*/ class URLResolver { /** * Resolves a url. * @param string $protocol * @param string $slashes * @param string $authority * @param string $host * @param string $port * @param string $path * @param string $query * @param string $hash * @return LinkInfo */ public static function resolve($protocol, $slashes, $authority, $host, $port, $path, $query, $hash) { $url = "{$protocol}:{$slashes}{$authority}{$host}{$port}{$path}{$query}{$hash}"; $info = new LinkInfo; $info->URL = $info->OriginalURL = $url; $info->Type = LinkInfo::TYPES['PLAIN']; switch ($protocol) { case 'http': case 'https': // youtube, handles .be, -nocookie.com and any possible tld and always uses -nocookie.com for the embedder if (preg_match("#(?:www\.)?youtu(?:be\.(?:[a-z]{2,63})|\.be|\be-nocookie\.com)$#si", $host)) { if ($host === 'youtu.be') { $video_id = $path; } else { $split = split_query_string($query); if (!array_key_exists('v', $split)) { break; } $video_id = $split['v']; } $info->URL = "https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/{$video_id}"; $info->Type = LinkInfo::TYPES['EMBED']; $info->Width = 320; $info->Height = 240; break; } $headers = get_headers($url); $data = curl_fetch($url); if (strstr($headers[0], ' 40') !== false || strstr($headers[0], ' 50') !== false) { $info->Type = LinkInfo::TYPES['PLAIN']; break; } if (getimagesizefromstring($data) !== false) { $info->Type = LinkInfo::TYPES['IMAGE']; break; } $finfo = finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE); $mime = finfo_buffer($finfo, $data); finfo_close($finfo); if (strstr($mime, 'audio/') !== false) { $info->Type = LinkInfo::TYPES['AUDIO']; if (strstr($mime, 'mp') !== false) { $info->ContentType = 'audio/mp3'; } elseif (strstr($mime, 'og') !== false) { $info->ContentType = 'audio/ogg'; } elseif (strstr($mime, 'webm') !== false) { $info->ContentType = 'audio/webm'; } else { $info->ContentType = 'audio/wav'; } break; } if (strstr($mime, 'video/') !== false) { $info->Type = LinkInfo::TYPES['VIDEO']; if (strstr($mime, 'og') !== false) { $info->ContentType = 'video/ogg'; } elseif (strstr($mime, 'webm') !== false) { $info->ContentType = 'video/webm'; } else { // just kind of assume it's mp4 $info->ContentType = 'video/mp4'; } break; } $tags = meta_tags($data); $info->Image = $tags['og:image'] ?? $tags['twitter:image:src'] ?? null; $info->Title = $tags['og:title'] ?? $tags['twitter:title'] ?? $tags['title'] ?? null; $info->Description = $tags['og:description'] ?? $tags['twitter:description'] ?? $tags['description'] ?? null; if ($info->Title === null && $info->Description === null) { $info->Type = LinkInfo::TYPES['PLAIN']; } else { $info->Type = LinkInfo::TYPES['META']; } break; case 'osu': // osu!direct if ($host === 'dl' || $host === 'b') { $info->Type = LinkInfo::TYPES['META']; } else { $info->Type = LinkInfo::TYPES['PLAIN']; } break; } return $info; } }