]*?))?\\]/ms', '', $satoriParse); $textParts = explode(' ', $satoriParse); // Random Stuff $randomInsultArray = ['nigger', 'faggot', 'jew', 'scum']; $randomInsult = $randomInsultArray[array_rand($randomInsultArray)]; $defaultResponseArray = ['What do you want, '.$randomInsult.'?', 'Kindly fuck off.', 'Don\'t know how to "%s" something.', 'Come again?', 'Satori returned an empty result set (i.e. zero rows).']; $defaultResponse = sprintf($defaultResponseArray[array_rand($defaultResponseArray)], $textParts[0]); // Actions if(preg_match('/^k$/im', $satoriParse)) { $satoriResp = ['Thank you for your amazing and insightful message. It is truly an honour to have this message in my database. I can\'t thank you more than to say go fuck yourself. You truly touched me... Thank you.']; } if(preg_match('/^time to break the chat$/im', $satoriParse)) { $satoriResp = [$randomInsult => 'Stay away from me fucking %s!']; } if(preg_match('/^all aboard the sailboat$/im', $satoriParse)) { $satoriResp = ['Why would we get on something that is about to sink :^)']; } // Reactions if(preg_match('/^satori/im', $textParts[0])) { switch($satoriInput = preg_replace('/^satori? ?/', '', $satoriParse)) { case 'version': $satoriResp = ['[b][color=Red]S[/color][color=Ruby]a[/color][color=Citrine]t[/color][color=Green]o[/color][color=Teal]r[/color][color=Cobalt]i[/color][/b] Version not [b]6[/b]']; break; case 'what are you': $satoriResp = ['I am nice girl for nice chat.', '[img]http://i.imgur.com/NcFitL2.jpg[/img]']; break; case 'hi': $satoriResp = ['sup']; break; case 'help': $satoriResp = ['If you need help with things refer to the [url=http://flashii.net/r/faq]FAQ[/url].', 'If this didn\'t help you don\'t hesitate to ask an active user.']; break; case 'why do you exist': $satoriResp = ['So you have someone to hate. <3']; break; case 'suck my dick': $satoriResp = ['Do you even have one? Can\'t see it.']; break; case 'make me admin': $satoriResp = ['Why the fuck would you WANT admin? It\'s nothing more than extra work for an ugly red username! Look now the colour for deactivated user, that one\'s fucking hot.']; break; case 'anime': $satoriResp = ['Oh god, i wish i could leave this chat but i\'m stuck in here ;__;']; break; case 'e': $satoriResp = ['Do I look like Nasbot or something?']; break; case 'i hate you': $satoriResp = ['Now that\'s cute...']; break; case 'ban me': $satoriResp = ['That takes effort that I don\'t want to stick in your puny worthless soul.', 'Just kidding I love you :kiss:']; break; case 'meow': $satoriResp = ['Mewow!']; break; case 'imgur': $satoriResp = ['A site filled with self-absorbed retards. They whore themselves for \'karma\', and circlejerk each other like there\'s no tomorrow.']; break; case 'puush': $satoriResp = ['Something you should be using.']; break; case 'what is flash\'s password': case 'what is flashwave\'s password': case 'what is moka\'s password': $satoriResp = ['/suicide', 'I do recommend sending it in chat right now.']; break; case 'what do you think about snailmush': case 'what do you like snailmush': case 'snailmush': $satoriResp = ['I-it\'s not like I like him or-or any-anything...... ;_;']; break; case 'x snailmush': case 'loves snailmush': case 'do you love snailmush': case 'do you love snailmush?': $satoriResp = ['NO!', '[s]Trigger Kick']; break; case 'flashwave': case 'what do you think about flashwave': $satoriResp = ['Massive faggot, no spine, fucking jew and a retard. Do I need to continue?', '[i]Have you seen that nigger blog? Holy shit he sucks.[/i]']; break; case 'loli': case 'pettanko': $satoriResp = ['Whatever you do, ignore the Ruby Projects folder.']; break; case 'saibateku': $satoriResp = ['That place is still up?']; break; case 'titanic': $satoriResp = ['Did you mean Sailboat?']; break; case 'did sailboat sink yet': $satoriResp = ['No but I wish it would. Fuck that place. Seems to be getting pretty close however...']; break; case 'malwareup': $satoriResp = ['Good malware discussion forum.']; break; case 'flashii': $satoriResp = ['Mediocre shithole. 0/10']; break; case 'cybernetics': $satoriResp = ['Did you mean "Saibateku"?']; break; case 'nathat': $satoriResp = ['shut up']; break; case 'waifu': case 'inori aizawa': case 'internet explorer tan': $satoriResp = ['Inori Aizawa Is Mai Waifu.', 'Welcome To Mai Web Browser Is Mai Waifu Land!']; break; case 'napata': $satoriResp = ['Seems to be the only female user besides me, except I\'m a bot so she\'s still alone...']; break; case 'techno': case 'technotechno': case 'technotechnotechno': $satoriResp = ['Doesn\'t even deserve a line. Wait hang on...']; break; case 'tekuno': $satoriResp = ['How can this world even contain that massive of a faggot?']; break; case 'webkit': case 'safari': case 'blink': case 'chrome': $satoriResp = [':puke::puke::puke:']; break; case 'gecko': case 'trident': case 'internet explorer': case 'iexplore': case 'firefox': case 'mozilla firefox': $satoriResp = [':love::love::love:']; break; case 'bribob': case 'bribob4': $satoriResp = ['Mediocre faggot. 0/10']; break; case 'kelopez': case 'brante': $satoriResp = ['http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mexican']; break; case 'kamil': case 'rakowski': case 'kamilrakowsko': $satoriResp = ['http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jews']; break; case 'secret': $satoriResp = ['I\'m not a secret ripoff, what are you talking about?', '[i]My code is better, time to kill yourself![/i]']; break; case 'koishi': $satoriResp = ['Don\'t fuck with Koishi.']; break; case ':^)': $satoriResp = ['8^)']; break; case 'nookls': $satoriResp = ['HOOOOLLLLLYYYYYYYYYYYYY CRAP NOOKLS IS SO AMAZING WOWOWOWOWOWOW HE\'S ACTUALLY ON THIS SITE WORSHIP WORSHIP AMAZING BRILLIANT I LOVE YOU NOOKLS WE ALL LOVE YOU WE LOVE YOU AS MUCH AS FANGIRLS LOVE JUSTIN BIEBER AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH THIS IS THE BEST MOMENT!']; break; case 'zeniea': $satoriResp = ['For whatever reason I have the urge to say "This place smells like a catholic church on crack"...']; break; case 'zquest': $satoriResp = ['Good comic 10/10']; break; case 'fuck me': $satoriResp = [':wtf:']; break; case 'satori': $satoriResp = ['Wait, what are you trying to do?']; break; case 'satori satori': $satoriResp = ['Don\'t fucking do this to me you nigger...']; break; case 'satori satori satori': $satoriResp = ['[b][i]I\'ll fucking murder you![/i][/b]']; break; case 'satori satori satori satori': $satoriResp = ['no don\'t']; break; case 'satori satori satori satori satori': $satoriResp = ['please don\'t do this to me']; break; case 'satori satori satori satori satori satori': $satoriResp = ['i have a waifu and kids']; break; case 'satori satori satori satori satori satori satori': $satoriResp = ['okay i was kidding about the kids part']; break; case 'satori satori satori satori satori satori satori satori': $satoriResp = ['rip life']; break; case 'misaka': case 'mikoto': case 'mikoto misaka': case 'misaka mikoto': $satoriResp = ['Oh it\'s the 2D bitch that Flashwave gets off to...']; break; case 'you are annoying': case 'please die': case 'die': $satoriResp = ['Well I\'m God and you can\'t do shit.']; break; case 'misaka-20001': $satoriResp = ['We\'ll have to move one of these days...', 'The good ol\' Pentium 4 doesn\'t seem to be able to handle shit anymore...']; break; case 'how old are you': case 'how old is flashii': case 'how old is koishi': $satoriResp = [date_diff(date_create('2013-01-27 22:14:44 UTC'), date_create(date('Y-m-d H:i:s e')))->format('%y year(s), %m month(s), %d day(s), %H hour(s), %i minute(s) and %s second(s)')]; break; case 'how old is zeniea': case 'how old is secret': $satoriResp = [date_diff(date_create('2011-07-07 00:00:00 UTC'), date_create(date('Y-m-d H:i:s e')))->format('%y year(s), %m month(s), %d day(s), %H hour(s), %i minute(s) and %s second(s)')]; break; case 'how old is zquest': $satoriResp = [date_diff(date_create('2013-11-16 00:00:00 UTC'), date_create(date('Y-m-d H:i:s e')))->format('%y year(s), %m month(s), %d day(s), %H hour(s), %i minute(s) and %s second(s)')]; break; case 'are you broken': case 'are you broken?': case 'is flashii broken': case 'is flashii broken?': $satoriResp = ['yes']; break; default: $satoriResp = [$defaultResponse]; break; } } // Check if disabled if(!$satoriSetting['enabled']) $satoriResp = null; // Bring the process of sending a message down to one if if(isset($satoriResp)) { foreach($satoriResp as $directives => $response) { if($response == '[s]Trigger Kick') { $this->logout('Kicked'); } else { $this->insertCustomMessage( $satoriSetting['userID'], $satoriSetting['userName'], $satoriSetting['userRank'], $this->getChannel(), vsprintf($response, $directives), $satoriSetting['userIP'], 0 ); } } }