extends('home/master'); $self->header_title = 'flash.moe / ascii table'; $self->header_minimal = true; $self->block('container', function($self) { $table = [ // Control characters ['Null character', 'NUL'], ['Start of heading', 'SOH'], ['Start of text', 'STX'], ['End of text', 'ETX'], ['End of transmission', 'EOT'], ['Enquiry', 'ENQ'], ['Acknowledgement', 'ACK'], ['Bell', 'BEL'], ['Backspace', 'BS' ], ['Horizontal tab', 'HT' ], ['Line feed', 'LF' ], ['Vertical tab', 'VT' ], ['Form feed', 'FF' ], ['Carriage return', 'CR' ], ['Shift out/X-On', 'SO' ], ['Shift in/X-Off', 'SI' ], ['Delta line escape', 'DLE'], ['Device control 1 (often XON)', 'DC1'], ['Device control 2', 'DC2'], ['Device control 3 (often XOFF)', 'DC3'], ['Device control 4', 'DC4'], ['Negative acknowledgement', 'NAK'], ['Synchronous idle', 'SYN'], ['End of transmit block', 'ETB'], ['Cancel', 'CAN'], ['End of medium', 'EM' ], ['Substitute', 'SUB'], ['Escape', 'ESC'], ['File separator', 'FS' ], ['Group separator', 'GS' ], ['Record separator', 'RS' ], ['Unit separator', 'US' ], // Printable characters ['Space'], ['Excalamation mark'], ['Double quotes', 'quot'], ['Hash'], ['Dollar'], ['Percent'], ['Ampersand', 'amp'], ['Single quote'], ['Open parenthesis'], ['Close parenthesis'], ['Asterisk'], ['Plus'], ['Comma'], ['Hyphen'], ['Period'], ['Slash'], ['Zero'], ['One'], ['Two'], ['Three'], ['Four'], ['Five'], ['Six'], ['Seven'], ['Eight'], ['Nine'], ['Colon'], ['Semicolon'], ['Less than', 'lt'], ['Equals'], ['Greater than', 'gt'], ['Question mark'], ['At symbol'], ['Uppercase A'], ['Uppercase B'], ['Uppercase C'], ['Uppercase D'], ['Uppercase E'], ['Uppercase F'], ['Uppercase G'], ['Uppercase H'], ['Uppercase I'], ['Uppercase J'], ['Uppercase K'], ['Uppercase L'], ['Uppercase M'], ['Uppercase N'], ['Uppercase O'], ['Uppercase P'], ['Uppercase Q'], ['Uppercase R'], ['Uppercase S'], ['Uppercase T'], ['Uppercase U'], ['Uppercase V'], ['Uppercase W'], ['Uppercase X'], ['Uppercase Y'], ['Uppercase Z'], ['Opening bracket'], ['Backslash'], ['Closing bracket'], ['Caret'], ['Underscore'], ['Accent grave'], ['Lowercase a'], ['Lowercase b'], ['Lowercase c'], ['Lowercase d'], ['Lowercase e'], ['Lowercase f'], ['Lowercase g'], ['Lowercase h'], ['Lowercase i'], ['Lowercase j'], ['Lowercase k'], ['Lowercase l'], ['Lowercase m'], ['Lowercase n'], ['Lowercase o'], ['Lowercase p'], ['Lowercase q'], ['Lowercase r'], ['Lowercase s'], ['Lowercase t'], ['Lowercase u'], ['Lowercase v'], ['Lowercase w'], ['Lowercase x'], ['Lowercase y'], ['Lowercase z'], ['Opening curly brace'], ['Vertical bar'], ['Closing curly brace'], ['Tilde'], // Delete ['Delete', 'DEL'], ]; ?>
$info): $isPrintable = ($code > 31 && $code < 127); $print = $isPrintable ? chr($code) : $info[1]; $attrs = ['data-key-code' => $code, 'data-key-desc' => $info[0], 'data-key-print' => $print, 'data-copy' => $print]; $attrStr = ''; if($isPrintable && isset($info[1])) $attrs['data-key-html'] = $info[1]; foreach($attrs as $name => $value) $attrStr .= $name . '="' . htmlentities($value) . '" '; ?>