{% extends 'settings/notifications/master.twig' %} {% set mode = 'History' %} {% block description %}

The history of notifications that have been sent to you.

{% endblock %} {% set alerts = user.notifications(0, false)|batch(10) %} {% set paginationPages = alerts %} {% set paginationUrl %}{{ route('settings.notifications.history') }}{% endset %} {% block css %} {% endblock %} {% block settingsContent %} {% if alerts %}
{% for alert in alerts[get.page|default(1) - 1] %}
{% if 'FONT:' in alert.image %}
{% else %} Notification {% endif %}
{{ alert.title }}
{{ alert.title }}
{% endfor %}
{% if alerts|length > 1 %}
{% include 'elements/pagination.twig' %}
{% endif %} {% else %}

You don't have any notifications in your history!

{% endif %} {% endblock %}