You caught the site at the wrong moment! Right now registration <i>and</i> logging in is disabled for unspecified reasons. Sorry for the inconvenience but please try again later!
<div class="indexSidePanelLinks">
<a class="fa fa-lock" href="#" title="Authentication is locked"></a>
<div class="head">Welcome!</div>
Welcome to Flashii! This is a site for a bunch of friends to hang out, nothing special. Anyone is pretty much welcome to register so why not have a go?
We have <b>{{stats.userCount}} user{%ifstats.userCount!=1%}s{%endif%}</b>,
<b><a href="{{urls.format('USER_PROFILE',[])}}" class="default">{{}}</a></b> is the newest user,
it has been <b>{{stats.lastRegDate}}</b> since the last user registered and the forum has <b>{{stats.topicCount}} thread{%ifstats.topicCount!=1%}s{%endif%}</b> and <b>{{stats.postCount}} post{%ifstats.postCount!=1%}s{%endif%}</b>.