'Sakura Credits' ]; $renderData['contributors'] = [ 'Flashwave' => ['Main developer.', 'http://flash.moe'], 'Kurasha244' => ['Writing the base for the old backend.', 'http://saibateku.net'], 'nookls' => ['Being nookls.', 'http://nookls.org'], 'MallocNull' => ['Sock Chat and debug help.', 'http://aroltd.com'], 'kamil' => ['Pointing out mistakes and fixing them.', 'http://krakow.pw'] ]; $renderData['thirdParty'] = [ 'ReCAPTCHA' => ['Providing the Captcha system we use.', 'http://recaptcha.net'], 'Twig' => ['The templating engine used by Sakura.', 'http://twig.sensiolabs.org/'], 'Parsedown' => ['A PHP markdown parser.', 'http://parsedown.org/'], 'Defuse' => ['Making the PBKDF2 implementation for PHP', 'http://defuse.ca/'], 'PHPMailer' => ['Writing PHPMailer and making e-mail sending a not pain in the ass', 'https://github.com/PHPMailer/PHPMailer'], 'PayPal' => ['Making a PayPal API', 'https://paypal.com'] ]; // Print page contents print Templates::render('main/credits.tpl', $renderData);