;Account credentials from developer portal [Account] acct1.ClientId = EBWKjlELKMYqRNQ6sYvFo64FtaRLRR5BdHEESmha49TM acct1.ClientSecret = EO422dn3gQLgDbuwqTjzrFgFtaRLRR5BdHEESmha49TM ;Connection Information [Http] http.ConnectionTimeOut = 30 http.Retry = 1 ;http.Proxy=http://[username:password]@hostname[:port][/path] ;Service Configuration [Service] service.EndPoint="https://api.sandbox.paypal.com" ; Uncomment this line for integrating with the live endpoint ; service.EndPoint="https://api.paypal.com" ;Logging Information [Log] log.LogEnabled=true # When using a relative path, the log file is created # relative to the .php file that is the entry point # for this request. You can also provide an absolute # path here log.FileName=PayPal.log # Logging level can be one of FINE, INFO, WARN or ERROR # Logging is most verbose in the 'FINE' level and # decreases as you proceed towards ERROR log.LogLevel=FINE