checkActivation($_POST['username'])) { print $flashii->printMessage("

Your account is deactivated, try again later or contact an Admin.

", $redir); } else { if($flashii->login($_POST['username'], $_POST['password'])) { print $flashii->printMessage("

You are now logged in.

", $redir); } else { print $flashii->printMessage("

Username or Password was wrong.

", $redir); } } break; case 'logout': if($flashii->loggedIn()) { if($flashii->logout()) print $flashii->printMessage("

You are now logged out.

", $redir); else print $flashii->printMessage("

You somehow managed to fuck up while trying to log out.

Good job!", $redir); } else { header('Location: '. $redir); } break; case 'regkey': $flashii->newRegistrationCode(); header('Location: '. $redir); break; case 'session': if(!isset($_POST['submit'])) { header('Location: '. $redir); exit; } if(isset($_POST['submit'])) { if($flashii->checkIfSessionExists($_POST['sessionid'])) { $flashii->killSession($_POST['sessionid'], true); print $flashii->printMessage("

Requested session has been killed.

", $redir); } else { print $flashii->printMessage("

Requested session does not exist.

", $redir); } } else { print $flashii->printMessage("

Fuck off.

", $redir); } break; case 'register': if(!isset($_POST['submit'])) { header('Location: '. $redir); exit; } if(!recaptcha_check_answer($RECAPTCHAprivatekey, $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"], $_POST["recaptcha_challenge_field"], $_POST["recaptcha_response_field"])->is_valid) { print $flashii->printMessage("

The reCAPTCHA wasn't entered correctly. Go back and try it again.

", $redir); exit; } if(!$flashii->registrationCodeCheck(@$_POST['registrationcode'])) { print $flashii->printMessage("

The provided registration code is invalid.

", $redir); exit; } if(!@$_POST['tos']) { print $flashii->printMessage("

Please agree to the Terms of Service and try again.

", $redir); exit; } if($flashii->checkIfUserExists(@$_POST['username'])) { print $flashii->printMessage("

Username is taken.

", $redir); exit; } if(preg_match('/[\'^£$%&*()}{@#~?><>,|=_+¬-]/', @$_POST['username'])) { print $flashii->printMessage("

One or more characters in your username is disallowed.

", $redir); exit; } if(!$flashii->checkEmail(@$_POST['email'], true)) { print $flashii->printMessage("

The E-mail Address given has already been registered or was invalid.

", $redir); exit; } if(strlen(@$_POST['password']) < 4 || strlen(@$_POST['password']) > 128) { print $flashii->printMessage("

Password was either too long or too short.

", $redir); exit; } if(@$_POST['password'] != @$_POST['confirmpassword']) { print $flashii->printMessage("

Passwords do not match.

", $redir); exit; } $flashii->registerUser(@$_POST['username'], @$_POST['password'], $_POST['email']); print $flashii->printMessage("

Successfully Registered! Welcome to Flashii!

", "/login"); break; default: header('Location: '. $redir); } } else { header('Location: '. $redir); }