{% extends '@aitemu/master.twig' %} {% set title = 'profile / ' ~ profile.username %} {% set banner_large = true %} {% set banner = profile.header ? route('user.header', profile.id) : null %} {% set wrapper_classes = "profile" %} {% set banner_classes = "profile__banner" %} {% set hierarchies = { 'founder': { 'display': profile.id == 2, 'icon': 'fa-cog', 'text': 'Founder', }, 'staff': { 'display': false, 'icon': 'fa-gavel', 'text': 'Staff', }, 'developer': { 'display': false, 'icon': 'fa-code', 'text': 'Developer', }, 'contributor': { 'display': false, 'icon': 'fa-heart', 'text': 'Contributor', }, 'premium': { 'display': false, 'icon': 'fa-heart', 'text': 'Contributor', }, 'banned': { 'display': false, 'icon': 'fa-trash', 'text': 'Banned', }, } %} {% set youtubeIsChannelId = profile.youtube|slice(0, 2) == 'UC' and profile.youtube|length == 24 %} {% set fields = { "website": { "title": "Website", "icon": "fa-globe", "value": profile.website, "link": "%s", }, "twitter": { "title": "Twitter", "icon": "fa-twitter", "value": profile.twitter, "link": "https://twitter.com/%s", "disp": "@%s", }, "github": { "title": "GitHub", "icon": "fa-github", "value": profile.github, "link": "https://github.com/%s", }, "skype": { "title": "Skype", "icon": "fa-skype", "value": profile.skype, "link": "skype:%s?userinfo", }, "discord": { "title": "Discord", "icon": "fa-gamepad", "value": profile.discord, }, "youtube": { "title": "YouTube", "icon": "fa-youtube-play", "value": profile.youtube, "link": "https://youtube.com/" ~ (youtubeIsChannelId ? 'channel/' : '') ~ "%s", "disp": youtubeIsChannelId ? profile.username ~ "'s channel" : "%s", }, "steam": { "title": "Steam", "icon": "fa-steam", "value": profile.steam, "link": "https://steamcommunity.com/id/%s", }, "osu": { "title": "osu!", "icon": "fa-dot-circle-o", "value": profile.osu, "link": "https://osu.ppy.sh/u/%s", }, "lastfm": { "title": "Last.fm", "icon": "fa-lastfm", "value": profile.lastfm, "link": "http://last.fm/user/%s", }, } %} {% block banner_content %} {% endblock %} {% block content %}
{# #}{% for id, data in hierarchies %}{# #}{% if data.display %}
{{ data.text }}
{% endif %}{# #}{% endfor %}{# #}
{# #}{% for id, data in fields %}{# #}{% if data.value != null %} {% endif %}{# #}{% endfor %}{# #}
welcome to my userpage
listing of groups
listing of friends
listing of achievements
profile comments
listing of forum posts and created topics
{% endblock %}