PayPal PHP SDK release notes ============================ v1.5.1 ---- * Fixed a bug #343 in Future Payment * Minor Improvements * Updates to Sample Docs v1.5.0 ---- * Enabled Vault List API * Added More Fields to Vault Credit Card Object * Minor Fixes v1.4.0 ---- * Ability to validate Webhook * Fixes to Logging Manager to skip if mode is not set * SDK updates and fixes v1.3.2 ---- * Minor Fix for Agreement Details v1.3.1 ---- * PayPalModel to differentiate between empty objects and array * Fixed CURLINFO_HEADER_SIZE miscalculations if Proxy Enabled v1.3.0 ---- * Updated Payment APIs * Updating ModelAccessValidator to be disabled if not set explicitly v1.2.1 ---- * Ability to handle missing accesors for unknown objects in json v1.2.0 ---- * Order API Support * Introduced DEBUG mode in Logging. Deprecated FINE. * Ability to not Log on DEBUG, while on live environment * Vault APIs Update API Support * Transaction Fee Added in Sale Object * Fixed #237, #234, #233, #215 v1.1.1 ---- * Fix to Cipher Encryption (Critical) v1.1.0 ---- * Enabled Payouts Cancel API Support for Unclaimed Payouts * Encrypting Access Token in Cached Storage * Updated Billing Agreement Search Transaction code to pass start_date and end_date * Updated OAuthToken to throw proper error on not receiving access token * Minor Bug Fixes and Documentation Updates v1.0.0 ---- * Enabled Payouts API Support * Authorization Cache Custom Path Directory Configuration * Helper Functions to retrieve specific HATEOS Links * Default Mode set to Sandbox * Enabled Rest SDK to work nicely with Classic SDKs. * If missing annotation of return type in Getters, it throws a proper exception * `echo` on PayPalModel Objects will print nice looking JSON * Updated Invoice Object to retrieve payments and refunds > ## Breaking Changes * Removed Deprecated Getter Setters from all Model Classes * All Camelcase getters and setters are removed. Please use first letter uppercase syntax * E.g. instead of using get_notify_url(), use getNotifyUrl() instead * Renamed Classes * PayPal\Common\PPModel => PayPal\Common\PayPalModel * PayPal\Common\ResourceModel => PayPal\Common\PayPalResourceModel * PayPal\Common\PPUserAgent => PayPal\Common\PayPalUserAgent * PayPal\Core\PPConfigManager => PayPal\Core\PayPalConfigManager * PayPal\Core\PPConstants => PayPal\Core\PayPalConstants * PayPal\Core\PPCredentialManager => PayPal\Core\PayPalCredentialManager * PayPal\Core\PPHttpConfig => PayPal\Core\PayPalHttpConfig * PayPal\Core\PPHttpConnection => PayPal\Core\PayPalHttpConnection * PayPal\Core\PPLoggingLevel => PayPal\Core\PayPalLoggingLevel * PayPal\Core\PPLoggingManager => PayPal\Core\PayPalLoggingManager * PayPal\Exception\PPConfigurationException => PayPal\Exception\PayPalConfigurationException * PayPal\Exception\PPConnectionException => PayPal\Exception\PayPalConnectionException * PayPal\Exception\PPInvalidCredentialException => PayPal\Exception\PayPalInvalidCredentialException * PayPal\Exception\PPMissingCredentialException => PayPal\Exception\PayPalMissingCredentialException * PayPal\Handler\IPPHandler => PayPal\Handler\IPayPalHandler * PayPal\Transport\PPRestCall => PayPal\Transport\PayPalRestCall * Namespace Changes and Class Naming Convention * PayPal\Common\FormatConverter => PayPal\Converter\FormatConverter * PayPal\Rest\RestHandler => PayPal\Handler\RestHandler * PayPal\Rest\OauthHandler => PayPal\Handler\OauthHandler * Fixes to Methods * PayPal\Api\Invoice->getPaymentDetails() was renamed to getPayments() * PayPal\Api\Invoice->getRefundDetails() was renamed to getRefunds() v1.0.0-beta ---- * Namespace Changes and Class Naming Convention * Helper Functions to retrieve specific HATEOS Links * Default Mode set to Sandbox v0.16.1 ---- * Configurable Headers for all requests to PayPal * Allows adding additional headers to every call to PayPal APIs * SDK Config to add headers with http.headers.* syntax v0.16.0 ---- * Enabled Webhook Management Capabilities * Enabled Caching Abilities for Access Tokens v0.15.1 ---- * Enabled Deleting Billing Plans * Updated Samples v0.15.0 ---- * Extended Invoicing Capabilities * Allows QR Code Generation for Invoices * Updated Formatter to work with multiple locales * Removed Future Payments mandate on Correlation Id v0.14.2 ---- * Quick Patch to Unset Cipher List for NSS v0.14.1 ---- * Updated HttpConfig to use TLSv1 as Cipher List * Added resetRequestId in ApiContext to enable multiple create calls in succession * Sanitize Input for Price Variables * Made samples look better and work best v0.14.0 ---- * Enabled Billing Plans and Agreements APIs * Renamed SDK name to PayPal-PHP-SDK v0.13.2 ---- * Updated Future Payments and LIPP Support * Updated Logging Syntax v0.13.1 ---- * Enabled TLS version 1.x for SSL Negotiation * Updated Identity Support from SDK Core * Fixed Backward Compatibility changes v0.13.0 ---- * Enabled Payment Experience v0.12.0 ---- * Enabled EC Parameters Support for Payment APIs * Enabled Validation for Missing Accessors v0.11.1 ---- * Removed Dependency from SDK Core Project * Enabled Future Payments v0.11.0 ---- * Ability for PUT and PATCH requests * Invoice number, custom and soft descriptor * Order API and tests, more Authorization tests * remove references to sdk-packages * patch for retrieving paid invoices * Shipping address docs patch * Remove @array annotation * Validate return cancel url * type hinting, comment cleaning, and getters and setters for Shipping v0.8.0 ----- * Invoicing API support added v0.7.1 ----- * Added support for Reauthorization v0.7.0 ----- * Added support for Auth and Capture APIs * Types modified to match the API Spec * Updated SDK to use namespace supported core library v0.6.0 ----- * Adding support for dynamic configuration of SDK (Upgrading sdk-core-php dependency to V1.4.0) * Deprecating the setCredential method and changing resource class methods to take an ApiContext argument instead of a OauthTokenCredential argument. v0.5.0 ----- * Initial Release