
221 lines
6.6 KiB

const fs = require('fs');
const swc = require('@swc/core');
const path = require('path');
const util = require('util');
const exec = util.promisify(require('child_process').exec);
const postcss = require('postcss');
const htmlminify = require('html-minifier-terser').minify;
const childProcess = require('child_process');
const utils = require('./assets/utils.js');
const assproc = require('./assets/assproc.js');
const rootDir = __dirname;
const srcDir = path.join(rootDir, 'assets');
const srcCurrentInfo = path.join(srcDir, 'current.json');
const pubDir = path.join(rootDir, 'public');
const pubAssetsDir = path.join(pubDir, 'assets');
const isDebugBuild = fs.existsSync(path.join(rootDir, '.debug'));
const buildTasks = {
js: [
{ source: 'common.js', target: '/assets', name: 'common.{hash}.js', },
{ source: '2021.js', target: '/assets', name: '2021.{hash}.js', },
{ source: 'ascii.js', target: '/assets', name: 'ascii.{hash}.js', },
{ source: 'whois.js', target: '/assets', name: 'whois.{hash}.js', },
css: [
{ source: 'errors.css', target: '/', name: 'errors.css', },
{ source: 'common.css', target: '/assets', name: 'common.{hash}.css', },
{ source: '2021.css', target: '/assets', name: '2021.{hash}.css', },
{ source: 'ascii.css', target: '/assets', name: 'ascii.{hash}.css', },
{ source: 'whois.css', target: '/assets', name: 'whois.{hash}.css', },
twig: [
{ source: 'errors/401', target: '/', name: 'error-401.html', },
{ source: 'errors/403', target: '/', name: 'error-403.html', },
{ source: 'errors/404', target: '/', name: 'error-404.html', },
{ source: 'errors/500', target: '/', name: 'error-500.html', },
{ source: 'errors/503', target: '/', name: 'error-503.html', },
const postcssPlugins = [ require('autoprefixer')({ remove: false }) ];
preset: [
minifyGradients: false,
reduceIdents: false,
zindex: true,
const swcJscOptions = {
target: 'es2020',
loose: false,
externalHelpers: false,
keepClassNames: true,
preserveAllComments: false,
transform: {},
parser: {
syntax: 'ecmascript',
jsx: true,
dynamicImport: false,
privateMethod: false,
functionBind: false,
exportDefaultFrom: false,
exportNamespaceFrom: false,
decorators: false,
decoratorsBeforeExport: false,
topLevelAwait: true,
importMeta: false,
transform: {
react: {
runtime: 'classic',
pragma: '$er',
const htmlMinifyOptions = {
collapseBooleanAttributes: true,
collapseWhitespace: true,
conservativeCollapse: false,
decodeEntities: false,
quoteCharacter: '"',
removeAttributeQuotes: true,
removeComments: true,
removeEmptyAttributes: true,
removeOptionalTags: true,
removeScriptTypeAttributes: true,
removeStyleLinkTypeAttributes: true,
sortAttributes: true,
sortClassName: true,
(async () => {
const files = {};
console.log('Ensuring assets directory exists...');
fs.mkdirSync(pubAssetsDir, { recursive: true });
console.log('JS assets');
for(const info of buildTasks.js) {
console.log(`=> Building ${info.source}...`);
let origTarget = undefined;
if('es' in info) {
origTarget = swcJscOptions.target;
swcJscOptions.target = info.es;
const assprocOpts = {
prefix: '#',
entry: info.entry || 'main.js',
const swcOpts = {
filename: info.source,
sourceMaps: false,
isModule: false,
minify: !isDebugBuild,
jsc: swcJscOptions,
const pubName = await assproc.process(path.join(srcDir, info.source), assprocOpts)
.then(output => swc.transform(output, swcOpts))
.then(output => {
const name = utils.strtr(info.name, { hash: utils.shortHash(output.code) });
const pubName = path.join(info.target || '', name);
console.log(` Saving to ${pubName}...`);
fs.writeFileSync(path.join(pubDir, pubName), output.code);
return pubName;
if(origTarget !== undefined)
swcJscOptions.target = origTarget;
files[info.source] = pubName;
console.log('CSS assets');
for(const info of buildTasks.css) {
console.log(`=> Building ${info.source}...`);
const sourcePath = path.join(srcDir, info.source);
const assprocOpts = {
prefix: '@',
entry: info.entry || 'main.css',
const postcssOpts = { from: sourcePath };
files[info.source] = await assproc.process(sourcePath, assprocOpts)
.then(output => postcss(postcssPlugins).process(output, postcssOpts)
.then(output => {
const name = utils.strtr(info.name, { hash: utils.shortHash(output.css) });
const pubName = path.join(info.target || '', name);
console.log(` Saving to ${pubName}...`);
fs.writeFileSync(path.join(pubDir, pubName), output.css);
return pubName;
console.log('Twig assets');
const renderCommand = path.join(rootDir, 'tools/render-tpl');
for(const info of buildTasks.twig) {
console.log(`=> Building ${info.source}...`);
const { stdout, stderr } = await exec(`${renderCommand} ${info.source}`);
let data = stdout;
if(data.trim() === '') {
data = await htmlminify(data, htmlMinifyOptions);
const name = utils.strtr(info.name, { hash: utils.shortHash(data) });
const pubName = path.join(info.target || '', name);
const fullPath = path.join(pubDir, pubName);
const dirPath = path.dirname(fullPath);
fs.mkdirSync(dirPath, { recursive: true });
fs.writeFileSync(fullPath, data);
files[info.source] = pubName;
console.log('Writing assets info...');
fs.writeFileSync(srcCurrentInfo, JSON.stringify(files));
console.log('Cleaning up old builds...');