{% if user.checklogin %}
Hi, {{ user.data.username }}!
{% else %} {% if sakura.lockauth %}
You caught the site at the wrong moment! Right now registration and logging in is disabled for unspecified reasons. Sorry for the inconvenience but please try again later! {% else %}
Welcome to Flashii! This is a site for a bunch of friends to hang out, nothing special. Anyone is pretty much welcome to register so why not have a go? {% endif %} {% endif %}
We have {{ stats.userCount }}, {{ stats.newestUser.username }} is the newest user, it has been {{ stats.lastRegDate }} since the last user registered, there's {{ stats.chatOnline }} in chat right now and the forum has {{ stats.topicCount }} and {{ stats.postCount }}.
Online Users
{% if stats.onlineUsers %} All active users in the past 5 minutes:
{% for amount,onlineUser in stats.onlineUsers %} {{ onlineUser.username }}{% if amount != (stats.onlineUsers|length - 1) %}, {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% else %} There were no online users in the past 5 minutes. {% endif %}