
Get Credit Card Sample

The CreditCard resource allows you to retrieve previously saved CreditCards, by sending a GET request to the URI '/v1/vault/credit-card' The following code takes you through the process of retrieving a saved CreditCard

require __DIR__ . '/../bootstrap.php'; use PayPal\Api\CreditCard;

The cardId can be obtained from a previous save credit card operation. Use $card->getId()

$cardId = "CARD-5BT058015C739554AKE2GCEI";


Pass in a OAuthTokenCredential object explicilty to authenticate the call. If you skip this step, the client id/secret set in the config file will be used.

CreditCard::setCredential($cred); /// ### Retrieve card try { $card = CreditCard::get($cardId); } catch (\PPConnectionException $ex) { echo "Exception: " . $ex->getMessage() . PHP_EOL; var_dump($ex->getData()); exit(1); } ?> <html> <body> <div>Retrieving credit card: <?php echo $cardId;?></div> <pre><?php var_dump($card);?></pre> <a href='../index.html'>Back</a> </body> </html>