*/ class AuthController extends Controller { /** * Touch the login rate limit. * @param int $user The ID of the user that attempted to log in. * @param bool $success Whether the login attempt was successful. */ protected function touchRateLimit(int $user, bool $success = false): void { DB::table('login_attempts') ->insert([ 'attempt_success' => $success ? 1 : 0, 'attempt_timestamp' => time(), 'attempt_ip' => Net::pton(Net::ip()), 'user_id' => $user, ]); } protected function authenticate(User $user): void { // Generate a session key $session = CurrentSession::create( $user->id, Net::ip(), get_country_code(), clean_string($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] ?? '') ); $cookiePrefix = config('cookie.prefix'); setcookie("{$cookiePrefix}id", $user->id, time() + 604800, '/'); setcookie("{$cookiePrefix}session", $session->key, time() + 604800, '/'); $this->touchRateLimit($user->id, true); } /** * End the current session. * @throws HttpMethodNotAllowedException */ public function logout(): void { if (!session_check()) { throw new HttpMethodNotAllowedException; } // Destroy the active session CurrentSession::stop(); } /** * Login page. * @return string */ public function login(): string { if (!session_check()) { return $this->json(['error' => 'Your session expired! Please refresh and try again.']); } // Get request variables $username = $_POST['username'] ?? null; $password = $_POST['password'] ?? null; // Check if we haven't hit the rate limit $rates = DB::table('login_attempts') ->where('attempt_ip', Net::pton(Net::ip())) ->where('attempt_timestamp', '>', time() - 1800) ->where('attempt_success', '0') ->count(); if ($rates > 4) { return $this->json(['error' => 'Your have hit the login rate limit, try again later.']); } $user = User::construct(clean_string($username, true, true)); // Check if the user that's trying to log in actually exists if ($user->id === 0) { $this->touchRateLimit($user->id); return $this->json(['error' => 'The user you tried to log into does not exist.']); } if ($user->passwordExpired()) { return $this->json(['error' => 'Your password expired.']); } if (!$user->verifyPassword($password)) { $this->touchRateLimit($user->id); return $this->json(['error' => 'The password you entered was invalid.']); } // Check if the user has the required privs to log in if (!$user->activated) { $this->touchRateLimit($user->id); return $this->json(['error' => "Your account isn't activated, check your e-mail!"]); } $this->authenticate($user); $msg = ['error' => null]; if (!$user->lastOnline) { $msg['go'] = route('info.welcome'); } return $this->json($msg); } /** * Do a registration attempt. * @throws HttpMethodNotAllowedException * @return string */ public function register(): string { if (!session_check()) { return view('auth/register', compact('registered_username')); } // Check if authentication is disallowed if (config('user.disable_registration')) { return $this->json(['error' => 'Registration is currently disabled.']); } $username = $_POST['username'] ?? null; $password = $_POST['password'] ?? null; $email = $_POST['email'] ?? null; // Attempt to get account data $user = User::construct(clean_string($username, true, true)); // Check if the username already exists if ($user && $user->id !== 0) { $message = "{$user->username} is already a member here!" . "\r\nIf this is you please use the password reset form instead of making a new account."; return $this->json(['error' => $message]); } // Username too short if (strlen($username) < config('user.name_min')) { return $this->json(['error' => 'Your name must be at least 3 characters long.']); } // Username too long if (strlen($username) > config('user.name_max')) { return $this->json(['error' => "Your name can't be longer than 16 characters."]); } // Check if the given email address is formatted properly if (!filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { return $this->json(['error' => 'Your e-mail address is formatted incorrectly.']); } // Check the MX record of the email if (!check_mx_record($email)) { return $this->json(['error' => 'No valid MX-Record found on the e-mail address you supplied.']); } // Check if the e-mail has already been used $emailCheck = DB::table('users') ->where('email', $email) ->count(); if ($emailCheck) { return $this->json(['error' => 'Someone already registered using this email!']); } // Check password entropy if (password_entropy($password) < config('user.pass_min_entropy')) { return $this->json([ 'error' => 'Your password is considered too weak, try adding some special characters.' ]); } $activation = boolval(config('user.require_activation')); $user = User::create($username, $password, $email, !$activation); // Check if we require e-mail activation if ($activation) { $message = 'Almost there, only activation is left! Please check your e-mail for the link.'; $this->sendActivationMail($user); } else { $this->authenticate($user); } return $this->json(['text' => $message ?? null, 'go' => route('main.index')]); } /** * Do a (re)activation attempt. * @return string */ public function activate(): string { // activation link handler if (isset($_GET['u'], $_GET['k'])) { $user = User::construct($_GET['u'] ?? null); if ($user->id === 0 || $user->activated || !ActionCode::validate('ACTIVATE', $_GET['k'] ?? null, $user->id)) { return view('auth/activate_failed'); } DB::table('users') ->where('user_id', $user->id) ->update(['user_activated' => 1]); $this->authenticate($user); return redirect(route('main.index')); } // resend handler if (session_check() && isset($_POST['username'], $_POST['email'])) { $id = DB::table('users') ->where('username_clean', clean_string($_POST['username'], true)) ->where('email', clean_string($_POST['email'], true)) ->value('user_id'); if (!$id) { return $this->json(['error' => "Couldn't find this username/e-mail combination, double check them!"]); } $user = User::construct($id); if ($user->activated) { return $this->json(['error' => 'Your account is already activated! Why are you here?', 'go' => route('main.index')]); } $this->sendActivationMail($user); return $this->json([ 'text' => "The e-mail should be on its way, don't forget to also check your spam folder!", 'go' => route('main.index') ]); } return view('auth/activate'); } /** * Do a password reset attempt. * @return string */ public function resetPassword(): string { if (session_check()) { $userId = $_POST['user'] ?? 0; $key = $_POST['key'] ?? ""; $password = $_POST['password'] ?? ""; $userName = clean_string($_POST['username'] ?? "", true); $email = clean_string($_POST['email'] ?? "", true); $user = User::construct($userId ? $userId : $userName); if ($user->id === 0 || (strlen($email) > 0 ? $email !== $user->email : false)) { return $this->json(['error' => "This user does not exist! Contact us if you think this isn't right."]); } if (!$user->activated) { return $this->json([ 'error' => "Your account isn't activated, go activate it first...", 'go' => route('auth.activate'), ]); } if ($key && $password) { if (password_entropy($password) < config('user.pass_min_entropy')) { return $this->json(['error' => "Your password doesn't meet the strength requirements!"]); } $action = ActionCode::validate('LOST_PASS', $key, $user->id); if (!$action) { return $this->json(['error' => "Invalid verification code! Contact us if you think this isn't right."]); } $user->setPassword($password); $this->authenticate($user); return $this->json([ 'text' => "Changed your password!", 'go' => route('main.index'), ]); } $this->sendPasswordMail($user); return $this->json([ 'text' => "The e-mail should be on its way, don't forget to also check your spam folder!", 'go' => route('main.index'), ]); } return view('auth/resetpassword'); } /** * Send the activation e-mail * @param User $user */ private function sendActivationMail(User $user): void { $activate = ActionCode::generate('ACTIVATE', $user->id); $siteName = config('general.name'); $baseUrl = "http://{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}"; $activateLink = route('auth.activate') . "?u={$user->id}&k={$activate}"; $signature = config('mail.signature'); $message = "Hey {$user->username}, welcome to {$siteName}!\r\n\r\n" . "Your account is almost ready, the only thing left to do is for you to click the following link:\r\n" . "{$baseUrl}{$activateLink}\r\n\r\n" . "Hope to see you around,\r\n{$signature}"; send_mail([$user->email => $user->username], "Welcome to {$siteName}!", $message); } /** * Send the activation e-mail * @param User $user */ private function sendPasswordMail(User $user): void { $verk = ActionCode::generate('LOST_PASS', $user->id); $siteName = config('general.name'); $baseUrl = "http://{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}"; $pass_confirm = route('auth.resetpassword') . "?u={$user->id}&k={$verk}"; $signature = config('mail.signature'); $message = "Hey {$user->username},\r\n\r\n" . "You, or someone pretending to be you, requested a password change for your account!\r\n" . "Click the following link to confirm the password change:\r\n" . "{$baseUrl}{$pass_confirm}\r\n\r\n" . "If this wasn't you please just ignore this e-mail, unless this isn't the first" . " time this has happened in which case you should contact a staff member.\r\n\r\n" . "--\r\n{$signature}"; send_mail([$user->email => $user->username], "{$siteName} password restoration", $message); } }