maxBase = $length; } /** * Converts a positive base10 integer to another base. * * @param int $integer The integer to encode. * @param int $toBase Target base, 0 for the base of the provided character set. * @return string The encoded data, as a string. */ public function encode(int $integer, int $toBase = 0): string { if($integer < 0) throw new InvalidArgumentException('$integer contains a negative value, which cannot be represented'); if($toBase === 0) $toBase = $this->maxBase; else { if($toBase < 2) throw new InvalidArgumentException('lowest supported value for $toBase is 2'); if($toBase > $this->maxBase) throw new InvalidArgumentException('specified $toBase value is greater than the amount of characters in the provided character set'); } if($integer === 0) return ''; $output = ''; for($i = floor(log10($integer) / log10($toBase)); $i >= 0; --$i) { $exp = $toBase ** $i; $index = (int)floor($integer / $exp); $output .= $this->characterSet[$index]; $integer -= $index * $exp; } return $output; } /** * Converts another base encoded integer to a base10 integer. * * @param string $string The encoded integer. * @param int $fromBase Source base, 0 for the base of the provided character set. * @return int|false Returns the decoded integer or false on failure. */ public function decode(string $string, int $fromBase = 0): int|false { if($fromBase === 0) $fromBase = $this->maxBase; else { if($fromBase < 2) throw new InvalidArgumentException('lowest supported value for $fromBase is 2'); if($fromBase > $this->maxBase) throw new InvalidArgumentException('specified $fromBase value is greater than the amount of characters in the provided character set'); } if($string === '') return 0; $output = 0; $length = strlen($string) - 1; for($i = 0; $i <= $length; ++$i) { $pos = strpos($this->characterSet, $string[$i]); if($pos === false) return false; $output += $pos * ($fromBase ** ($length - $i)); } return $output; } }