2015-04-30 23:01:01 +00:00
{ % include 'global/header.tpl' % }
2015-05-06 13:42:02 +00:00
<div class="content homepage forum">
<div class="content-right content-column">
{ % include 'elements/indexPanel.tpl' % }
<div class="content-left content-column">
<div class="head">Forums</div>
<table class="forumList">
{ % for category in page . boards % }
{ % if category . forums | length % }
<tr class="forumCategory">
2015-05-23 03:31:42 +00:00
<td class="forumCategoryTitleColumn" colspan="4"><a href="// { { sakura . urls . main } } /forum/ { { category . data . forum_id } } /" class="clean"> { { category . data . forum_name } } </a></td>
2015-05-06 13:42:02 +00:00
{ % for forum in category . forums % }
<tr class="forumForum">
<td class="forumIconColumn">
<div class="forumIcon read fa fa-3x { % if forum . forum_icon % } { { forum . forum_icon } } { % else % } { % if forum . forum_type % } fa-chevron-circle-right { % else % } fa-comments { % endif % } { % endif % } "></div>
<td class="forumTitleColumn" { % if forum . forum_type = = 2 % } colspan="3" { % endif % } >
2015-05-23 03:31:42 +00:00
<div class="name"><a href=" { % if forum . forum_type = = 2 % } { { forum . forum_link } } " target="_blank" { % else % } // { { sakura . urls . main } } /forum/ { { forum . forum_id } } /" { % endif % } class="default"> { { forum . forum_name } } </a></div>
2015-05-06 13:42:02 +00:00
<div class="desc"> { { forum . forum_desc } } </div>
{ % if forum . forum_type ! = 2 % }
<td class="forumCountColumn">
<div class="topics" title="Amount of topics in this forum."> { { forum . forum_topics } } </div>
<div class="posts" title="Amount of posts in this forum."> { { forum . forum_posts } } </div>
<td class="forumLastColumn">
{ % if forum . forum_last_post_id % }
2015-05-23 03:31:42 +00:00
Last post in <a href="// { { sakura . urls . main } } /forum/thread/ { { forum . forum_last_post_id } } " class="default">Thread with an obnoxiously long fucking title</a><br />12 years ago by <a href="// { { sakura . urls . main } } /u/ { { forum . last_poster_data . id } } " class="default" style="color: { % if forum . last_poster_data . name_colour % } { { forum . last_poster_data . name_colour } } { % else % } { { forum . last_poster_rank . colour } } { % endif % } ;"> { { forum . last_poster_data . username } } </a>
2015-05-06 13:42:02 +00:00
{ % else % }
There are no posts in this forum.<br />
{ % endif % }
{ % endif % }
{ % endfor % }
{ % endif % }
{ % endfor % }
<div class="clear"></div>
<script type="text/javascript" src=" { { sakura . resources } } /js/ybabstat.js"></script>
2015-04-30 23:01:01 +00:00
{ % include 'global/footer.tpl' % }