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use Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migration;
use Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint;
// this is based on what is in the live flashii table at the
// moment this migration was created to avoid merge conflicts.
class BaseTables extends Migration
* Run the migrations.
* @return void
public function up()
Schema::create('actioncodes', function (Blueprint $table) {
$table->string('code_action', 255)
->comment('Action identifier so the backend knows what to do.');
$table->bigInteger('user_id', 255)
->comment('ID of the user that would be affected by this action');
$table->string('action_code', 255)
->comment('The URL key for using this code.');
Schema::create('apikeys', function (Blueprint $table) {
$table->bigIncrements('id', 128)
->comment('Automatically generated ID by MySQL for management.');
$table->bigInteger('owner', 128)
->comment('ID of user that owns this API key.');
$table->string('apikey', 32)
->comment('The API key.');
Schema::create('bans', function (Blueprint $table) {
$table->bigIncrements('ban_id', 255)
->comment('Automatically generated ID by MySQL for management.');
$table->bigInteger('user_id', 255)
->comment('ID of user that was banned, 0 for just an IP ban.');
$table->integer('ban_begin', 11)
->comment('Timestamp when the user was banned.');
$table->integer('ban_end', 11)
->comment('Timestamp when the user should regain access to the site.');
$table->string('ban_reason', 512)
->comment('Reason given for the ban.');
$table->bigInteger('ban_moderator', 255)
->comment('ID of moderator that banned this user,');
Schema::create('comment_votes', function (Blueprint $table) {
$table->bigInteger('vote_comment', 255)
->comment('ID of the comment that was voted on.');
$table->bigInteger('vote_user', 255)
->comment('ID of the voter.');
$table->tinyInteger('vote_state', 1)
->comment('0 = dislike, 1 = like.');
Schema::create('comments', function (Blueprint $table) {
$table->bigIncrements('comment_id', 255)
->comment('MySQL Generated ID used for sorting.');
$table->string('comment_category', 32)
->comment('Comment category.');
$table->integer('comment_timestamp', 11)
->comment('Timestamp of when this comment was posted.');
$table->bigInteger('comment_poster', 255)
->comment('User ID of the poster.');
$table->bigInteger('comment_reply_to', 255)
->comment('ID of the comment this comment is a reply to');
$table->text('comment_text', 255)
->comment('Content of the comment.');
Schema::create('config', function (Blueprint $table) {
$table->string('config_name', 255)
->comment('Array key for configuration value');
$table->string('config_value', 255)
->comment('The value, obviously.');
Schema::create('emoticons', function (Blueprint $table) {
$table->string('emote_string', 255)
->comment('String to catch and replace');
$table->string('emote_path', 255)
->comment('Path to the image file relative to the content domain.');
Schema::create('error_log', function (Blueprint $table) {
$table->string('error_id', 32)
->comment('An ID that is created when an error occurs.');
$table->string('error_timestamp', 128)
->comment('A datestring from when the error occurred.');
$table->integer('error_revision', 16)
->comment('Sakura Revision number.');
$table->integer('error_type', 16)
->comment('The PHP error type of this error.');
$table->integer('error_line', 32)
->comment('The line that caused this error.');
$table->string('error_string', 512)
->comment("PHP's description of this error.");
$table->string('error_file', 512)
->comment('The file in which this error occurred.');
->comment('A full base64 and json encoded backtrace containing all environment data.');
Schema::create('faq', function (Blueprint $table) {
$table->bigIncrements('faq_id', 128)
->comment('MySQL Generated ID used for sorting.');
$table->string('faq_shorthand', 255)
->comment('Used for linking directly to a question.');
$table->string('faq_question', 255)
->comment('The question.');
->comment('The answer.');
Schema::create('forum_permissions', function (Blueprint $table) {
$table->bigInteger('forum_id', 255)
->comment('Forum ID');
$table->bigInteger('rank_id', 128)
->comment('Rank ID, leave 0 for a user');
$table->bigInteger('user_id', 255)
->comment('User ID, leave 0 for a rank');
$table->string('forum_perms', 255)
->comment('Forum action permission string');
Schema::create('forums', function (Blueprint $table) {
$table->bigIncrements('forum_id', 255)
->comment('MySQL Generated ID used for sorting.');
$table->bigInteger('forum_order', 255)
->comment('Forum sorting order.');
$table->string('forum_name', 255)
->comment('Display name of the forum.');
->comment('Description of the forum.');
$table->string('forum_link', 255)
->comment('If set forum will display as a link.');
$table->bigInteger('forum_category', 255)
->comment('ID of the category this forum falls under.');
$table->tinyInteger('forum_type', 4)
->comment('Forum type, 0 for regular board, 1 for category and 2 for link.');
$table->string('forum_icon', 255)
->comment('Display icon for the forum.');
Schema::create('friends', function (Blueprint $table) {
$table->bigInteger('user_id', 255)
->comment('ID of the user that added the friend.');
$table->bigInteger('friend_id', 255)
->comment('ID of the user that was added as a friend.');
$table->integer('friend_timestamp', 11)
->comment('Timestamp of action.');
Schema::create('infopages', function (Blueprint $table) {
$table->string('page_shorthand', 255)
->comment('Name used for calling this page up in the /r/URL');
$table->string('page_title', 255)
->comment('Title displayed on the top of the page');
->comment('Content of the page');
Schema::create('login_attempts', function (Blueprint $table) {
$table->bigIncrements('attempt_id', 255)
->comment('MySQL Generated ID used for sorting.');
$table->tinyInteger('attempt_success', 1)
->comment('Success boolean.');
$table->integer('attempt_timestamp', 11)
->comment('Unix timestamp of the event.');
$table->string('attempt_ip', 255)
->comment('IP that made this attempt.');
$table->bigInteger('user_id', 255)
->comment('ID of the user that was attempted to log in to.');
Schema::create('messages', function (Blueprint $table) {
$table->bigIncrements('id', 128)
->comment('Automatically generated ID by MySQL for management.');
$table->bigInteger('from_user', 255)
->comment('ID of the user that sent this message.');
$table->bigInteger('to_user', 255)
->comment('ID of user that should receive this message.');
$table->string('read', 255)
->comment('IDs of users who read this message.');
$table->string('deleted', 255)
->comment('Indicator if one of the parties deleted the message, if it is already 1 the script will remove this row.');
$table->integer('timestamp', 11)
->comment('Timestamp of the time this message was sent');
$table->string('subject', 255)
->comment('Title of the message');
->comment('Contents of the message.');
Schema::create('news', function (Blueprint $table) {
$table->bigIncrements('news_id', 255)
->comment('Automatically generated ID by MySQL for management.');
$table->string('news_category', 255)
->comment('Category ID.');
$table->bigInteger('user_id', 255)
->comment('ID of user who posted this news message.');
$table->integer('news_timestamp', 11)
->comment('News post timestamp.');
$table->string('news_title', 255)
->comment('Title of the post.');
->comment('Contents of the post');
Schema::create('notifications', function (Blueprint $table) {
$table->bigIncrements('alert_id', 255)
->comment('Automatically generated ID by MySQL for management.');
$table->bigInteger('user_id', 255)
->comment('User ID this notification is intended for.');
$table->integer('alert_timestamp', 11)
->comment('Timestamp when this notification was created.');
$table->tinyInteger('alert_read', 1)
->comment('Toggle for unread and read.');
$table->tinyInteger('alert_sound', 1)
->comment('Toggle if a sound should be played upon receiving the notification.');
$table->string('alert_title', 255)
->comment('Title displayed on the notification.');
$table->string('alert_text', 255)
->comment('Text displayed.');
$table->string('alert_link', 255)
->comment('Link (empty for no link).');
$table->string('alert_img', 255)
->comment('Image path, prefix with font: to use a font class instead of an image.');
$table->integer('alert_timeout', 16)
->comment('How long the notification should stay on screen in milliseconds, 0 for forever.');
Schema::create('optionfields', function (Blueprint $table) {
$table->string('option_id', 255)
->comment('Unique identifier for accessing this option.');
$table->string('option_name', 255)
->comment('Description of the field in a proper way.');
$table->string('option_description', 255)
->comment('Longer description of the option.');
$table->string('option_type', 255)
->comment('Type attribute in the input element.');
$table->string('option_permission', 255)
->comment('The minimum permission level this option requires.');
Schema::create('permissions', function (Blueprint $table) {
$table->bigInteger('rank_id', 255)
->comment('ID of the rank this permissions set is used for.');
$table->bigInteger('user_id', 255)
->comment('ID of the user this permissions set is used for.');
$table->string('permissions_site', 255)
->comment('Site permissions.');
$table->string('permissions_manage', 255)
->comment('Site management permissions');
Schema::create('posts', function (Blueprint $table) {
$table->bigIncrements('post_id', 255)
->comment('MySQL Generated ID used for sorting.');
$table->bigInteger('topic_id', 255)
->comment('ID of topic this post is a part of.');
$table->bigInteger('forum_id', 255)
->comment('ID of forum this was posted in.');
$table->bigInteger('poster_id', 255)
->comment('ID of poster of this post.');
$table->string('poster_ip', 40)
->comment('IP of poster.');
$table->integer('post_time', 11)
->comment('Time this post was made.');
$table->string('post_subject', 255)
->comment('Subject of the post.');
->comment('Contents of the post.');
$table->integer('post_edit_time', 11)
->comment('Time this post was last edited.');
$table->string('post_edit_reason', 255)
->comment('Reason this was edited.');
// yup, integer, despite being bigint every else >.>
$table->integer('post_edit_user', 255)
->comment('ID of user that edited.');
Schema::create('premium', function (Blueprint $table) {
$table->bigInteger('user_id', 255)
->comment('ID of the user that purchased Tenshi.');
$table->integer('premium_start', 11)
->comment('Timestamp of first purchase.');
$table->integer('premium_expire', 11)
->comment('Expiration timestamp.');
Schema::create('premium_log', function (Blueprint $table) {
$table->increments('transaction_id', 16)
->comment('MySQL Generated ID used for sorting.');
$table->bigInteger('user_id', 255)
->comment('User ID of purchaser');
->comment('Amount that was transferred.');
$table->integer('transaction_date', 11)
->comment('Date when the purchase was made.');
$table->string('transaction_comment', 255)
->comment('A short description of the action taken.');
Schema::create('profilefields', function (Blueprint $table) {
$table->increments('field_id', 64)
->comment('ID used for ordering on the userpage.');
$table->string('field_name', 255)
->comment('Name of the field.');
$table->string('field_type', 255)
->comment('Type attribute in the input element.');
$table->tinyInteger('field_link', 1)
->comment('Set if this value should be put in a href.');
$table->string('field_linkformat', 255)
->comment('If the form is a link how should it be formatted? {{ VAL }} gets replace with the value.');
$table->string('field_description', 255)
->comment('Description of the field displayed in the control panel.');
$table->string('field_additional', 255)
->comment('Undocumented JSON array containing special options if needed (probably only going to be used for the YouTube field).');
Schema::create('ranks', function (Blueprint $table) {
$table->bigIncrements('rank_id', 128)
->comment('Automatically generated ID by MySQL for management.');
$table->integer('rank_hierarchy', 11)
->comment('Rank hierarchy.');
$table->string('rank_name', 255)
->comment('Display name of the rank.');
$table->string('rank_multiple', 10)
->comment('Used when addressing this rank as a multiple');
$table->tinyInteger('rank_hidden', 1)
->comment("Don't show any public links to this rank.");
$table->string('rank_colour', 255)
->comment('Colour used for the username of a member of this rank.');
->comment('A description of what a user of this rank can do/is supposed to do.');
$table->string('rank_title', 64)
->comment('Default user title if user has none set.');
Schema::create('reports', function (Blueprint $table) {
$table->bigIncrements('id', 255)
->comment('MySQL Generated ID used for sorting.');
$table->integer('type', 32)
->comment('Report type, entirely handled on the script side.');
$table->bigInteger('issuer', 255)
->comment('ID of the person who issued this report.');
// what the fuck
$table->bigInteger('subject', 255)
->comment("ID pointing out what was reported (a more accurate description isn't possible due to the type column).");
$table->string('title', 255)
->comment('A quick description of this report.');
->comment('And a detailed description.');
$table->bigInteger('reviewed', 255)
->comment('ID of the moderator that reviewed this report.');
Schema::create('sessions', function (Blueprint $table) {
$table->bigIncrements('session_id', 255)
->comment('Automatically generated ID by MySQL for management. ');
$table->bigInteger('user_id', 255)
->comment('ID of the user this session is spawned for. ');
$table->string('user_ip', 255)
->comment('IP of the user this session is spawned for.');
$table->string('user_agent', 255)
->comment('User agent of the user this session is spawned for.');
$table->string('session_key', 255)
->comment("Session key, allow direct access to the user's account. ");
$table->integer('session_start', 16)
->comment('The timestamp for when the session was started. ');
$table->integer('session_expire', 16)
->comment('The timestamp for when this session should end, -1 for permanent. ');
$table->tinyInteger('session_remember', 1)
->comment('If set to 1 session will be extended each time a page is loaded.');
Schema::create('topics', function (Blueprint $table) {
$table->bigIncrements('topic_id', 255)
->comment('ID of forum this topic was created in.');
$table->bigInteger('forum_id', 255)
->comment('ID of forum this topic was created in.');
$table->tinyInteger('topic_hidden', 1)
->comment('Boolean to set the topic as hidden.');
$table->string('topic_title', 255)
->comment('Title of the topic.');
$table->integer('topic_time', 11)
->comment('Timestamp when the topic was created.');
$table->integer('topic_time_limit', 11)
->comment('After how long a topic should be locked.');
$table->bigInteger('topic_views', 255)
->comment('Amount of times the topic has been viewed.');
$table->tinyInteger('topic_status', 3)
->comment('Status of topic.');
$table->integer('topic_status_change', 11)
->comment('Date the topic status was changed (used for deletion cooldown as well).');
$table->tinyInteger('topic_type', 3)
->comment('Type of the topic.');
$table->integer('topic_last_reply', 11)
->comment('Timestamp of when the last reply made to this thread.');
$table->bigInteger('topic_old_forum', 255)
->comment('Pre-move forum id.');
Schema::create('topics_track', function (Blueprint $table) {
$table->bigInteger('user_id', 255)
->comment('ID of the user this row applies to.');
$table->bigInteger('topic_id', 255)
->comment('ID of the thread in question.');
$table->bigInteger('forum_id', 255)
->comment('ID of the forum in question.');
$table->integer('mark_time', 11)
->comment('Timestamp of the event.');
Schema::create('uploads', function (Blueprint $table) {
$table->bigIncrements('file_id', 255)
->comment('Automatically generated value for management');
$table->bigInteger('user_id', 255)
->comment('ID of the user that uploaded the file');
// this one's actually longblob
->comment('Contents of the file');
$table->string('file_name', 255)
->comment('Name of the file');
$table->string('file_mime', 255)
->comment('Static mime type of the file');
$table->integer('file_time', 11)
->comment('Timestamp of when the file was uploaded');
$table->integer('file_expire', 11)
->comment('When should the file be removed, 0 for never');
Schema::create('user_optionfields', function (Blueprint $table) {
$table->bigInteger('user_id', 255)
->comment('User this field applies to');
$table->string('field_name', 255)
->comment('Identifier of the field');
$table->string('field_value', 255)
->comment('Value of the field');
Schema::create('user_profilefields', function (Blueprint $table) {
$table->bigInteger('user_id', 255)
->comment('User this field applies to');
$table->string('field_name', 255)
->comment('Identifier of the field');
$table->string('field_value', 255)
->comment('Value of the field');
Schema::create('user_ranks', function (Blueprint $table) {
$table->bigInteger('user_id', 255)
$table->bigInteger('rank_id', 128)
Schema::create('username_history', function (Blueprint $table) {
$table->increments('change_id', 11)
$table->integer('change_time', 11)
->comment('Timestamp of change');
$table->bigInteger('user_id', 255)
->comment('User ID');
$table->string('username_new', 255)
->comment('New username');
$table->string('username_new_clean', 255)
->comment('Clean new username');
$table->string('username_old', 255)
->comment('Old username');
$table->string('username_old_clean', 255)
->comment('Clean old username');
Schema::create('users', function (Blueprint $table) {
$table->bigIncrements('user_id', 255)
->comment('Automatically generated ID by MySQL for management. ');
$table->string('username', 255)
->comment('Username set at registration.');
$table->string('username_clean', 255)
->comment('A more cleaned up version of the username for backend usage.');
$table->string('password_hash', 255)
->comment('Hashing algo used for the password hash.');
$table->string('password_salt', 255)
->comment('Salt used for the password hash.');
$table->string('password_algo', 255)
->comment('Algorithm used for the password hash.');
$table->integer('password_iter', 11)
->comment('Password hash iterations.');
$table->integer('password_chan', 11)
->comment('Last time the user changed their password.');
$table->string('email', 255)
->comment('E-mail of the user for password restoring etc.');
$table->mediumInteger('rank_main', 4)
->comment('Main rank of the user.');
$table->string('user_colour', 255)
->comment('Additional name colour, when empty colour defaults to group colour.');
$table->string('register_ip', 255)
->comment('IP used for the creation of this account.');
$table->string('last_ip', 255)
->comment('Last IP that was used to log into this account.');
$table->string('user_title', 64)
->comment('Custom user title of the user, when empty reverts to their derault group name.');
$table->integer('user_register', 11)
->comment('Timestamp of account creation.');
$table->integer('user_last_online', 11)
->comment('Last time anything was done on this account.');
->comment('Birthdate of the user.');
$table->char('user_country', 2)
->comment("Contains ISO 3166 country code of user's registration location.");
$table->bigInteger('user_avatar', 255)
->comment('ID of the avatar in the uploads table.');
$table->bigInteger('user_background', 255)
->comment('ID of the background in the uploads table.');
$table->bigInteger('user_header', 255)
->comment('ID of the profile header in the uploads table.');
->comment('Contents of the userpage.');
->comment('Signature displayed below forum posts.');
$table->string('password', 255)
Schema::create('warnings', function (Blueprint $table) {
$table->bigIncrements('warning_id', 255)
->comment('Automatically generated ID by MySQL for management.');
$table->bigInteger('user_id', 255)
->comment('ID of user that was warned.');
$table->bigInteger('moderator_id', 255)
->comment('ID of the user that issued the warning.');
$table->integer('warning_issued', 16)
->comment('Timestamp of the date the warning was issued.');
$table->integer('warning_expires', 16)
->comment('Timstamp when the warning should expire, 0 for a permanent warning.');
$table->tinyInteger('warning_action', 1)
->comment('Action taken.');
$table->string('warning_reason', 512)
->comment('Reason for the warning.');
* Reverse the migrations.
* @return void
public function down()