{% extends 'global/master.tpl' %} {% set forumBackLink %}{{ urls.format('FORUM_SUB', [forum.id]) }}{% endset %} {% set forumReplyLink %}{{ urls.format('FORUM_REPLY', [thread.id]) }}{% endset %} {% set posts = thread.posts|batch(10) %} {% if get.p and not get.page %} {% set num = 0 %} {% for k,v in thread.posts %} {% if k < get.p %} {% set num = num + 1 %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% set num = (num / 10)|round(0, 'floor') + 1 %} {% set get = get|merge({'page': num}) %} {% endif %} {% set paginationPages = posts %} {% set paginationUrl %}{{ urls.format('FORUM_THREAD', [thread.id]) }}{% endset %} {% block title %}{{ thread.title }}{% endblock %} {% block css %} {% endblock %} {% block js %} {% endblock %} {% block content %}
{% if not post.poster.checkPermission('SITE', 'DEACTIVATED') or post.poster.checkPermission('SITE', 'RESTRICTED') %}{{ post.poster.username }}
{% else %}
[deleted user]
{% endif %}
{{ post.poster.userTitle }}
{% if post.poster.id == (thread.posts|first).poster.id %} {% endif %}
{% if session.checkLogin %}
{% endif %}
{{ post.parsed|raw }}
{% if post.poster.signature and post.signature %}
{{ post.poster.signature|raw|nl2br }}
{% endif %}