more shit

This commit is contained in:
flash 2016-02-05 23:03:08 +01:00
parent 01f162945c
commit 58776ee047
18 changed files with 167 additions and 184 deletions

View file

@ -228,24 +228,4 @@ class Post
// Return a new post object
return new Post($this->id);
* The "elapsed" string for this post.
* @return string Readable time elapsed since this post was created.
public function timeElapsed()
return Utils::timeElapsed($this->time);
* Time "elapsed" since the last edit.
* @return string Readable time elapsed since this post was last edited.
public function editTimeElapsed()
return Utils::timeElapsed($this->editTime);

View file

@ -334,26 +334,6 @@ class Thread
return Database::count('posts', ['topic_id' => [$this->id, '=']])[0];
* The "elapsed" string for this thread since it was created.
* @return string Readable time elapsed since this thread was created.
public function timeElapsed()
return Utils::timeElapsed($this->time);
* The "elapsed" string for this thread since the status was last changed.
* @return string Readble time elapsed since the status was last changed.
public function statusChangeElapsed()
return Utils::timeElapsed($this->statusChange);
* Check if a user has read this thread before.

View file

@ -457,29 +457,6 @@ class User
* Get the elapsed string for some of the user's dates
* @param string $append Append to the value.
* @param string $none Replace the 0 value with this.
* @return array The times.
public function elapsed($append = ' ago', $none = 'Just now')
$times = [];
$dates = [
'joined' => $this->registered,
'lastOnline' => $this->lastOnline,
foreach ($dates as $key => $val) {
$times[$key] = Utils::timeElapsed($val, $append, $none);
return $times;
* Add ranks to a user.

View file

@ -686,50 +686,6 @@ class Utils
return $logs;
* Calculate the time that has elapsed since a certain data (doesn't take leap years in account).
* @param int $timestamp The timestamp.
* @param string $append Append to
* @param string $none Text if 0.
* @return string Returns the time elapsed in a readable format.
public static function timeElapsed($timestamp, $append = ' ago', $none = 'Just now')
// Subtract the entered timestamp from the current timestamp
$time = time() - $timestamp;
// If the new timestamp is below 1 return a standard string
if ($time < 1) {
return $none;
// Array containing time "types"
$times = [
365 * 24 * 60 * 60 => 'year',
30 * 24 * 60 * 60 => 'month',
24 * 60 * 60 => 'day',
60 * 60 => 'hour',
60 => 'minute',
1 => 'second',
foreach ($times as $secs => $str) {
// Do a devision to check if the given timestamp fits in the current "type"
$calc = $time / $secs;
if ($calc >= 1) {
// Round the number
$round = floor($calc);
// Return the string
return $round . ' ' . $times[$secs] . ($round == 1 ? '' : 's') . $append;
* Get the byte symbol for a unit from bytes.

View file

@ -106,6 +106,42 @@ var Sakura = (function () {
// Test it on the email var which'll return a boolean
return re.test(email);
// Calculate the time that has elapsed since a certain data (doesn't take leap years in account).
Sakura.timeElapsed = function (timestamp, append, none) {
if (append === void 0) { append = ' ago'; }
if (none === void 0) { none = 'Just now'; }
// Subtract the entered timestamp from the current timestamp
var time = this.epoch() - timestamp;
// If the new timestamp is below 1 return a standard string
if (time < 1) {
return none;
// Times array
var times = {
31536000: 'year',
2592000: 'month',
86400: 'day',
3600: 'hour',
60: 'minute',
1: 'second'
var timeKeys = Object.keys(times).reverse();
// Iterate over the times
for (var i in timeKeys) {
// Do a devision to check if the given timestamp fits in the current "type"
var calc = time / parseInt(timeKeys[i]);
// Check if we have a match
if (calc >= 1) {
// Round the number
var display = Math.floor(calc);
// Return the formatted string
return display + " " + times[timeKeys[i]] + (display === 1 ? '' : 's') + append;
// If everything fails just return none
return none;
Sakura.cookiePrefix = ""; // Cookie prefix, gets prepended to cookie names
Sakura.cookiePath = "/"; // Cookie path, can in most cases be left untouched
return Sakura;

View file

@ -128,6 +128,48 @@ class Sakura {
// Test it on the email var which'll return a boolean
return re.test(email);
// Calculate the time that has elapsed since a certain data (doesn't take leap years in account).
public static timeElapsed(timestamp: number, append: string = ' ago', none: string = 'Just now'): string {
// Subtract the entered timestamp from the current timestamp
var time: number = this.epoch() - timestamp;
// If the new timestamp is below 1 return a standard string
if (time < 1) {
return none;
// Times array
var times: Object = {
31536000: 'year',
2592000: 'month',
86400: 'day',
3600: 'hour',
60: 'minute',
1: 'second'
var timeKeys: string[] = Object.keys(times).reverse();
// Iterate over the times
for (var i in timeKeys) {
// Do a devision to check if the given timestamp fits in the current "type"
var calc: number = time / parseInt(timeKeys[i]);
// Check if we have a match
if (calc >= 1) {
// Round the number
var display: number = Math.floor(calc);
// Return the formatted string
return display + " " + times[timeKeys[i]] + (display === 1 ? '' : 's') + append;
// If everything fails just return none
return none;
// UTF-8 functions

View file

@ -1498,11 +1498,6 @@ if (Users::checkLogin()) {
// Username changing
case 'account.username':
$renderData['difference'] = $currentUser->getUsernameHistory() ? Utils::timeElapsed($currentUser->getUsernameHistory()[0]['change_time']) : 0;
// Sessions
case 'advanced.sessions':
$renderData['sessions'] = Database::fetch('sessions', true, ['user_id' => [$currentUser->id, '=']]);

View file

@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ if (!defined('SAKURA_NO_TPL')) {
'siteLogo' => Config::get('sitelogo'),
'siteDesc' => Config::get('sitedesc'),
'siteTags' => json_decode(Config::get('sitetags'), true),
'dateFormat' => Config::get('date_format'),
'dateFormat' => 'r',
'currentPage' => (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) ? $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] : null),
'referrer' => (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : null),
'onlineTimeout' => Config::get('max_online_time'),

View file

@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
All active users in the past {{ sakura.onlineTimeout / 60 }} minute{% if sakura.onlineTimeout != 60 %}s{% endif %}
<table class="panelTable">
{% for amount,onlineUser in stats.onlineUsers %}
<tr><td style="text-align: left;"><a href="{{ urls.format('USER_PROFILE', []) }}" style="font-weight: bold; color: {{ onlineUser.colour }};" class="default">{{ onlineUser.username }}</a></td><td title="{{ onlineUser.lastOnline|date(sakura.dateFormat) }}" style="text-align: right;">{{ onlineUser.elapsed.lastOnline }}</td></tr>
<tr><td style="text-align: left;"><a href="{{ urls.format('USER_PROFILE', []) }}" style="font-weight: bold; color: {{ onlineUser.colour }};" class="default">{{ onlineUser.username }}</a></td><td style="text-align: right;"><time>{{ onlineUser.lastOnline|date(sakura.dateFormat) }}</time></td></tr>
{% endfor %}
{% else %}

View file

@ -12,5 +12,5 @@
<div class="clear"></div>
<div class="news-post-time">
Posted on {{ post.news_timestamp|date(sakura.dateFormat) }}{% if not (viewPost and postExists) %} <a class="default" href="{{ urls.format('SITE_NEWS_CAT_POST', [post.news_category, post.news_id]) }}#comments">{{ post.news_comments.count }} comment{% if post.news_comments.count != 1 %}s{% endif %}</a>{% endif %}
Posted on <time>{{ post.news_timestamp|date(sakura.dateFormat) }}</time>{% if not (viewPost and postExists) %} <a class="default" href="{{ urls.format('SITE_NEWS_CAT_POST', [post.news_category, post.news_id]) }}#comments">{{ post.news_comments.count }} comment{% if post.news_comments.count != 1 %}s{% endif %}</a>{% endif %}

View file

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
{% if %}
<a href="{{ urls.format('FORUM_THREAD', [forum.lastPost.thread]) }}" class="default">{{ forum.lastPost.subject|slice(0, 30) }}{% if forum.lastPost.subject|length > 30 %}...{% endif %}</a><br />
<span title="{{ forum.lastPost.time|date(sakura.dateFormat) }}">{{ forum.lastPost.timeElapsed }}</span> by {% if %}<a href="{{ urls.format('USER_PROFILE', []) }}" class="default" style="color: {{ forum.lastPost.poster.colour }}; text-shadow: 0 0 5px {% if forumlastPost.poster.colour != 'inherit' %}{{ forum.lastPost.poster.colour }}{% else %}#222{% endif %};">{{ forum.lastPost.poster.username }}</a>{% else %}[deleted user]{% endif %} <a href="{{ urls.format('FORUM_POST', []) }}#p{{ }}" class="default fa fa-tag"></a>
<time>{{ forum.lastPost.time|date(sakura.dateFormat) }}</time> by {% if %}<a href="{{ urls.format('USER_PROFILE', []) }}" class="default" style="color: {{ forum.lastPost.poster.colour }}; text-shadow: 0 0 5px {% if forumlastPost.poster.colour != 'inherit' %}{{ forum.lastPost.poster.colour }}{% else %}#222{% endif %};">{{ forum.lastPost.poster.username }}</a>{% else %}[deleted user]{% endif %} <a href="{{ urls.format('FORUM_POST', []) }}#p{{ }}" class="default fa fa-tag"></a>
{% else %}
There are no posts in this forum.<br />&nbsp;
{% endif %}

View file

@ -22,6 +22,6 @@
{% else %}
[deleted user]
{% endif %} <a href="{{ urls.format('FORUM_POST', []) }}#p{{ }}" class="default fa fa-tag"></a><br />
<span title="{{ thread.lastPost.time|date(sakura.dateFormat) }}">{{ thread.lastPost.timeElapsed }}</span>
<time>{{ thread.lastPost.time|date(sakura.dateFormat) }}</time>

View file

@ -118,7 +118,7 @@
<a href="#p{{ }}" class="clean">{{ post.subject|slice(0, 50) }}{% if post.subject|length > 50 %}...{% endif %}</a>
<div class="date">
<a href="{{ urls.format('FORUM_POST', []) }}#p{{ }}" class="clean" title="{{ post.time|date(sakura.dateFormat) }}">#{{ }} - {{ post.timeElapsed }}</a>
<a href="{{ urls.format('FORUM_POST', []) }}#p{{ }}" class="clean">#{{ }} - <time>{{ post.time|date(sakura.dateFormat) }}</time></a>
<div class="clear"></div>

View file

@ -58,64 +58,6 @@
Sakura.cookiePrefix = "{{ sakura.cookie.prefix }}";
Sakura.cookiePath = "{{ sakura.cookie.path }}";
// Space for things that need to happen onload
window.addEventListener("load", function() {
{% if session.checkLogin %}
// Convert href to object in logout link
prepareAjaxLink('headerLogoutLink', 'submitPost', ', true, "Logging out..."');
{% elseif not sakura.lockAuth and php.self != '/authenticate.php' %}
// Make the header login form dynamic
prepareAjaxForm('headerLoginForm', 'Logging in...');
{% endif %}
{% if session.checkLogin %}
// Make notification requests (there's a seperate one to make it happen before the first 60 seconds)
notifyRequest('{{ php.sessionid }}');
// Create interval
setInterval(function() {
notifyRequest('{{ php.sessionid }}');
}, 60000);
{% endif %}
{% if php.self == '/profile.php' and session.checkLogin and != %}
// Make friend button dynamic
prepareAjaxLink('profileFriendToggle', 'submitPost', ', true, "{% if profile.friend == 0 %}Adding{% else %}Removing{% endif %} friend..."');
{% endif %}
{% if php.self == '/viewtopic.php' and session.checkLogin %}
var forumFriendToggles = document.querySelectorAll('.forum-friend-toggle');
for(var i in forumFriendToggles) {
prepareAjaxLink(forumFriendToggles[i], 'submitPost', ', true, "Please wait..."');
{% endif %}
{% if php.self == '/authenticate.php' and not (sakura.lockAuth or session.checkLogin) %}
// AJAX Form Submission
var forms = {
{% if not auth.changingPass %}
"loginForm": 'Logging in...',
{% if not sakura.disableRegistration %}
"registerForm": 'Processing registration...',
{% endif %}
{% if sakura.requireActivation %}
"resendForm": 'Attempting to resend activation...',
{% endif %}
"passwordForm": 'Sending password recovery mail...'
{% else %}
"passwordForm": 'Changing password...'
{% endif %}
for(var i in forms) {
prepareAjaxForm(i, forms[i], (i == 'registerForm'));
{% endif %}
// Error reporter
window.onerror = function(msg, url, line, col, error) {
@ -200,6 +142,7 @@
<div>A staff member has set your account to restricted mode most likely due to violation of the rules. While restricted you won't be able to use most public features of the site. If you think this is a mistake please <a href="{{ urls.format('INFO_PAGE', ['contact']) }}" style="color: inherit;">get in touch with one of our staff members</a>.</div>
{% endif %}
<div class="headerNotify">
<h1>You have JavaScript disabled!</h1>
@ -259,6 +202,80 @@
<script type="text/javascript">
// Space for things that need to happen onload
window.addEventListener("load", function() {
{% if session.checkLogin %}
// Convert href to object in logout link
prepareAjaxLink('headerLogoutLink', 'submitPost', ', true, "Logging out..."');
{% elseif not sakura.lockAuth and php.self != '/authenticate.php' %}
// Make the header login form dynamic
prepareAjaxForm('headerLoginForm', 'Logging in...');
{% endif %}
{% if session.checkLogin %}
// Make notification requests (there's a seperate one to make it happen before the first 60 seconds)
notifyRequest('{{ php.sessionid }}');
// Create interval
setInterval(function() {
notifyRequest('{{ php.sessionid }}');
}, 60000);
{% endif %}
{% if php.self == '/profile.php' and session.checkLogin and != %}
// Make friend button dynamic
prepareAjaxLink('profileFriendToggle', 'submitPost', ', true, "{% if profile.friend == 0 %}Adding{% else %}Removing{% endif %} friend..."');
{% endif %}
{% if php.self == '/viewtopic.php' and session.checkLogin %}
var forumFriendToggles = document.querySelectorAll('.forum-friend-toggle');
for(var i in forumFriendToggles) {
prepareAjaxLink(forumFriendToggles[i], 'submitPost', ', true, "Please wait..."');
{% endif %}
{% if php.self == '/authenticate.php' and not (sakura.lockAuth or session.checkLogin) %}
// AJAX Form Submission
var forms = {
{% if not auth.changingPass %}
"loginForm": 'Logging in...',
{% if not sakura.disableRegistration %}
"registerForm": 'Processing registration...',
{% endif %}
{% if sakura.requireActivation %}
"resendForm": 'Attempting to resend activation...',
{% endif %}
"passwordForm": 'Sending password recovery mail...'
{% else %}
"passwordForm": 'Changing password...'
{% endif %}
for(var i in forms) {
prepareAjaxForm(i, forms[i], (i == 'registerForm'));
{% endif %}
// Parse time elements
var timeElems = document.getElementsByTagName('time');
// Iterate over them
for (var timeElem in timeElems) {
// Attempt to parse it
var parsed = Date.parse(timeElems[timeElem].innerText);
// If it can be parsed do DOM edits
if (!isNaN(parsed)) {
timeElems[timeElem].title = timeElems[timeElem].innerText;
timeElems[timeElem].innerText = Sakura.timeElapsed(Math.floor(parsed / 1000));
{% if and php.self == '/index.php' and stats %}
<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ sakura.versionInfo.version|slice(0, 4) }}-{{ sakura.versionInfo.version|slice(4, 2) }}-{{ sakura.versionInfo.version|slice(6, 2) }}&amp;variable=true"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">

View file

@ -80,11 +80,11 @@
<a href="{{ urls.format('USER_PROFILE', []) }}" class="default" style="font-weight: bold; color: {{ user.colour }}; text-shadow: 0 0 5px {{ user.colour }};">{{ user.username }}</a>
<td title="{{ user.registered|date(sakura.dateFormat) }}">
{{ user.elapsed.joined }}
<time>{{ user.registered|date(sakura.dateFormat) }}</time>
<td title="{% if user.lastOnline == 0 %}Never logged in.{% else %}{{ user.lastOnline|date(sakura.dateFormat) }}{% endif %}">
{% if user.lastOnline == 0 %}<i>Never logged in.</i>{% else %}{{ user.elapsed.lastOnline }}{% endif %}
{% if user.lastOnline == 0 %}<i>Never logged in.</i>{% else %}<time>{{ user.lastOnline|date(sakura.dateFormat) }}</time>{% endif %}
{{ user.title }}

View file

@ -82,12 +82,12 @@
{% if profile.isPremium[0] %}<img src="{{ sakura.contentPath }}/images/tenshi.png" alt="Tenshi" style="vertical-align: middle;" /> {% endif %}<img src="{{ sakura.contentPath }}/images/flags/{{|lower }}.png" alt="{{ }}" style="vertical-align: middle;" title="{{ }}" /> <span style="font-size: .8em;">{{ profile.title }}</span>
<div class="new-profile-dates">
<b>Joined</b> <span title="{{ profile.registered|date(sakura.dateFormat) }}">{{ profile.elapsed.joined }}</span>
<b>Joined</b> <time>{{ profile.registered|date(sakura.dateFormat) }}</time>
<br />
{% if profile.lastOnline < 1 %}
<b>{{ profile.username }} hasn't logged in yet.</b>
{% else %}
<b>Last online</b> <span title="{{ profile.lastOnline|date(sakura.dateFormat) }}">{{ profile.elapsed.lastOnline }}</span>
<b>Last online</b> <time>{{ profile.lastOnline|date(sakura.dateFormat) }}</time>
{% endif %}
{% if profile.birthday != '0000-00-00' and profile.birthday|split('-')[0] > 0 %}
<br /><b>Age</b> <span title="{{ profile.birthday }}">{{ profile.birthday(true) }} years old</span>&nbsp;

View file

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
<input type="hidden" name="timestamp" value="{{ php.time }}" />
<input type="hidden" name="mode" value="username" />
<h1 class="stylised" style="text-align: center; margin-top: 10px;{% if not eligible %} color: #c44;{% endif %}">You are {% if not eligible %}not {% endif %}eligible for a name change.</h1>
<h3 style="text-align: center;">{% if user.getUsernameHistory %}Your last name change was {{ difference }}.{% else %}This is your first username change.{% endif %}</h3>
<h3 style="text-align: center;">{% if user.getUsernameHistory %}Your last name change was <time>{{ user.getUsernameHistory[0]['change_time']|date(sakura.dateFormat) }}</time>.{% else %}This is your first username change.{% endif %}</h3>
{% if eligible %}
<div class="profile-field">

View file

@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
<div class="notif-hist-time">
{{ alert.alert_timestamp|date(sakura.dateFormat) }}
<time>{{ alert.alert_timestamp|date(sakura.dateFormat) }}</time>
<div class="clear"></div>