {
$query = [];
$minLevel = (int)$request->getParam('l', FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT);
if($minLevel > 0)
$query['l'] = $minLevel;
$query['c'] = 1;
$query['j'] = 1;
$url = '/ssh_keys';
$url .= '?' . http_build_query($query, encoding_type: PHP_QUERY_RFC3986);
$response->redirect($url, true);

src/SiteInfo.php Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
namespace Makai;
class SiteInfo {
public function getHeaderNavigation(): array {
return [
['title' => 'Home', 'link' => '/'],
['title' => 'Projects', 'link' => '/projects'],
['title' => 'Contact', 'link' => '/contact'],
public function getHeaderImages(): array {
return [
'/assets/headers/krk-000.jpg', '/assets/headers/krk-001.jpg', '/assets/headers/krk-002.jpg',
'/assets/headers/krk-003.jpg', '/assets/headers/krk-004.jpg', '/assets/headers/krk-005.jpg',
'/assets/headers/krk-006.jpg', '/assets/headers/krk-007.jpg', '/assets/headers/krk-008.jpg',
'/assets/headers/mkt-000.jpg', '/assets/headers/mkt-001.jpg', '/assets/headers/mkt-002.jpg',
'/assets/headers/mkt-003.jpg', '/assets/headers/mkt-004.jpg', '/assets/headers/mkt-005.jpg',
'/assets/headers/mkt-006.jpg', '/assets/headers/mkt-007.jpg', '/assets/headers/mkt-008.jpg',
'/assets/headers/mkt-009.jpg', '/assets/headers/mkt-010.jpg', '/assets/headers/mkt-011.jpg',
'/assets/headers/mkt-012.jpg', '/assets/headers/mkt-013.jpg', '/assets/headers/mkt-014.jpg',
'/assets/headers/mkt-015.jpg', '/assets/headers/mkt-016.jpg', '/assets/headers/mkt-017.jpg',
'/assets/headers/mkt-018.jpg', '/assets/headers/mkt-019.jpg', '/assets/headers/mkt-020.jpg',
'/assets/headers/mkt-021.jpg', '/assets/headers/mkt-022.jpg', '/assets/headers/mkt-023.jpg',
'/assets/headers/mkt-024.jpg', '/assets/headers/mkt-025.jpg', '/assets/headers/mkt-026.jpg',
'/assets/headers/mkt-027.jpg', '/assets/headers/mkt-028.jpg', '/assets/headers/mkt-029.jpg',
'/assets/headers/mkt-030.jpg', '/assets/headers/mkt-031.jpg', '/assets/headers/mkt-032.jpg',
'/assets/headers/mkt-033.jpg', '/assets/headers/mkt-034.jpg', '/assets/headers/mkt-035.jpg',
'/assets/headers/mkt-036.jpg', '/assets/headers/mkt-037.jpg', '/assets/headers/mkt-038.jpg',
'/assets/headers/mkt-039.jpg', '/assets/headers/mkt-040.jpg', '/assets/headers/mkt-041.jpg',
'/assets/headers/mkt-042.jpg', '/assets/headers/mkt-043.jpg', '/assets/headers/mkt-044.jpg',
'/assets/headers/mkt-045.jpg', '/assets/headers/mkt-046.jpg', '/assets/headers/mkt-047.jpg',
'/assets/headers/mkt-048.jpg', '/assets/headers/mkt-049.jpg', '/assets/headers/mkt-050.jpg',
'/assets/headers/mkt-051.jpg', '/assets/headers/mkt-052.jpg', '/assets/headers/mkt-053.jpg',
'/assets/headers/mkt-054.jpg', '/assets/headers/mkt-055.jpg', '/assets/headers/mkt-056.jpg',
'/assets/headers/mkt-057.jpg', '/assets/headers/mkt-058.jpg', '/assets/headers/mkt-059.jpg',
'/assets/headers/mkt-060.jpg', '/assets/headers/mkt-061.jpg', '/assets/headers/mkt-062.jpg',
public function getFooterQuotes(): array {
return [
'if it ain\'t broke, i\'ll break it',

src/Tools/AsciiRoutes.php Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
namespace Makai\Tools;
use Index\Routing\Route;
use Index\Routing\RouteHandler;
use Sasae\SasaeEnvironment;
class AsciiRoutes extends RouteHandler {
public function __construct(
private SasaeEnvironment $templating
) {}
#[Route('GET', '/ascii')]
public function getAsciiTable($response, $request): string {
$this->templating->addFilter('chr', 'chr');
$this->templating->addFilter('decoct', 'decoct');
$this->templating->addFilter('dechex', 'dechex');
return $this->templating->render('ascii');
#[Route('GET', '/ascii.php')]
public function getAsciiPHP($response, $request): void {
$response->redirect('/ascii', true);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
namespace Makai\Tools;
use Index\XString;
use Index\Routing\Route;
use Index\Routing\RouteHandler;
class RandomStringRoutes extends RouteHandler {
#[Route('GET', '/rngstr')]
public function getRandomString($response, $request): string {
$length = (int)$request->getParam('length', FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT);
if($length > 0 && $length <= 1024)
return XString::random($length);
$out = '8: ' . XString::random(8) . PHP_EOL;
$out .= '16: ' . XString::random(16) . PHP_EOL;
$out .= '32: ' . XString::random(32) . PHP_EOL;
$out .= '64: ' . XString::random(64) . PHP_EOL;
$out .= '128: ' . XString::random(128) . PHP_EOL;
return $out;
#[Route('GET', '/key.php')]
public function getKeyPHP($response, $request): void {
$url = '/rngstr';
$length = (int)$request->getParam('length', FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT);
if($length > 0 && $length <= 1024)
$url .= sprintf('?length=%s', $length);
$response->redirect($url, true);

src/Whois/WhoisRoutes.php Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
namespace Makai\Whois;
use Index\Routing\Route;
use Index\Routing\RouteHandler;
use Sasae\SasaeEnvironment;
class WhoisRoutes extends RouteHandler {
public function __construct(
private SasaeEnvironment $templating
) {}
#[Route('GET', '/whois')]
public function getIndex(): string {
return $this->templating->render('whois');
#[Route('GET', '/whois/lookup')]
public function getLookup($response, $request): array {
$target = trim((string)$request->getParam('target'));
return [
'error' => true,
'text' => 'Missing input data.',
$hash = hash('sha256', $target);
$prefix = 'fm:whois2:target:';
$source = '';
try {
$redis = new \Redis;
$result = $redis->get($prefix . $hash);
if(empty($result)) {
$client = new WhoisClient;
$result = $client->lookup($target);
$redis->setEx($prefix . $hash, 1800, serialize($result));
$source = 'fresh';
} else {
$result = unserialize($result);
$source = 'cache';
} catch (\RuntimeException $ex) {
return [
'error' => true,
'text' => $ex->getMessage(),
return [
'error' => false,
'source' => $source,
'result' => $result,

View file

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
{% block container %}
<div class="index-menu">
{% for link in header_nav|slice(1) %}
{% for link in globals.siteInfo.headerNavigation|slice(1) %}
<a href="{{ }}">{{ link.title }}</a>
{% endfor %}

View file

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
<body class="{{ html_classes({ 'index': header_is_index is defined, 'fullscreen-header': header_full is defined, 'now-playing': header_now_playing is defined, 'header-minimal': header_minimal is defined }) }}">
<div class="header">
<div class="header-background">
<img src="{{ random(header_bgs) }}" alt="">
<img src="{{ random(globals.siteInfo.headerImages) }}" alt="">
<div class="header-foreground" {% if header_offset is defined and header_offset > 0 %}style="padding-bottom: {{ header_offset }}px"{% endif %}>
<a class="header-logo" href="/">
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
<div class="header-menu">
{% for link in header_nav %}
{% for link in globals.siteInfo.headerNavigation %}
<a href="{{ }}">{{ link.title }}</a>
{% endfor %}
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
{% endblock %}
<div class="footer">
<div class="footer-text">&copy; flashwave {{ footer_copy_start|default('2010') }}-{{ footer_copy_end|default(('now'|date('Y'))) }} - {{ random(footer_quotes) }}</div>
<div class="footer-text">&copy; flashwave {{ footer_copy_start|default('2010') }}-{{ footer_copy_end|default(('now'|date('Y'))) }} - {{ random(globals.siteInfo.footerQuotes) }}</div>
{% if footer_onload is defined %}
<script type="text/javascript">