loggedIn()){ header('Location: ./'); } $redirect = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : '/'; print desHeader('Login to Flashii'); ?>
You need to be logged in to use the chat.'; ?>
Login to Flashii
Lost Password
Register on Flashii
checkRegistered()) { ?>

Are you getUserdata($flashii->checkRegistered())['username'];?>?

Making more than one account is not permitted.

If you lost your password please use the form on the bottom left but if you don't already have an account you can go ahead and click the link below to show the registration form this check is based on your IP so in some cases someone may have registered/used the site on this IP already.

If we find out that you already have an account we may question you about it, if you can give a good reason we'll let it slide otherwise we may issue a temporary ban.