0, 'username' => 'Sakura User', 'username_clean' => 'sakura user', 'password_hash' => '', 'password_salt' => '', 'password_algo' => 'nologin', 'password_iter' => 1000, 'password_chan' => 0, 'password_new' => '', 'email' => 'sakura@localhost', 'rank_main' => 0, 'user_ranks' => '[0]', 'user_colour' => '', 'register_ip' => '', 'last_ip' => '', 'user_title' => 'Internal fallback account', 'user_registered' => 0, 'user_last_online' => 0, 'user_birthday' => '', 'user_country' => 'XX', 'user_data' => '[]', ]; // Empty rank template public static $emptyRank = [ 'rank_id' => 0, 'rank_name' => 'Sakura Rank', 'rank_multiple' => null, 'rank_hidden' => 1, 'rank_colour' => '#444', 'rank_description' => 'A hardcoded dummy rank for fallback.', 'rank_title' => '', ]; // Check if a user is logged in public static function checkLogin($uid = null, $sid = null, $bypassCookies = false) { // Set $uid and $sid if they're null if ($uid == null) { $uid = Session::$userId; } // ^ if ($sid == null) { $sid = Session::$sessionId; } // Check if cookie bypass is false if (!$bypassCookies) { // Check if the cookies are set if (!isset($_COOKIE[Configuration::getConfig('cookie_prefix') . 'id']) || !isset($_COOKIE[Configuration::getConfig('cookie_prefix') . 'session'])) { return false; } } // Check if the session exists and check if the user is activated if (!$session = Session::checkSession($uid, $sid) || Permissions::check('SITE', 'DEACTIVATED', $uid, 1)) { // Unset User ID setcookie( Configuration::getConfig('cookie_prefix') . 'id', 0, time() - 60, Configuration::getConfig('cookie_path'), Configuration::getConfig('cookie_domain') ); // Unset Session ID setcookie( Configuration::getConfig('cookie_prefix') . 'session', '', time() - 60, Configuration::getConfig('cookie_path'), Configuration::getConfig('cookie_domain') ); return false; } // Extend the cookie times if the remember flag is set if ($session == 2 && !$bypassCookies) { // User ID cookie setcookie( Configuration::getConfig('cookie_prefix') . 'id', $uid, time() + 604800, Configuration::getConfig('cookie_path'), Configuration::getConfig('cookie_domain') ); // Session ID cookie setcookie( Configuration::getConfig('cookie_prefix') . 'session', $sid, time() + 604800, Configuration::getConfig('cookie_path'), Configuration::getConfig('cookie_domain') ); } // Update last online Database::update('users', [ [ 'user_last_online' => time(), ], [ 'user_id' => [$uid, '='], ], ]); // Update the premium meta self::updatePremiumMeta($uid); // If everything went through return true return true; } // Log a user in public static function login($username, $password, $remember = false, $cookies = true) { // Check if authentication is disallowed if (Configuration::getConfig('lock_authentication')) { return [0, 'AUTH_LOCKED']; } // Check if the user that's trying to log in actually exists if (!$uid = self::userExists($username, false)) { return [0, 'USER_NOT_EXIST']; } // Get account data $user = self::getUser($uid); // Validate password switch ($user['password_algo']) { // Abyssing case 'nologin': return [0, 'NO_LOGIN']; // Default hashing method default: if (!Hashing::validatePassword($password, [ $user['password_algo'], $user['password_iter'], $user['password_salt'], $user['password_hash'], ])) { return [0, 'INCORRECT_PASSWORD', $user['password_chan']]; } } // Check if the user has the required privs to log in if (Permissions::check('SITE', 'DEACTIVATED', $user['user_id'], 1)) { return [0, 'NOT_ALLOWED']; } // Create a new session $sessionKey = Session::newSession($user['user_id'], $remember); // Set cookies if ($cookies) { // User ID cookie setcookie( Configuration::getConfig('cookie_prefix') . 'id', $user['user_id'], time() + 604800, Configuration::getConfig('cookie_path'), Configuration::getConfig('cookie_domain') ); // Session ID cookie setcookie( Configuration::getConfig('cookie_prefix') . 'session', $sessionKey, time() + 604800, Configuration::getConfig('cookie_path'), Configuration::getConfig('cookie_domain') ); } // Successful login! (also has a thing for the legacy password system) return [1, 'LOGIN_SUCCESS', $user['user_id']]; } // Logout and kill the session public static function logout() { // Check if user is logged in if (!self::checkLogin()) { return false; } // Remove the active session from the database if (!Session::deleteSession(Session::$sessionId, true)) { return false; } // Unset User ID setcookie( Configuration::getConfig('cookie_prefix') . 'id', 0, time() - 60, Configuration::getConfig('cookie_path'), Configuration::getConfig('cookie_domain') ); // Unset Session ID setcookie( Configuration::getConfig('cookie_prefix') . 'session', '', time() - 60, Configuration::getConfig('cookie_path'), Configuration::getConfig('cookie_domain') ); // Return true indicating a successful logout return true; } // Register user public static function register($username, $password, $confirmpass, $email, $tos, $captcha = null, $regkey = null) { // Check if authentication is disallowed if (Configuration::getConfig('lock_authentication')) { return [0, 'AUTH_LOCKED']; } // Check if registration is even enabled if (Configuration::getConfig('disable_registration')) { return [0, 'DISABLED']; } // Check if registration codes are required if (Configuration::getConfig('require_registration_code')) { // Check if the code is valid if (!self::checkRegistrationCode($regkey)) { return [0, 'INVALID_REG_KEY']; } } // Check if the user agreed to the ToS if (!$tos) { return [0, 'TOS']; } // Verify the captcha if it's enabled if (Configuration::getConfig('recaptcha')) { if (!Main::verifyCaptcha($captcha)['success']) { return [0, 'CAPTCHA_FAIL']; } } // Check if the username already exists if (self::userExists($username, false)) { return [0, 'USER_EXISTS']; } // Username too short if (strlen($username) < Configuration::getConfig('username_min_length')) { return [0, 'NAME_TOO_SHORT']; } // Username too long if (strlen($username) > Configuration::getConfig('username_max_length')) { return [0, 'NAME_TOO_LONG']; } // Check if the given email address is formatted properly if (!filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { return [0, 'INVALID_EMAIL']; } // Check the MX record of the email if (!Main::checkMXRecord($email)) { return [0, 'INVALID_MX']; } // Check password entropy if (Main::pwdEntropy($password) < Configuration::getConfig('min_entropy')) { return [0, 'PASS_TOO_SHIT']; } // Passwords do not match if ($password != $confirmpass) { return [0, 'PASS_NOT_MATCH']; } // Set a few variables $usernameClean = Main::cleanString($username, true); $emailClean = Main::cleanString($email, true); $password = Hashing::createHash($password); $requireActive = Configuration::getConfig('require_activation'); $userRank = $requireActive ? [1] : [2]; $userRankJson = json_encode($userRank); // Insert the user into the database Database::insert('users', [ 'username' => $username, 'username_clean' => $usernameClean, 'password_hash' => $password[3], 'password_salt' => $password[2], 'password_algo' => $password[0], 'password_iter' => $password[1], 'email' => $emailClean, 'rank_main' => $userRank[0], 'user_ranks' => $userRankJson, 'register_ip' => Main::getRemoteIP(), 'last_ip' => Main::getRemoteIP(), 'user_registered' => time(), 'user_last_online' => 0, 'user_country' => Main::getCountryCode(), 'user_data' => '[]', ]); // Get userid of the new user $uid = Database::fetch('users', false, ['username_clean' => [$usernameClean, '=']])['user_id']; // Check if we require e-mail activation if ($requireActive) { // Send activation e-mail to user self::sendActivationMail($uid); } // Check if registration codes are required if (Configuration::getConfig('require_registration_code')) { // If we do mark the registration code that was used as used self::markRegistrationCodeUsed($regkey, $uid); } // Return true with a specific message if needed return [1, ($requireActive ? 'EMAILSENT' : 'SUCCESS')]; } // Check if a user exists and then send the password forgot email public static function sendPasswordForgot($username, $email) { // Check if authentication is disallowed if (Configuration::getConfig('lock_authentication')) { return [0, 'AUTH_LOCKED']; } // Clean username string $usernameClean = Main::cleanString($username, true); $emailClean = Main::cleanString($email, true); // Do database request $user = Database::fetch('users', false, [ 'username_clean' => [$usernameClean, '='], 'email' => [$emailClean, '='], ]); // Check if user exists if (count($user) < 2) { return [0, 'USER_NOT_EXIST']; } // Check if the user has the required privs to log in if (Permissions::check('SITE', 'DEACTIVATED', $user['user_id'], 1)) { return [0, 'NOT_ALLOWED']; } // Generate the verification key $verk = Main::newActionCode('LOST_PASS', $user['user_id'], [ 'meta' => [ 'password_change' => 1, ], ]); // Create new urls object $urls = new Urls(); // Build the e-mail $message = "Hello " . $user['username'] . ",\r\n\r\n"; $message .= "You are receiving this notification because you have (or someone pretending to be you has) requested a password reset link to be sent for your account on \"" . Configuration::getConfig('sitename') . "\". If you did not request this notification then please ignore it, if you keep receiving it please contact the site administrator.\r\n\r\n"; $message .= "To use this password reset key you need to go to a special page. To do this click the link provided below.\r\n\r\n"; $message .= "http://" . Configuration::getConfig('url_main') . $urls->format('SITE_FORGOT_PASSWORD') . "?pw=true&uid=" . $user['user_id'] . "&key=" . $verk . "\r\n\r\n"; $message .= "If successful you should be able to change your password here.\r\n\r\n"; $message .= "Alternatively if the above method fails for some reason you can go to http://" . Configuration::getConfig('url_main') . $urls->format('SITE_FORGOT_PASSWORD') . "?pw=true&uid=" . $user['user_id'] . " and use the key listed below:\r\n\r\n"; $message .= "Verification key: " . $verk . "\r\n\r\n"; $message .= "You can of course change this password yourself via the profile page. If you have any difficulties please contact the site administrator.\r\n\r\n"; $message .= "--\r\n\r\nThanks\r\n\r\n" . Configuration::getConfig('mail_signature'); // Send the message Main::sendMail([$user['email'] => $user['username']], Configuration::getConfig('sitename') . ' password restoration', $message); // Return success return [1, 'SUCCESS']; } // Reset password with key public static function resetPassword($verk, $uid, $newpass, $verpass) { // Check if authentication is disallowed if (Configuration::getConfig('lock_authentication')) { return [0, 'AUTH_LOCKED']; } // Check password entropy if (Main::pwdEntropy($newpass) < Configuration::getConfig('min_entropy')) { return [0, 'PASS_TOO_SHIT']; } // Passwords do not match if ($newpass != $verpass) { return [0, 'PASS_NOT_MATCH']; } // Check the verification key $action = Main::useActionCode('LOST_PASS', $verk, $uid); // Check if we got a negative return if (!$action[0]) { return [0, $action[1]]; } // Hash the password $password = Hashing::createHash($newpass); $time = time(); // Update the user Database::update('users', [ [ 'password_hash' => $password[3], 'password_salt' => $password[2], 'password_algo' => $password[0], 'password_iter' => $password[1], 'password_chan' => $time, ], [ 'user_id' => [$uid, '='], ], ]); // Return success return [1, 'SUCCESS']; } // Check if a user exists and then resend the activation e-mail public static function resendActivationMail($username, $email) { // Check if authentication is disallowed if (Configuration::getConfig('lock_authentication')) { return [0, 'AUTH_LOCKED']; } // Clean username string $usernameClean = Main::cleanString($username, true); $emailClean = Main::cleanString($email, true); // Do database request $user = Database::fetch('users', false, [ 'username_clean' => [$usernameClean, '='], 'email' => [$emailClean, '='], ]); // Check if user exists if (count($user) < 2) { return [0, 'USER_NOT_EXIST']; } // Check if a user is activated if (!Permissions::check('SITE', 'DEACTIVATED', $user['user_id'], 1)) { return [0, 'USER_ALREADY_ACTIVE']; } // Send activation e-mail self::sendActivationMail($user['user_id']); // Return success return [1, 'SUCCESS']; } // Send the activation e-mail and do other required stuff public static function sendActivationMail($uid, $customKey = null) { // Get the user data $user = Database::fetch('users', false, ['user_id' => [$uid, '=']]); // User is already activated or doesn't even exist if (count($user) < 2 || !Permissions::check('SITE', 'DEACTIVATED', $user['user_id'], 1)) { return false; } // Generate activation key $activate = ($customKey ? $customKey : Main::newActionCode('ACTIVATE', $uid, [ 'user' => [ 'rank_main' => 2, 'user_ranks' => json_encode([2]), ], ])); // Create new urls object $urls = new Urls(); // Build the e-mail $message = "Welcome to " . Configuration::getConfig('sitename') . "!\r\n\r\n"; $message .= "Please keep this e-mail for your records. Your account intormation is as follows:\r\n\r\n"; $message .= "----------------------------\r\n\r\n"; $message .= "Username: " . $user['username'] . "\r\n\r\n"; $message .= "Your profile: http://" . Configuration::getConfig('url_main') . $urls->format('USER_PROFILE', [$user['user_id']]) . "\r\n\r\n"; $message .= "----------------------------\r\n\r\n"; $message .= "Please visit the following link in order to activate your account:\r\n\r\n"; $message .= "http://" . Configuration::getConfig('url_main') . $urls->format('SITE_ACTIVATE') . "?mode=activate&u=" . $user['user_id'] . "&k=" . $activate . "\r\n\r\n"; $message .= "Your password has been securely stored in our database and cannot be retrieved. "; $message .= "In the event that it is forgotten, you will be able to reset it using the email address associated with your account.\r\n\r\n"; $message .= "Thank you for registering.\r\n\r\n"; $message .= "--\r\n\r\nThanks\r\n\r\n" . Configuration::getConfig('mail_signature'); // Send the message Main::sendMail( [ $user['email'] => $user['username'], ], Configuration::getConfig('sitename') . ' Activation Mail', $message ); // Return true indicating that the things have been sent return true; } // Activating a user public static function activateUser($uid, $requireKey = false, $key = null) { // Get the user data $user = Database::fetch('users', false, ['user_id' => [$uid, '=']]); // Check if user exists if (!count($user) > 1) { return [0, 'USER_NOT_EXIST']; } // Check if user is already activated if (!Permissions::check('SITE', 'DEACTIVATED', $user['user_id'], 1)) { return [0, 'USER_ALREADY_ACTIVE']; } // Set default values for activation $rank = 2; $ranks = json_encode([2]); /* Check if a key is set (there's an option to not set one for user management reasons but you can't really get around this anyway) */ if ($requireKey) { // Check the action code $action = Main::useActionCode('ACTIVATE', $key, $uid); // Check if we got a negative return if (!$action[0]) { return [0, $action[1]]; } // Assign the special values $instructionData = json_decode($action[2], true); $rank = $instructionData['user']['rank_main']; $ranks = $instructionData['user']['user_ranks']; } // Activate the account Database::update('users', [ [ 'rank_main' => $rank, 'user_ranks' => $ranks, ], [ 'user_id' => [$uid, '='], ], ]); // Return success return [1, 'SUCCESS']; } // Deactivating a user public static function deactivateUser($uid) { // Get the user data $user = Database::fetch('users', false, ['user_id' => [$uid, '=']]); // Check if user exists if (!count($user) > 1) { return [0, 'USER_NOT_EXIST']; } // Check if user is already deactivated if (Permissions::check('SITE', 'DEACTIVATED', $user['user_id'], 1)) { return [0, 'USER_ALREADY_DEACTIVE']; } // Deactivate the account Database::update('users', [ [ 'rank_main' => 2, 'user_ranks' => json_encode([2]), ], [ 'user_id' => [$uid, '='], ], ]); // Return success return [1, 'SUCCESS']; } // Check if registration code is valid public static function checkRegistrationCode($code) { // Get registration key $keyRow = Database::fetch('regcodes', true, ['code' => [$code, '='], 'key_used' => [0, '=']]); // Check if it exists and return it return count($keyRow) ? $keyRow[0]['id'] : false; } // Mark registration code as used public static function markRegistrationCodeUsed($code, $uid = 0) { // Check if the code exists if (!$id = self::checkRegistrationCode($code)) { return false; } // Mark it as used Database::update('regcodes', [ [ 'used_by' => $uid, 'key_used' => 1, ], [ 'id' => [$id, '='], ], ]); // Return true because yeah return true; } // Create new registration code public static function createRegistrationCode() { // Check if we're logged in if (!self::checkLogin()) { return false; } // Check if the user is not exceeding the maximum registration key amount if (Database::count( 'regcodes', true, ['uid' => [Session::$userId, '=']] )[0] >= Configuration::getConfig('max_reg_keys')) { return false; } // Generate a code by MD5'ing some random bullshit $code = md5('SAKURA' . rand(0, 99999999) . Session::$userId . 'NOOKLSISGOD'); // Insert the key into the database Database::insert('regcodes', [ 'code' => $code, 'created_by' => Session::$userId, 'used_by' => 0, 'key_used' => 0, ]); // Return the code return $code; } // Set the default rank of a user public static function setDefaultRank($uid, $rid, $userIdIsUserData = false) { // Get the specified user $user = $userIdIsUserData ? $uid : self::getUser($uid); // Decode the json $ranks = json_decode($user['user_ranks'], true); // Check if the rank we're trying to set is actually there if (!in_array($rid, $ranks)) { return false; } // Update the row Database::update('users', [ [ 'rank_main' => $rid, ], [ 'user_id' => [$uid, '='], ], ]); // Return true if everything was successful return true; } // Add a rank to a user public static function addRanksToUser($ranks, $uid, $userIdIsUserData = false) { // Get the specified user $user = $userIdIsUserData ? $uid : self::getUser($uid); // Decode the array $current = json_decode($user['user_ranks'], true); // Go over all the new ranks foreach ($ranks as $rank) { // Check if the user already has this rank and set it if not if (!in_array($rank, $current)) { $current[] = (int) $rank; } } // Encode the array $current = json_encode($current); // Update the row Database::update('users', [ [ 'user_ranks' => $current, ], [ 'user_id' => [$uid, '='], ], ]); // Return true because return true; } // Removing ranks from a user public static function removeRanksFromUser($ranks, $uid, $userIdIsUserData = false) { // Get the specified user $user = $userIdIsUserData ? $uid : self::getUser($uid); // Get the ranks $current = json_decode($user['user_ranks'], true); // Check the current ranks for ranks in the set array foreach ($current as $key => $rank) { // Unset the rank if (in_array($rank, $ranks)) { unset($current[$key]); } } // Encode the array $current = json_encode($current); // Update the row Database::update('users', [ [ 'user_ranks' => $current, ], [ 'user_id' => [$uid, '='], ], ]); // Return true return true; } // Check if a user has these ranks public static function checkIfUserHasRanks($ranks, $userid, $userIdIsUserData = false) { return $userIdIsUserData ? $userid->checkIfUserHasRanks($ranks) : (new User($userid))->checkIfUserHasRanks($ranks); } // Check if a user exists public static function userExists($user, $id = true) { // Clean string $user = Main::cleanString($user, true); // Do database request $user = Database::fetch('users', true, [($id ? 'user_id' : 'username_clean') => [$user, '=']]); // Return count (which would return 0, aka false, if nothing was found) return count($user) ? $user[0]['user_id'] : false; } // Get the available profile fields public static function getProfileFields() { // Get profile fields $profileFields = Database::fetch('profilefields'); // If there's nothing just return null if (!count($profileFields)) { return null; } // Create output array $fields = []; // Iterate over the fields and clean them up foreach ($profileFields as $field) { $fields[$field['field_id']] = $field; $fields[$field['field_id']]['field_identity'] = Main::cleanString($field['field_name'], true, true); $fields[$field['field_id']]['field_additional'] = json_decode($field['field_additional'], true); } // Return the yeahs return $fields; } // Get the available option fields public static function getOptionFields() { // Get option fields $optionFields = Database::fetch('optionfields'); // If there's nothing just return null if (!count($optionFields)) { return null; } // Create output array $fields = []; // Iterate over the fields and clean them up foreach ($optionFields as $field) { if (!Permissions::check('SITE', $field['option_permission'], Session::$userId, 1)) { continue; } $fields[$field['option_id']] = $field; } // Return the yeahs return $fields; } // Get user's profile fields public static function getUserProfileFields($id, $inputIsData = false) { // Get profile fields $profileFields = Database::fetch('profilefields'); // If there's nothing just return null if (!count($profileFields)) { return null; } // Assign the profileData variable $profileData = ($inputIsData ? $id : self::getUser($id)['user_data']); // Once again if nothing was returned just return null if (count($profileData) < 1 || $profileData == null || empty($profileData['profileFields'])) { return null; } // Redeclare profileData $profileData = $profileData['profileFields']; // Create output array $profile = []; // Check if profile fields aren't fake foreach ($profileFields as $field) { // Completely strip all special characters from the field name $fieldName = Main::cleanString($field['name'], true, true); // Check if the user has the current field set otherwise continue if (!array_key_exists($fieldName, $profileData)) { continue; } // Assign field to output with value $profile[$fieldName] = array(); $profile[$fieldName]['name'] = $field['name']; $profile[$fieldName]['value'] = $profileData[$fieldName]; $profile[$fieldName]['islink'] = $field['islink']; // If the field is set to be a link add a value for that as well if ($field['islink']) { $profile[$fieldName]['link'] = str_replace('{{ VAL }}', $profileData[$fieldName], $field['linkformat']); } // Check if we have additional options as well if ($field['additional'] != null) { // Decode the json of the additional stuff $additional = json_decode($field['additional'], true); // Go over all additional forms foreach ($additional as $subName => $subField) { // Check if the user has the current field set otherwise continue if (!array_key_exists($subName, $profileData)) { continue; } // Assign field to output with value $profile[$fieldName][$subName] = $profileData[$subName]; } } } // Return appropiate profile data return $profile; } // Updating the profile data of a user public static function updateUserDataField($id, $data) { // We retrieve the current content from the database $current = self::getUser($id)['user_data']; // Merge the arrays $data = array_merge($current, $data); // Encode the json $data = json_encode($data); // Store it in the database Database::update('users', [ [ 'user_data' => $data, ], [ 'user_id' => [$id, '='], ], ]); } // Check if a user is online public static function checkUserOnline($id) { // Get user $user = self::getUser($id); // Return false if the user doesn't exist because a user that doesn't exist can't be online if (empty($user)) { return false; } // Return true if the user was online in the last 5 minutes return ($user['user_last_online'] > (time() - 500)); } // Get all online users public static function checkAllOnline() { // Assign time - 500 to a variable $time = time() - 500; // Get all online users in the past 5 minutes $getAll = Database::fetch('users', true, ['user_last_online' => [$time, '>']]); // Return all the online users return $getAll; } // Add premium to a user public static function addUserPremium($id, $seconds) { // Check if there's already a record of premium for this user in the database $getUser = Database::fetch('premium', false, [ 'user_id' => [$id, '='], ]); // Calculate the (new) start and expiration timestamp $start = isset($getUser['premium_start']) ? $getUser['premium_start'] : time(); $expire = isset($getUser['premium_expire']) ? $getUser['premium_expire'] + $seconds : time() + $seconds; // If the user already exists do an update call, otherwise an insert call if (empty($getUser)) { Database::insert('premium', [ 'user_id' => $id, 'premium_start' => $start, 'premium_expire' => $expire, ]); } else { Database::update('premium', [ [ 'premium_expire' => $expire, ], [ 'user_id' => [$id, '='], ], ]); } // Return the expiration timestamp return $expire; } // Remove the premium status of a user public static function removeUserPremium($id) { Database::delete('premium', [ 'user_id' => [$id, '='], ]); } // Check if user has Premium public static function checkUserPremium($id) { // Check if the user has static premium if (Permissions::check('SITE', 'STATIC_PREMIUM', $id, 1)) { return [2, 0, time() + 1]; } // Attempt to retrieve the premium record from the database $getRecord = Database::fetch('premium', false, [ 'user_id' => [$id, '='], ]); // If nothing was returned just return false if (empty($getRecord)) { return [0]; } // Check if the Tenshi hasn't expired if ($getRecord['premium_expire'] < time()) { self::removeUserPremium($id); self::updatePremiumMeta($id); return [0, $getRecord['premium_start'], $getRecord['premium_expire']]; } // Else return the start and expiration date return [1, $getRecord['premium_start'], $getRecord['premium_expire']]; } // Update the premium data public static function updatePremiumMeta($id) { // Get the ID for the premium user rank from the database $premiumRank = Configuration::getConfig('premium_rank_id'); // Run the check $check = self::checkUserPremium($id); // Check if the user has premium if ($check[0] == 1) { // If so add the rank to them self::addRanksToUser([$premiumRank], $id); // Check if the user's default rank is standard user and update it to premium if (self::getUser($id)['rank_main'] == 2) { self::setDefaultRank($id, $premiumRank); } } elseif ($check[0] == 0 && count($check) > 1) { // Else remove the rank from them self::removeRanksFromUser([$premiumRank], $id); } } // Get user data by id public static function getUser($id) { // If user was found return user data return (new User($id))->data; } // Get rank data by id public static function getRank($id) { // If rank was found return rank data return (new Rank($id))->data; } // Get user(s) by IP public static function getUsersByIP($ip) { // Get users by registration IP $registeredFrom = Database::fetch('users', true, ['register_ip' => [$ip, '=']]); // Get users by last IP $lastFrom = Database::fetch('users', true, ['last_ip' => [$ip, '='], 'register_ip' => [$ip, '!=']]); // Merge the arrays $users = array_merge($registeredFrom, $lastFrom); // Return the array with users return $users; } // Get users in rank public static function getUsersInRank($rankId, $users = null, $excludeAbyss = true) { // Get all users (or use the supplied user list to keep server load down) if (!$users) { $users = self::getAllUsers(); } // Make output array $rank = array(); // Go over all users and check if they have the rank id foreach ($users as $user) { // If so store the user's row in the array if (self::checkIfUserHasRanks([$rankId], $user, true) && ($excludeAbyss ? $user->data['password_algo'] != 'nologin' : true)) { $rank[] = $user; } } // Then return the array with the user rows return $rank; } // Get all users public static function getAllUsers($includeInactive = true, $includeAbyss = false) { // Execute query $getUsers = Database::fetch('users', true); // Define variable $users = []; // Reorder shit foreach ($getUsers as $user) { // Skip abyss if (!$includeAbyss && $user['password_algo'] == 'nologin') { continue; } // Skip if inactive and not include deactivated users if (!$includeInactive && Permissions::check('SITE', 'DEACTIVATED', $user['user_id'], 1)) { continue; } $users[$user['user_id']] = new User($user['user_id']); } // and return an array with the users return $users; } // Get all ranks public static function getAllRanks() { // Execute query $getRanks = Database::fetch('ranks', true); // Define variable $ranks = []; // Reorder shit foreach ($getRanks as $rank) { $ranks[$rank['rank_id']] = new Rank($rank['rank_id']); } // and return an array with the ranks return $ranks; } // Get all warnings issued to a user (or all warnings a user issued) public static function getWarnings($uid = 0, $iid = false) { // Do the database query $warnings = Database::fetch('warnings', true, ($uid ? [ ($iid ? 'moderator_id' : 'user_id') => [$uid, '='], ] : null)); // Return all the warnings return $warnings; } // Get a user's notifications public static function getNotifications($uid = null, $timediff = 0, $excludeRead = true, $markRead = false) { // Prepare conditions $conditions = array(); $conditions['user_id'] = [($uid ? $uid : Session::$userId), '=']; if ($timediff) { $conditions['alert_timestamp'] = [time() - $timediff, '>']; } if ($excludeRead) { $conditions['alert_read'] = [0, '=']; } // Get notifications for the database $notifications = Database::fetch('notifications', true, $conditions); // Mark the notifications as read if ($markRead) { // Iterate over all entries foreach ($notifications as $notification) { // If the notifcation is already read skip if ($notification['alert_read']) { continue; } // Mark them as read self::markNotificationRead($notification['user_id']); } } // Return the notifications return $notifications; } // Marking notifications as read public static function markNotificationRead($id, $mode = true) { // Execute an update statement Database::update('notifications', [ [ 'alert_read' => ($mode ? 1 : 0), ], [ 'alert_id' => [$id, '='], ], ]); } // Adding a new notification public static function createNotification($user, $title, $text, $timeout = 60000, $img = 'FONT:fa-info-circle', $link = '', $sound = 0) { // Get current timestamp $time = time(); // Insert it into the database Database::insert('notifications', [ 'user_id' => $user, 'alert_timestamp' => $time, 'alert_read' => 0, 'alert_sound' => ($sound ? 1 : 0), 'alert_title' => $title, 'alert_text' => $text, 'alert_link' => $link, 'alert_img' => $img, 'alert_timeout' => $timeout, ]); } // Getting a user's PMs public static function getPrivateMessages($from = false) { // Get all messages from the database $messages = Database::fetch('messages', true, [ ($from ? 'from_user' : 'to_user') => [Session::$userId, '='], ]); // Prepare a storage array $store = array(); // Go over each message and check if they are for the current user foreach ($messages as $message) { // Store the message $store[$message['id']] = $message; // Store user data as well $store[$message['id']]['data']['from']['user'] = ($_MSG_USR = self::getUser($message['from_user'])); $store[$message['id']]['data']['from']['rank'] = self::getRank($_MSG_USR['rank_main']); $store[$message['id']]['data']['to']['user'] = ($_MSG_USR = self::getUser($message['to_user'])); $store[$message['id']]['data']['to']['rank'] = self::getRank($_MSG_USR['rank_main']); } // Return store array return $store; } // Get friends public static function getFriends($uid = null, $timestamps = false, $getData = false, $checkOnline = false) { // Assign $uid if (!$uid) { $uid = Session::$userId; } // Get all friends $getFriends = Database::fetch('friends', true, [ 'user_id' => [$uid, '='], ]); // Create the friends array $friends = []; // Iterate over the raw database return foreach ($getFriends as $key => $friend) { // Add friend to array $friends[($timestamps ? $friend['friend_id'] : $key)] = $getData ? ([ 'user' => ($_UDATA = self::getUser($friend['friend_id'])), 'rank' => self::getRank($_UDATA['rank_main']), ]) : $friend[($timestamps ? 'friend_timestamp' : 'friend_id')]; } // Check who is online and who isn't if ($checkOnline) { // Check each user foreach ($friends as $key => $friend) { $friends[ self::checkUserOnline($getData ? $friend['user']['user_id'] : $friend) ? 'online' : 'offline' ][] = $friend; } } // Return formatted array return $friends; } // Get non-mutual friends public static function getPendingFriends($uid = null, $getData = false) { // Assign $of automatically if it's not set if (!$uid) { $uid = Session::$userId; } // Get all friend entries from other people involved the current user $friends = Database::fetch('friends', true, [ 'friend_id' => [$uid, '='], ]); // Create pending array $pending = []; // Check if the friends are mutual foreach ($friends as $friend) { // Create user object $user = new User($uid); // Check if the friend is mutual if (!$user->checkFriends($friend['user_id'])) { $pending[] = $getData ? ([ 'user' => ($_UDATA = self::getUser($friend['user_id'])), 'rank' => self::getRank($_UDATA['rank_main']), ]) : $friend; } } // Return the pending friends return $pending; } // Get the ID of the newest user public static function getNewestUserId() { return Database::fetch('users', false, ['password_algo' => ['nologin', '!=']], ['user_id', true], ['1'])['user_id']; } }