*/ class AuthController extends Controller { /** * Touch the login rate limit. * * @param $user int The ID of the user that attempted to log in. * @param $sucess bool Whether the login attempt was successful. */ protected function touchRateLimit($user, $success = false) { DB::table('login_attempts') ->insert([ 'attempt_success' => $success ? 1 : 0, 'attempt_timestamp' => time(), 'attempt_ip' => Net::pton(Net::ip()), 'user_id' => $user, ]); } /** * End the current session. * * @return string */ public function logout() { // Check if user is logged in $check = Users::checkLogin(); if (!$check || !isset($_REQUEST['s']) || $_REQUEST['s'] != session_id()) { $message = 'Something happened! This probably happened because you went here without being logged in.'; $redirect = (isset($_REQUEST['redirect']) ? $_REQUEST['redirect'] : Router::route('main.index')); Template::vars(['page' => ['success' => 0, 'redirect' => $redirect, 'message' => $message]]); return Template::render('global/information'); } // Destroy the active session (new Session($check[0], $check[1]))->destroy(); // Return true indicating a successful logout $message = 'Goodbye!'; $redirect = Router::route('auth.login'); Template::vars(['page' => ['success' => 1, 'redirect' => $redirect, 'message' => $message]]); return Template::render('global/information'); } /** * Get the login page. * * @return string */ public function loginGet() { return Template::render('auth/login'); } /** * Do a login attempt. * * @return string */ public function loginPost() { // Preliminarily set login to failed $success = 0; $redirect = Router::route('auth.login'); // Check if authentication is disallowed if (Config::get('lock_authentication')) { $message = 'Logging in is disabled for security checkups! Try again later.'; Template::vars(['page' => compact('success', 'redirect', 'message')]); return Template::render('global/information'); } // Get request variables $username = isset($_REQUEST['username']) ? $_REQUEST['username'] : null; $password = isset($_REQUEST['password']) ? $_REQUEST['password'] : null; $remember = isset($_REQUEST['remember']); // Check if we haven't hit the rate limit $rates = DB::table('login_attempts') ->where('attempt_ip', Net::pton(Net::ip())) ->where('attempt_timestamp', '>', time() - 1800) ->where('attempt_success', '0') ->count(); if ($rates > 4) { $message = 'Your have hit the login rate limit, try again later.'; Template::vars(['page' => compact('success', 'redirect', 'message')]); return Template::render('global/information'); } // Get account data $user = User::construct(Utils::cleanString($username, true, true)); // Check if the user that's trying to log in actually exists if ($user->id === 0) { $this->touchRateLimit($user->id); $message = 'The user you tried to log into does not exist.'; Template::vars(['page' => compact('success', 'redirect', 'message')]); return Template::render('global/information'); } // Validate password switch ($user->passwordAlgo) { // Disabled case 'disabled': $this->touchRateLimit($user->id); $message = 'Logging into this account is disabled.'; Template::vars(['page' => compact('success', 'redirect', 'message')]); return Template::render('global/information'); // Default hashing method default: if (!Hashing::validatePassword($password, [ $user->passwordAlgo, $user->passwordIter, $user->passwordSalt, $user->passwordHash, ])) { $this->touchRateLimit($user->id); $message = 'The password you entered was invalid.'; Template::vars(['page' => compact('success', 'redirect', 'message')]); return Template::render('global/information'); } } // Check if the user has the required privs to log in if ($user->permission(Site::DEACTIVATED)) { $this->touchRateLimit($user->id); $message = 'Your account does not have the required permissions to log in.'; Template::vars(['page' => compact('success', 'redirect', 'message')]); return Template::render('global/information'); } // Create a new session $session = new Session($user->id); // Generate a session key $sessionKey = $session->create($remember); // User ID cookie setcookie( Config::get('cookie_prefix') . 'id', $user->id, time() + 604800, Config::get('cookie_path') ); // Session ID cookie setcookie( Config::get('cookie_prefix') . 'session', $sessionKey, time() + 604800, Config::get('cookie_path') ); $this->touchRateLimit($user->id, true); $success = 1; $redirect = $user->lastOnline ? (isset($_REQUEST['redirect']) ? $_REQUEST['redirect'] : Router::route('main.index')) : Router::route('main.infopage', 'welcome'); $message = 'Welcome' . ($user->lastOnline ? ' back' : '') . '!'; Template::vars(['page' => compact('success', 'redirect', 'message')]); return Template::render('global/information'); } /** * Get the registration page. * * @return string */ public function registerGet() { // Attempt to check if a user has already registered from the current IP $getUserIP = DB::table('users') ->where('register_ip', Net::pton(Net::ip())) ->orWhere('last_ip', Net::pton(Net::ip())) ->get(); if ($getUserIP) { Template::vars([ 'haltRegistration' => count($getUserIP) > 1, 'haltName' => $getUserIP[array_rand($getUserIP)]->username, ]); } return Template::render('auth/register'); } /** * Do a registration attempt. * * @return string */ public function registerPost() { // Preliminarily set registration to failed $success = 0; $redirect = Router::route('auth.register'); // Check if authentication is disallowed if (Config::get('lock_authentication') || Config::get('disable_registration')) { $message = 'Registration is disabled for security checkups! Try again later.'; Template::vars(['page' => compact('success', 'redirect', 'message')]); return Template::render('global/information'); } // Check if authentication is disallowed if (!isset($_POST['session']) || $_POST['session'] != session_id()) { $message = "Your session expired, refreshing the page will most likely fix this!"; Template::vars(['page' => compact('success', 'redirect', 'message')]); return Template::render('global/information'); } // Grab forms $username = isset($_POST['username']) ? $_POST['username'] : null; $password = isset($_POST['password']) ? $_POST['password'] : null; $email = isset($_POST['email']) ? $_POST['email'] : null; $captcha = isset($_POST['g-recaptcha-response']) ? $_POST['g-recaptcha-response'] : null; $terms = isset($_POST['tos']); // Append username and email to the redirection url $redirect .= "?username={$username}&email={$email}"; // Check if the user agreed to the ToS if (!$terms) { $message = 'You are required to agree to the Terms of Service.'; Template::vars(['page' => compact('success', 'redirect', 'message')]); return Template::render('global/information'); } // Check if we require a captcha if (Config::get('recaptcha')) { // Get secret key from the config $secret = Config::get('recaptcha_private'); // Attempt to verify the captcha $response = Net::fetch("https://google.com/recaptcha/api/siteverify?secret={$secret}&response={$captcha}"); // Attempt to decode as json if ($response) { $response = json_decode($response); } if (!$response || !$response->success) { $message = 'Captcha verification failed, please try again.'; Template::vars(['page' => compact('success', 'redirect', 'message')]); return Template::render('global/information'); } } // Attempt to get account data $user = User::construct(Utils::cleanString($username, true, true)); // Check if the username already exists if ($user && $user->id !== 0) { $message = "{$user->username} is already a member here! If this is you please use the password reset form instead of making a new account."; Template::vars(['page' => compact('success', 'redirect', 'message')]); return Template::render('global/information'); } // Username too short if (strlen($username) < Config::get('username_min_length')) { $message = 'Your name must be at least 3 characters long.'; Template::vars(['page' => compact('success', 'redirect', 'message')]); return Template::render('global/information'); } // Username too long if (strlen($username) > Config::get('username_max_length')) { $message = 'Your name can\'t be longer than 16 characters.'; Template::vars(['page' => compact('success', 'redirect', 'message')]); return Template::render('global/information'); } // Check if the given email address is formatted properly if (!filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { $message = 'Your e-mail address is formatted incorrectly.'; Template::vars(['page' => compact('success', 'redirect', 'message')]); return Template::render('global/information'); } // Check the MX record of the email if (!Utils::checkMXRecord($email)) { $message = 'No valid MX-Record found on the e-mail address you supplied.'; Template::vars(['page' => compact('success', 'redirect', 'message')]); return Template::render('global/information'); } // Check if the e-mail has already been used $emailCheck = DB::table('users') ->where('email', $email) ->count(); if ($emailCheck) { $message = 'Someone already registered using this email!'; Template::vars(['page' => compact('success', 'redirect', 'message')]); return Template::render('global/information'); } // Check password entropy if (Utils::pwdEntropy($password) < Config::get('min_entropy')) { $message = 'Your password is too weak, try adding some special characters.'; Template::vars(['page' => compact('success', 'redirect', 'message')]); return Template::render('global/information'); } // Set a few variables $requireActive = Config::get('require_activation'); $ranks = $requireActive ? [1] : [2]; // Create the user $user = User::create($username, $password, $email, $ranks); // Check if we require e-mail activation if ($requireActive) { // Send activation e-mail to user Users::sendActivationMail($user->id); } // Return true with a specific message if needed $success = 1; $redirect = Router::route('auth.login'); $message = $requireActive ? 'Your registration went through! An activation e-mail has been sent.' : 'Your registration went through! Welcome to ' . Config::get('sitename') . '!'; Template::vars(['page' => compact('success', 'redirect', 'message')]); return Template::render('global/information'); } /** * Do a activation attempt. * * @return string */ public function activate() { // Preliminarily set activation to failed $success = 0; $redirect = Router::route('main.index'); // Attempt to get the required GET parameters $userId = isset($_GET['u']) ? $_GET['u'] : 0; $key = isset($_GET['k']) ? $_GET['k'] : ""; // Attempt to create a user object $user = User::construct($userId); // Quit if the user ID is 0 if ($user->id === 0) { $message = "This user does not exist! Contact us if you think this isn't right."; Template::vars(['page' => compact('success', 'redirect', 'message')]); return Template::render('global/information'); } // Check if the user is already active if (!$user->permission(Site::DEACTIVATED)) { $message = "Your account is already activated! Why are you here?"; Template::vars(['page' => compact('success', 'redirect', 'message')]); return Template::render('global/information'); } // Validate the activation key $action = ActionCode::validate('ACTIVATE', $key, $user->id); if (!$action) { $message = "Invalid activation code! Contact us if you think this isn't right."; Template::vars(['page' => compact('success', 'redirect', 'message')]); return Template::render('global/information'); } // Get the ids for deactivated and default user ranks $rankDefault = Config::get('default_rank_id'); $rankDeactive = Config::get('deactive_rank_id'); // Add normal user, remove deactivated and set normal as default $user->addRanks([$rankDefault]); $user->setMainRank($rankDefault); $user->removeRanks([$rankDeactive]); $success = 1; $redirect = Router::route('auth.login'); $message = "Your account is activated, welcome to " . Config::get('sitename') . "!"; Template::vars(['page' => compact('success', 'redirect', 'message')]); return Template::render('global/information'); } /** * Get the reactivation request form. * * @return string */ public function reactivateGet() { return Template::render('auth/reactivate'); } /** * Do a reactivation preparation attempt. * * @return string */ public function reactivatePost() { // Preliminarily set registration to failed $success = 0; $redirect = Router::route('auth.reactivate'); // Check if authentication is disallowed if (Config::get('lock_authentication')) { $message = "You can't request a reactivation at this time, sorry!"; Template::vars(['page' => compact('success', 'redirect', 'message')]); return Template::render('global/information'); } // Validate session if (!isset($_POST['session']) || $_POST['session'] != session_id()) { $message = "Your session expired, refreshing the page will most likely fix this!"; Template::vars(['page' => compact('success', 'redirect', 'message')]); return Template::render('global/information'); } // Grab forms $username = isset($_POST['username']) ? Utils::cleanString($_POST['username'], true) : null; $email = isset($_POST['email']) ? Utils::cleanString($_POST['email'], true) : null; // Do database request $getUser = DB::table('users') ->where('username_clean', $username) ->where('email', $email) ->get(['user_id']); // Check if user exists if (!$getUser) { $message = "User not found! Double check your username and e-mail address!"; Template::vars(['page' => compact('success', 'redirect', 'message')]); return Template::render('global/information'); } // Create user object $user = User::construct($getUser[0]->user_id); // Check if a user is activated if (!$user->permission(Site::DEACTIVATED)) { $message = "Your account is already activated! Why are you here?"; Template::vars(['page' => compact('success', 'redirect', 'message')]); return Template::render('global/information'); } // Send activation e-mail to user Users::sendActivationMail($user->id); $success = 1; $redirect = Router::route('auth.login'); $message = "Sent the e-mail! Make sure to check your spam folder as well!"; Template::vars(['page' => compact('success', 'redirect', 'message')]); return Template::render('global/information'); } /** * Get the password reset forum. * * @return string */ public function resetPasswordGet() { return Template::render('auth/resetpassword'); } /** * Do a password reset attempt. * * @return string */ public function resetPasswordPost() { // Preliminarily set action to failed $success = 0; $redirect = Router::route('main.index'); // Check if authentication is disallowed if (Config::get('lock_authentication')) { $message = "You can't request a reactivation at this time, sorry!"; Template::vars(['page' => compact('success', 'redirect', 'message')]); return Template::render('global/information'); } // Validate session if (!isset($_POST['session']) || $_POST['session'] != session_id()) { $message = "Your session expired, refreshing the page will most likely fix this!"; Template::vars(['page' => compact('success', 'redirect', 'message')]); return Template::render('global/information'); } // Attempt to get the various required GET parameters $userId = isset($_POST['user']) ? $_POST['user'] : 0; $key = isset($_POST['key']) ? $_POST['key'] : ""; $password = isset($_POST['password']) ? $_POST['password'] : ""; $userName = isset($_POST['username']) ? Utils::cleanString($_POST['username'], true) : ""; $email = isset($_POST['email']) ? Utils::cleanString($_POST['email'], true) : null; // Create user object $user = User::construct($userId ? $userId : $userName); // Quit if the user ID is 0 if ($user->id === 0 || ($email !== null ? $email !== $user->email : false)) { $message = "This user does not exist! Contact us if you think this isn't right."; Template::vars(['page' => compact('success', 'redirect', 'message')]); return Template::render('global/information'); } // Check if the user is active if ($user->permission(Site::DEACTIVATED)) { $message = "Your account is deactivated, go activate it first..."; Template::vars(['page' => compact('success', 'redirect', 'message')]); return Template::render('global/information'); } if ($key && $password) { // Check password entropy if (Utils::pwdEntropy($password) < Config::get('min_entropy')) { $message = "Your password doesn't meet the strength requirements!"; Template::vars(['page' => compact('success', 'redirect', 'message')]); return Template::render('global/information'); } // Validate the activation key $action = ActionCode::validate('LOST_PASS', $key, $user->id); if (!$action) { $message = "Invalid verification code! Contact us if you think this isn't right."; Template::vars(['page' => compact('success', 'redirect', 'message')]); return Template::render('global/information'); } // Hash the password $pw = Hashing::createHash($password); // Update the user DB::table('users') ->where('user_id', $user->id) ->update([ 'password_hash' => $pw[3], 'password_salt' => $pw[2], 'password_algo' => $pw[0], 'password_iter' => $pw[1], 'password_chan' => time(), ]); $success = 1; $message = "Changed your password! You may now log in."; $redirect = Router::route('auth.login'); } else { // Send e-mail Users::sendPasswordForgot($user->id, $user->email); $success = 1; $message = "Sent the e-mail, keep an eye on your spam folder as well!"; $redirect = Router::route('main.index'); } Template::vars(['page' => compact('success', 'redirect', 'message')]); return Template::render('global/information'); } }