*/ class AccountController extends Controller { /** * Renders the profile changing page. * @return string */ public function profile() { if (!CurrentSession::$user->perms->changeProfile) { throw new HttpMethodNotAllowedException(); } if (session_check()) { $save = []; $allowed = [ 'website', 'twitter', 'github', 'skype', 'discord', 'youtube', 'steam', 'osu', 'lastfm', ]; foreach ($allowed as $field) { $save["user_{$field}"] = $_POST["profile_{$field}"] ?? null; } DB::table('users') ->where('user_id', CurrentSession::$user->id) ->update($save); // Birthdays if (isset($_POST['birthday_day'], $_POST['birthday_month'], $_POST['birthday_year'])) { $day = intval($_POST['birthday_day']); $month = intval($_POST['birthday_month']); $year = intval($_POST['birthday_year']); if (!$day && !$month && !$year) { $birthdate = null; } else { if (!checkdate($month, $day, $year ? $year : 1) || $year > date("Y") || ($year != 0 && $year < (date("Y") - 100))) { return $this->json( ['error' => "Your birthdate was invalid, everything else was saved though!"] ); } // Combine it into a YYYY-MM-DD format $birthdate = implode('-', compact('year', 'month', 'day')); } DB::table('users') ->where('user_id', CurrentSession::$user->id) ->update([ 'user_birthday' => $birthdate, ]); } return $this->json(['error' => null]); } return view('settings/account/profile'); } /** * Details such as email, username and password. * @return string */ public function details() { $user = CurrentSession::$user; $edit_usern = $user->perms->changeUsername; $edit_title = $user->perms->changeUserTitle; $last_name_change = 0; if ($edit_usern) { $last_name_change = $user->getUsernameHistory()[0]->change_time ?? 0; } // Check eligibility for username changes $username_allow = $edit_usern && (time() - $last_name_change) > 2592000; if (isset($_POST['session']) && session_check()) { $email = $_POST['email'] ?? null; if ($email) { // Validate e-mail address if (!filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { return $this->json( ['error' => "The e-mail address you supplied is invalid!"] ); } // Check the MX record of the email if (!check_mx_record($email)) { return $this->json( ['error' => 'No valid MX-Record found on the e-mail address you supplied.'] ); } // Check if the e-mail has already been used $emailCheck = DB::table('users') ->where('email', $email) ->count(); if ($emailCheck) { return $this->json( ['error' => 'Someone already used this e-mail!'] ); } $user->setMail($email); } $username = $_POST['username'] ?? null; if ($username) { $username_clean = clean_string($username, true); // Check if the username is too short if (strlen($username_clean) < config('user.name_min')) { return $this->json( ['error' => 'This username is too short!'] ); } // Check if the username is too long if (strlen($username_clean) > config('user.name_max')) { return $this->json( ['error' => 'This username is too long!'] ); } // Check if this username hasn't been used in the last amount of days set in the config $getOld = DB::table('username_history') ->where('username_old_clean', $username_clean) ->where('change_time', '>', (config('user.name_reserve') * 24 * 60 * 60)) ->orderBy('change_id', 'desc') ->first(); // Check if anything was returned if ($getOld && $getOld->user_id != $user->id) { return $this->json( ['error' => 'The username you tried to use is reserved, try again later!'] ); } // Check if the username is already in use $getInUse = DB::table('users') ->where('username_clean', $username_clean) ->count(); // Check if anything was returned if ($getInUse) { return $this->json( ['error' => 'Someone is already using this name!'] ); } $user->setUsername($username); } $title = $_POST['title'] ?? null; if ($title !== null) { if (strlen($title) > 64) { return $this->json( ['error' => 'This title is too long!'] ); } if ($title !== $user->title) { // Update database DB::table('users') ->where('user_id', $user->id) ->update([ 'user_title' => $title, ]); } } $password = $_POST['password'] ?? null; if ($password) { // Check password entropy if (password_entropy($password) < config('user.pass_min_entropy')) { return $this->json( ['error' => "Your password isn't strong enough!"] ); } $user->setPassword($password); } return $this->json(['error' => null]); } return view('settings/account/details', compact( 'edit_usern', 'edit_title', 'last_name_change', 'username_allow' )); } /** * Renders the rank management page. * @return string */ public function ranks() { if (!CurrentSession::$user->perms->manageRanks) { throw new HttpMethodNotAllowedException(); } $rank = $_POST['rank'] ?? null; $mode = $_POST['mode'] ?? null; $locked = [ config('rank.inactive'), config('rank.regular'), config('rank.premium'), config('rank.alumni'), config('rank.banned'), ]; if (session_check() && $rank && $mode) { $redirect = route('settings.account.ranks'); // Check if user has this rank if (!CurrentSession::$user->hasRanks([$rank])) { $message = "You aren't a part of this rank!"; return view('global/information', compact('redirect', 'message')); } if ($mode == 'remove') { if (in_array($rank, $locked)) { $message = "You aren't allowed to remove this rank from your account!"; return view('global/information', compact('redirect', 'message')); } CurrentSession::$user->removeRanks([$rank]); $message = "Removed the rank from your account!"; return view('global/information', compact('redirect', 'message')); } CurrentSession::$user->setMainRank($rank); redirect($redirect); return; } return view('settings/account/ranks', compact('locked')); } /** * Renders the userpage editing page. */ public function userpage() { if (!CurrentSession::$user->perms->changeUserpage) { throw new HttpMethodNotAllowedException(); } $userpage = $_POST['userpage'] ?? null; $maxLength = config('user.page_max'); if (session_check() && $userpage) { $redirect = route('settings.account.userpage'); if (strlen($userpage) > $maxLength) { $message = 'Your userpage is too long, shorten it a little!'; } else { DB::table('users') ->where('user_id', CurrentSession::$user->id) ->update([ 'user_page' => $userpage, ]); $message = 'Updated your userpage!'; } return view('global/information', compact('message', 'redirect')); } return view('settings/account/userpage', compact('maxLength')); } /** * Renders the signature changing page. * @return string */ public function signature() { if (!CurrentSession::$user->perms->changeSignature) { throw new HttpMethodNotAllowedException(); } $signature = $_POST['signature'] ?? null; $maxLength = config('user.signature_max'); if (session_check() && $signature) { $redirect = route('settings.account.signature'); if (strlen($signature) > $maxLength) { $message = 'Your signature is too long, shorten it a little!'; } else { DB::table('users') ->where('user_id', CurrentSession::$user->id) ->update([ 'user_signature' => $signature, ]); $message = 'Updated your signature!'; } return view('global/information', compact('message', 'redirect')); } return view('settings/account/signature', compact('maxLength')); } }