{% include 'global/header.tpl' %} {% if profile.notset or profile.user.id == 0 or profile.user.password_algo == 'nologin' %}

The requested user does not exist!

There are a few possible reasons for this:
{% else %}
{{ profile.user.username }}'s Avatar
{{ profile.ranktitle }}

{{ profile.user.username }}

{% if profile.user.rank_main > 1 %} {% if profile.istenshi %}Tenshi {% endif %}{{ profile.user.country }} {{ profile.country }} {% if user.checklogin %} {% endif %}
Joined {{ profile.user.regdate|date("l Y-m-d H:i T") }}
{% if profile.user.lastdate == 0 %} User hasn't logged in yet. {% else %} Last Seen on {{ profile.user.lastdate|date("l Y-m-d H:i T") }} {% endif %}
User has {% if not profile.user.posts %}no{% else %}{{ profile.user.posts }}{% endif %} forum post{% if profile.user.posts != 1 %}s{% endif %}. {% if profile.fields is not null %}
{% if user.checklogin %} {% for name,field in profile.fields %} {% endfor %}
{{ field.name }} {% if name == 'youtube' %} {% if field.youtubetype == 1 %}{{ profile.user.username }}'s Channel{% else %}{{ field.value }}{% endif %} {% else %} {% if field.islink %} {% endif %} {{ field.value }} {% if field.islink %} {% endif %} {% endif %}
{% else %} Log in to view the full profile! {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endif %}
Account Standing {% if profile.user.rank_main < 2 %}


{% else %} {% if profile.warnings %}


This user has {{ profile.warnings|length }} warning{% if profile.warnings|length != 1 %}s{% endif %}.
After 5 to 10 warnings (depending on what they are for) this user may be permanently banned.
{% else %}


{% endif %} {% endif %}
{{ profile.profilePage|raw }}
{% if profile.user.userData.profileBackground %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% include 'global/footer.tpl' %}