userId = $userId; $this->sessionId = $sessionId; // Check if a PHP session was already started and if not start one if (session_status() != PHP_SESSION_ACTIVE) { session_start(); } } // Destroy this session public function destroy() { // Invalidate the session key Database::delete('sessions', [ 'session_key' => [$this->sessionId, '='], 'user_id' => [$this->userId, '='], ]); // Unset userId and sessionId unset($this->userId); unset($this->sessionId); // Destroy the session if (session_status() == PHP_SESSION_ACTIVE) { session_destroy(); } } // Destroy all sessions keys for this user public function destroyAll() { // Delete all database entries with this user in it Database::delete('sessions', ['user_id' => [$this->userId, '=']]); // Destroy this session to finish it off $this->destroy(); } // Create a new session public function create($permanent) { // Generate session key $session = hash('sha256', $this->userId . base64_encode('sakura' . mt_rand(0, 99999999)) . time()); // Insert the session into the database Database::insert('sessions', [ 'user_id' => $this->userId, 'user_ip' => Utils::getRemoteIP(), 'user_agent' => Utils::cleanString(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] : 'No user agent header.'), 'session_key' => $session, 'session_start' => time(), 'session_expire' => time() + 604800, 'session_remember' => $permanent ? '1' : '0', ]); // Return the session key return $session; } // Validate an apparently existing session public function validate() { // Get session from database $session = Database::fetch('sessions', false, [ 'user_id' => [$this->userId, '='], 'session_key' => [$this->sessionId, '='], ]); // Check if we actually got something in return if (!$session) { return 0; } // Check if the session expired if ($session['session_expire'] < time()) { // ...and return false return 0; } // IP Check $ipCheck = Config::get('session_check'); // Origin checking if ($ipCheck) { // Split both IPs up $sessionIP = explode('.', $session['user_ip']); $userIP = explode('.', Utils::getRemoteIP()); // Take 1 off the ipCheck variable so it's equal to the array keys $ipCheck = $ipCheck - 1; // Check if the user's IP is similar to the session's registered IP switch ($ipCheck) { // case 3: if ($userIP[3] !== $sessionIP[3]) { return 0; } // case 2: case 3: if ($userIP[2] !== $sessionIP[2]) { return 0; } // case 1: case 2: case 3: if ($userIP[1] !== $sessionIP[1]) { return 0; } // case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: if ($userIP[0] !== $sessionIP[0]) { return 0; } } } // If the remember flag is set extend the session time if ($session['session_remember']) { Database::update('sessions', [ [ 'session_expire' => time() + 604800, ], [ 'session_id' => [$session['session_id'], '='], ], ]); } // Return 2 if the remember flag is set and return 1 if not return $session['session_remember'] ? 2 : 1; } }