
Sale Refund Sample

This sample code demonstrate how you can process a refund on a sale transaction created using the Payments API. API used: /v1/payments/sale/{sale-id}/refund

require __DIR__ . '/../bootstrap.php'; use PayPal\Api\Amount; use PayPal\Api\Refund; use PayPal\Api\Sale; use PayPal\Rest\ApiContext;


Create a refund object indicating refund amount

$amt = new Amount(); $amt->setCurrency('USD'); $amt->setTotal('0.01'); $refund = new Refund(); $refund->setAmount($amt); $saleId = '3RM92092UW5126232';


A sale transaction. Create a Sale object with the given sale transaction id.

$sale = new Sale(); $sale->setId($saleId);

Api Context

Pass in a ApiContext object to authenticate the call and to send a unique request id (that ensures idempotency). The SDK generates a request id if you do not pass one explicitly.

$apiContext = new ApiContext($cred, 'Request' . time()); try {

Refund the sale

$sale->refund($refund, $apiContext); } catch (\PPConnectionException $ex) { echo "Exception:" . $ex->getMessage() . PHP_EOL; var_dump($ex->getData()); exit(1); } ?> <html> <body> <div>Refunding sale id: <?php echo $saleId;?></div> <pre><?php var_dump($sale);?></pre> <a href='../index.html'>Back</a> </body> </html>