{% extends 'global/master.twig' %} {% set profileHidden = profile.permission(constant('Sakura\\Perms\\Site::DEACTIVATED')) or (profile.permission(constant('Sakura\\Perms\\Site::RESTRICTED')) and (user.id != profile.id and not user.permission(constant('Sakura\\Perms\\Manage::USE_MANAGE'), constant('Sakura\\Perms::MANAGE')))) %} {% set noUserpage = profile.userPage|length < 1 %} {% set profileView = noUserpage and profileView == 'index' ? 'comments' : profileView %} {% block title %}{% if profileHidden %}User not found!{% else %}Profile of {{ profile.username }}{% endif %}{% endblock %} {% block js %} {% if not profileHidden %} {% endif %} {% endblock %} {% block content %} {% if profileHidden %}

The requested user does not exist!

There are a few possible reasons for this:
{% else %}

{{ profile.username }}

{% if profile.isPremium %}Tenshi {% endif %}{{ profile.country }} {{ profile.title }}
{% if profile.lastOnline < 1 %} {{ profile.username }} hasn't logged in yet. {% else %} Last online {% endif %} {% if profile.birthday != '0000-00-00' and profile.birthday|split('-')[0] > 0 %}
Age {{ profile.birthday(true) }} years old  {% endif %}
{% if not noUserpage %} {% endif %} {# #} {##}
{% if session.checkLogin %}
{% if user.id == profile.id %} {% else %} {% if user.isFriends(profile.id) != 0 %}{% endif %} {##} {% endif %} {% if user.permission(constant('Sakura\\Perms\\Manage::CAN_RESTRICT_USERS'), constant('Sakura\\Perms::MANAGE')) %} {% endif %}
{% endif %}
Threads {{ profile.forumStats.topics }}
Posts {{ profile.forumStats.posts }}
Friends {{ profile.friends(2)|length }}

{% if profile.profileFields or user.permission(constant('Sakura\\Perms\\Manage::USE_MANAGE'), constant('Sakura\\Perms::MANAGE')) %} {% if session.checkLogin %} {% for name,field in profile.profileFields %} {% endfor %} {% if user.permission(constant('Sakura\\Perms\\Manage::USE_MANAGE'), constant('Sakura\\Perms::MANAGE')) %} {% endif %}
{{ field.name }} {% if name == 'youtube' %} {% if field.youtubetype == true %}{{ profile.username }}'s Channel{% else %}{{ field.value }}{% endif %} {% else %} {% if field.islink %} {% endif %} {{ field.value }} {% if field.islink %} {% endif %} {% endif %}
E-mail address {{ profile.email }}
Register IP {{ profile.registerIp }}
Last IP {{ profile.lastIp }}
{% else %} Log in to view the full profile! {% endif %} {% endif %}
Account Standing {% if profile.permission(constant('Sakura\\Perms\\Site::DEACTIVATED')) %}


{% elseif profile.permission(constant('Sakura\\Perms\\Site::RESTRICTED')) %}


{% elseif profile.getWarnings %}


{% else %}


{% endif %} {% if profile.getWarnings %} {% for warning in profile.getWarnings %} {% endfor %}
Action Duration Reason
{{ warning.warning_action_text }} {{ warning.warning_length }} minute{% if warning.warning_length != 1 %}s{% endif %} {{ warning.warning_reason }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %} {% endblock %}