{% extends 'dev/master.twig' %} {% set master_breadcrumbs = [{ url: '/', text: 'home' }] %} {% set index_badges = [ { img: '/badges/flash-moe.gif', url: '//flash.moe', title: "This badge isn't very good, but you can use it to link to me if you're like!" }, { img: '/badges/nook-zone.gif', url: '//nook.zone' }, { img: '/badges/osk.gif', url: '//osk.sh' }, { img: '/badges/szylol.gif', url: '//szy.lol' }, { img: '/badges/aroltd.gif', url: 'http://dev.aroltd.com' }, { img: '/badges/neekopage-badge.gif', url: '//neeko.page' }, { img: '/badges/saikuru.gif', url: '//saikuru.net' }, { img: '/badges/gebruiker.gif', url: '//cockdickball.in' }, { img: '/badges/flashii.gif', url: '//flashii.net' }, { img: '/badges/debian.gif', url: '//www.debian.org', title: "Actually, it's currently still Ubuntu, but details..." }, { img: '/badges/php4_88x31.gif', url: '//www.php.net' }, { img: '/badges/sublime.gif', url: '//www.sublimetext.com' }, { img: '/badges/valid-html5.gif' }, { img: '/badges/valid-css-blue.gif' }, { img: '/badges/ipv6.gif', url: '//ip.flash.moe' }, { img: '/badges/xp.gif', url: '//www.youtube.com/watch?v=9gQb0qdc1OQ' }, { img: '/badges/tetoteteto.gif', url: '//www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm6157102' }, { img: '/badges/akane.gif', url: '//www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm32492001' }, { img: '/badges/kurarin3.gif', url: '//www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm39257413' }, { img: '/badges/kuromi.gif', url: '//www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnOsmf-JUPc' }, { img: '/badges/2hu.gif', url: '//www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm9688678' }, { img: '/badges/firefox3.gif', url: '//firefox.com' }, { img: '/badges/anythingbut.gif', url: '//www.apple.com/safari' }, { img: '/badges/mozilla2.gif', url: '//developer.mozilla.org' }, { img: '/badges/seedyourtorrents.gif', url: '//abyss.flash.moe/?_flst_swf=SWF%2Fpirate.swf' }, { img: '/badges/mikokuro.gif', url: '//www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm8104274' }, { img: '/badges/mpv.gif', url: '//mpv.io' }, { img: '/badges/un4seen.gif', url: '//www.un4seen.com' }, { img: '/badges/foobar2000.gif', url: '//www.foobar2000.org' }, { img: '/badges/ddg.gif', url: '//duckduckgo.com' }, { img: '/badges/konata.gif', url: '//www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm3912151' }, { img: '/badges/len2.gif', url: '//www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm18972745' }, { img: '/badges/flashpl.gif', url: '//abyss.flash.moe/Software/Flash%20Player%2032' }, { img: '/badges/ostan.gif', url: '//www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm61070' }, { img: '/badges/warpnow.gif', url: '//static.flash.moe/sounds/os2shutdown.opus' }, { img: '/badges/modarch.gif', url: '//modarchive.org' }, { img: '/badges/windowsme.gif', url: '//abyss.flash.moe/?_flst_swf=SWF%2Ftroubled_windows.swf' }, { img: '/badges/denpa.gif', url: '//www.youtube.com/watch?v=fMHj3U3-RA4' }, { img: '/badges/needa_mac.gif', url: '//www.youtube.com/watch?v=i1IqqlW1U4k' }, ] %} {% block column_centre %}

Welcome (back) to flash.moe!

If you've been here before you'll probably notice that things are looking quite different! We're not quite to where I want to be yet, however. I'd like to reintroduce the blog as the main feature of the website. This series of blerbs will likely be converted into a blog post once we're there. Something I've wanted to do for a long time actually, but I found it difficult to fit it within the previous design.

Why a redesign?

Well, because I felt like it. Okay, there are actually deeper reasons for it unrelated to age. Though, previous one is already like 5 years old, can you believe it? While the previous design had that Vista-like Aero eye candy going on, I found it extremely difficult to add new things to the site that didn't feel out of place somehow. Between dodgy document structure to achieve the positioning I wanted, terrible Javascripting practices and strange browser behaviour, I was pretty much guaranteed to burn out whenever I tried to do anything. Design is not exactly my forte, so keeping it simple seems like the best way to go forward for the good for this website.

What is this colour scheme?

flash.moe has always been dark grey with slight accents and I began finding that extremely boring. So I welcome you to this new experiment! This redo has both a light mode and a dark mode, the light variant having my personal preference, but it's ok to be wrong and prefer dark. Both themes are heavily, let's say, Inspired by いよわ's 1000ねんきている. I did really feel like how the Windows team must've felt while nuking all the filters, linear-gradients and text-/box-shadows from the design at first... As the general rhetoric with the flatter design languages is that the content will have carry, and I think I'll follow that here as well. It is definitely experimental but I'm happy with how things have turned out so far, and I hope you'll enjoy it as well!

What's next?

It will probably be another while before I bother to actually implement the blogging software, so this will be it for now. You can actually navigate to the WHOIS and ASCII tools and I'll see about reimplementing some of the other tools that are scattered around the abyss and various other places on here. They will also be reachable via the same menu. There's still a bunch that needs overhauling and restructuring, but I'll cross those bridges when I get to them.

Thank you for visiting and I hope you enjoy your stay! If you have any feedback, be sure to let me know.

{% for badge in index_badges %} {% endfor %}
{% endblock %}