*/ class ForumController extends Controller { public function index() { // Get the most active topics $activeTopicsIds = DB::table('posts') ->where('forum_id', '!=', config('forum.trash')) ->groupBy('topic_id') ->orderByRaw('COUNT(*) DESC') ->limit(10) ->get(['topic_id']); $activeTopics = []; // make this not disgusting while (list($_n, $_t) = each($activeTopicsIds)) { $topic = new Topic($_t->topic_id); $forum = new Forum($topic->forum); // Check if we have permission to view it if (!$forum->permission(ForumPerms::VIEW, ActiveUser::$user->id)) { $fetch = DB::table('posts') ->groupBy('topic_id') ->orderByRaw('COUNT(*) DESC') ->skip(11 + $_n) ->take(1) ->get(['topic_id']); if ($fetch) { $activeTopicsIds[] = $fetch[0]; } continue; } $activeTopics[$topic->id] = $topic; } // Get the latest posts $latestPostsIds = DB::table('posts') ->where('forum_id', '!=', config('forum.trash')) ->orderBy('post_id', 'desc') ->limit(10) ->get(['post_id']); $latestPosts = []; while (list($_n, $_p) = each($latestPostsIds)) { $post = new Post($_p->post_id); $forum = new Forum($post->forum); // Check if we have permission to view it if (!$forum->permission(ForumPerms::VIEW, ActiveUser::$user->id)) { $fetch = DB::table('posts') ->orderBy('post_id', 'desc') ->skip(11 + $_n) ->take(1) ->get(['post_id']); if ($fetch) { $latestPostsIds[] = $fetch[0]; } continue; } $latestPosts[$post->id] = $post; } // Get the most active poster $activePosterId = DB::table('posts') ->where('forum_id', '!=', config('forum.trash')) ->where('post_time', '>', time() - (24 * 60 * 60)) ->groupBy('poster_id') ->orderByRaw('COUNT(*) DESC') ->limit(1) ->get(['poster_id']); $activePoster = User::construct( $activePosterId ? $activePosterId[0]->poster_id : 0 ); $forum = new Forum; return view('forum/index', compact('forum', 'activeTopics', 'latestPosts', 'activePoster')); } public function forum($id = 0) { $forum = new Forum($id); $redirect = route('forums.index'); $message = "The forum you tried to access does not exist!"; // Redirect forum id 0 to the main page if ($forum->id === 0) { return header("Location: {$redirect}"); } // Check if the forum exists if ($forum->id < 0 || !$forum->permission(ForumPerms::VIEW, ActiveUser::$user->id)) { return view('global/information', compact('message', 'redirect')); } // Check if the forum isn't a link if ($forum->type === 2) { $message = "The forum you tried to access is a link. You're being redirected."; $redirect = $forum->link; return view('global/information', compact('message', 'redirect')); } return view('forum/forum', compact('forum')); } public function markRead($id = 0) { $redirect = route('forums.index'); if (!session_check('s')) { $message = "Your session expired! Go back and try again."; return view('global/information', compact('message', 'redirect')); } $forum = new Forum($id); // Check if the forum exists if ($forum->id < 1 || !$forum->permission(ForumPerms::VIEW, ActiveUser::$user->id)) { $message = "The forum you tried to access does not exist."; return view('global/information', compact('message', 'redirect')); } $forum->trackUpdateAll(ActiveUser::$user->id); $message = 'All topics have been marked as read!'; $redirect = route('forums.forum', $forum->id); return view('global/information', compact('message', 'redirect')); } }