*/ class User { /** * The User's ID. * * @var int */ public $id = 0; /** * The user's username. * * @var string */ public $username = 'User'; /** * A cleaned version of the username. * * @var string */ public $usernameClean = 'user'; /** * The user's password hash. * * @var string */ public $passwordHash = ''; /** * The user's password salt. * * @var string */ public $passwordSalt = ''; /** * The user's password algorithm. * * @var string */ public $passwordAlgo = 'disabled'; /** * The password iterations. * * @var int */ public $passwordIter = 0; /** * UNIX timestamp of last time the password was changed. * * @var int */ public $passwordChan = 0; /** * The user's e-mail address. * * @var string */ public $email = 'user@sakura'; /** * The rank object of the user's main rank. * * @var Rank */ public $mainRank = null; /** * The ID of the main rank. * * @var int */ public $mainRankId = 1; /** * The index of rank objects. * * @var array */ public $ranks = []; /** * The user's username colour. * * @var string */ public $colour = ''; /** * The IP the user registered from. * * @var string */ public $registerIp = ''; /** * The IP the user was last active from. * * @var string */ public $lastIp = ''; /** * A user's title. * * @var string */ public $title = ''; /** * The UNIX timestamp of when the user registered. * * @var int */ public $registered = 0; /** * The UNIX timestamp of when the user was last online. * * @var int */ public $lastOnline = 0; /** * The 2 character country code of a user. * * @var string */ public $country = 'XX'; /** * The File id of the user's avatar. * * @var int */ public $avatar = 0; /** * The File id of the user's background. * * @var int */ public $background = 0; /** * The File id of the user's header. * @var mixed */ public $header = 0; /** * The raw userpage of the user. * * @var string */ public $page = ''; /** * The raw signature of the user. * * @var string */ public $signature = ''; /** * The user's birthday. * * @var string */ private $birthday = '0000-00-00'; /** * The user's permission container. * * @var Perms */ private $permissions; /** * The user's option fields. * * @var array */ private $optionFields = null; /** * The user's profile fields. * * @var array */ private $profileFields = null; /** * The User instance cache array. * * @var array */ protected static $userCache = []; /** * Cached constructor. * * @param int|string $uid The user ID or clean username. * @param bool $forceRefresh Force a recreation. * * @return User Returns a user object. */ public static function construct($uid, $forceRefresh = false) { // Check if a user object isn't present in cache if ($forceRefresh || !array_key_exists($uid, self::$userCache)) { // If not create a new object and cache it self::$userCache[$uid] = new User($uid); } // Return the cached object return self::$userCache[$uid]; } /** * Create a new user. * * @param string $username The username of the user. * @param string $password The password of the user. * @param string $email The e-mail, used primarily for activation. * @param array $ranks The ranks assigned to the user on creation. * * @return User The newly created user's object. */ public static function create($username, $password, $email, $ranks = [2]) { // Set a few variables $usernameClean = clean_string($username, true); $emailClean = clean_string($email, true); $password = password_hash($password, PASSWORD_BCRYPT); // Insert the user into the database and get the id $userId = DB::table('users') ->insertGetId([ 'username' => $username, 'username_clean' => $usernameClean, 'password' => $password, 'email' => $emailClean, 'rank_main' => 0, 'register_ip' => Net::pton(Net::ip()), 'last_ip' => Net::pton(Net::ip()), 'user_registered' => time(), 'user_last_online' => 0, 'user_country' => get_country_code(), ]); // Create a user object $user = self::construct($userId); // Assign the default rank $user->addRanks($ranks); // Set the default rank $user->setMainRank($ranks[0]); // Return the user object return $user; } /** * The actual constructor * * @param int|string $userId The user ID or clean username. */ private function __construct($userId) { // Get the user database row $userRow = DB::table('users') ->where('user_id', $userId) ->orWhere('username_clean', clean_string($userId, true, true)) ->get(); // Populate the variables if ($userRow) { $userRow = $userRow[0]; $this->id = $userRow->user_id; $this->username = $userRow->username; $this->usernameClean = $userRow->username_clean; $this->password = $userRow->password; $this->email = $userRow->email; $this->mainRankId = $userRow->rank_main; $this->colour = $userRow->user_colour; $this->title = $userRow->user_title; $this->registered = $userRow->user_registered; $this->lastOnline = $userRow->user_last_online; $this->birthday = $userRow->user_birthday; $this->country = $userRow->user_country; $this->avatar = $userRow->user_avatar; $this->background = $userRow->user_background; $this->header = $userRow->user_header; $this->page = $userRow->user_page; $this->signature = $userRow->user_signature; // Temporary backwards compatible IP storage system try { $this->registerIp = Net::ntop($userRow->register_ip); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->registerIp = $userRow->register_ip; DB::table('users') ->where('user_id', $this->id) ->update([ 'register_ip' => Net::pton($this->registerIp), ]); } try { $this->lastIp = Net::ntop($userRow->last_ip); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->lastIp = $userRow->last_ip; DB::table('users') ->where('user_id', $this->id) ->update([ 'last_ip' => Net::pton($this->lastIp), ]); } } // Get all ranks $ranks = DB::table('user_ranks') ->where('user_id', $this->id) ->get(['rank_id']); // Get the rows for all the ranks foreach ($ranks as $rank) { // Store the database row in the array $this->ranks[$rank->rank_id] = Rank::construct($rank->rank_id); } // Check if ranks were set if (empty($this->ranks)) { // If not assign the fallback rank $this->ranks[1] = Rank::construct(1); } // Check if the rank is actually assigned to this user if (!array_key_exists($this->mainRankId, $this->ranks)) { $this->mainRankId = array_keys($this->ranks)[0]; $this->setMainRank($this->mainRankId); } // Assign the main rank to its own var $this->mainRank = $this->ranks[$this->mainRankId]; // Set user colour $this->colour = $this->colour ? $this->colour : $this->mainRank->colour; // Set user title $this->title = $this->title ? $this->title : $this->mainRank->title; // Init the permissions $this->permissions = new Perms(Perms::SITE); } /** * Get the user's birthday. * * @param bool $age Just get the age. * * @return int|string Return the birthday. */ public function birthday($age = false) { // If age is requested calculate it if ($age) { // Create dates $birthday = date_create($this->birthday); $now = date_create(date('Y-m-d')); // Get the difference $diff = date_diff($birthday, $now); // Return the difference in years return (int) $diff->format('%Y'); } // Otherwise just return the birthday value return $this->birthday; } /** * Get the user's country. * * @param bool $long Get the full country name. * * @return string The country. */ public function country($long = false) { return $long ? get_country_name($this->country) : $this->country; } /** * Check if a user is online. * * @return bool Are they online? */ public function isOnline() { // Count sessions $sessions = DB::table('sessions') ->where('user_id', $this->id) ->count(); // If there's no entries just straight up return false if (!$sessions) { return false; } // Otherwise use the standard method return $this->lastOnline > (time() - 120); } /** * Runs some checks to see if this user is activated. * * @return bool Are they activated? */ public function isActive() { return $this->id !== 0 && !$this->permission(Site::DEACTIVATED); } /** * Get a few forum statistics. * * @return array Post and thread counts. */ public function forumStats() { $posts = DB::table('posts') ->where('poster_id', $this->id) ->count(); $threads = DB::table('posts') ->where('poster_id', $this->id) ->distinct() ->groupBy('topic_id') ->orderBy('post_time') ->count(); return [ 'posts' => $posts, 'topics' => $threads, ]; } /** * Add ranks to a user. * * @param array $ranks Array containing the rank IDs. */ public function addRanks($ranks) { // Update the ranks array $ranks = array_diff( array_unique( array_merge( array_keys($this->ranks), $ranks ) ), array_keys($this->ranks) ); // Save to the database foreach ($ranks as $rank) { DB::table('user_ranks') ->insert([ 'rank_id' => $rank, 'user_id' => $this->id, ]); } } /** * Remove a set of ranks from a user. * * @param array $ranks Array containing the IDs of ranks to remove. */ public function removeRanks($ranks) { // Current ranks $remove = array_intersect(array_keys($this->ranks), $ranks); // Iterate over the ranks foreach ($remove as $rank) { DB::table('user_ranks') ->where('user_id', $this->id) ->where('rank_id', $rank) ->delete(); } } /** * Change the main rank of a user. * * @param int $rank The ID of the new main rank. * * @return bool Always true. */ public function setMainRank($rank) { // If it does exist update their row DB::table('users') ->where('user_id', $this->id) ->update([ 'rank_main' => $rank, ]); // Return true if everything was successful return true; } /** * Check if a user has a certain set of rank. * * @param array $ranks Ranks IDs to check. * * @return bool Successful? */ public function hasRanks($ranks) { // Check if the main rank is the specified rank if (in_array($this->mainRankId, $ranks)) { return true; } // If not go over all ranks and check if the user has them foreach ($ranks as $rank) { // We check if $rank is in $this->ranks and if yes return true if (in_array($rank, array_keys($this->ranks))) { return true; } } // If all fails return false return false; } /** * Add a new friend. * * @param int $uid The ID of the friend. */ public function addFriend($uid) { // Add friend DB::table('friends') ->insert([ 'user_id' => $this->id, 'friend_id' => $uid, 'friend_timestamp' => time(), ]); } /** * Remove a friend. * * @param int $uid The friend Id * @param bool $deleteRequest Delete the open request as well (remove you from their friends list). */ public function removeFriend($uid, $deleteRequest = false) { // Remove friend DB::table('friends') ->where('user_id', $this->id) ->where('friend_id', $uid) ->delete(); // Attempt to remove the request if ($deleteRequest) { DB::table('friends') ->where('user_id', $uid) ->where('friend_id', $this->id) ->delete(); } } /** * Check if this user is friends with another user. * * @param int $with ID of the other user. * * @return int 0 = no, 1 = pending request, 2 = mutual */ public function isFriends($with) { // Accepted from this user $user = DB::table('friends') ->where('user_id', $this->id) ->where('friend_id', $with) ->count(); // And the other user $friend = DB::table('friends') ->where('user_id', $with) ->where('friend_id', $this->id) ->count(); if ($user && $friend) { return 2; // Mutual friends } elseif ($user) { return 1; // Pending request } // Else return 0 return 0; } /** * Get all the friends from this user. * * @param int $level Friend level; (figure out what the levels are at some point) * @param bool $noObj Just return IDs. * * @return array The array with either the objects or the ids. */ public function friends($level = 0, $noObj = false) { // User ID container $users = []; // Select the correct level switch ($level) { // Mutual case 2: // Get all the current user's friends $self = DB::table('friends') ->where('user_id', $this->id) ->get(['friend_id']); $self = array_column($self, 'friend_id'); // Get all the people that added this user as a friend $others = DB::table('friends') ->where('friend_id', $this->id) ->get(['user_id']); $others = array_column($others, 'user_id'); // Create a difference map $users = array_intersect($self, $others); break; // Non-mutual (from user perspective) case 1: $users = DB::table('friends') ->where('user_id', $this->id) ->get(['friend_id']); $users = array_column($users, 'friend_id'); break; // All friend cases case 0: default: // Get all the current user's friends $self = DB::table('friends') ->where('user_id', $this->id) ->get(['friend_id']); $self = array_column($self, 'friend_id'); // Get all the people that added this user as a friend $others = DB::table('friends') ->where('friend_id', $this->id) ->get(['user_id']); $others = array_column($others, 'user_id'); // Create a difference map $users = array_merge($others, $self); break; // Open requests case -1: // Get all the current user's friends $self = DB::table('friends') ->where('user_id', $this->id) ->get(['friend_id']); $self = array_column($self, 'friend_id'); // Get all the people that added this user as a friend $others = DB::table('friends') ->where('friend_id', $this->id) ->get(['user_id']); $others = array_column($others, 'user_id'); // Create a difference map $users = array_diff($others, $self); break; } // Check if we only requested the IDs if ($noObj) { // If so just return $users return $users; } // Create the storage array $objects = []; // Create the user objects foreach ($users as $user) { // Create new object $objects[$user] = User::construct($user); } // Return the objects return $objects; } /** * Check if the user has a certaing permission flag. * * @param int $flag The permission flag. * @param string $mode The permission mode. * * @return bool Success? */ public function permission($flag, $mode = null) { // Set mode $this->permissions->mode($mode ? $mode : Perms::SITE); // Set default permission value $perm = 0; // Bitwise OR it with the permissions for this forum $perm = $this->permissions->user($this->id); return $this->permissions->check($flag, $perm); } /** * Get the comments from the user's profile. * * @return Comments */ public function profileComments() { $commentIds = DB::table('comments') ->where('comment_category', "profile-{$this->id}") ->orderBy('comment_id', 'desc') ->where('comment_reply_to', 0) ->get(['comment_id']); $commentIds = array_column($commentIds, 'comment_id'); $comments = []; foreach ($commentIds as $comment) { $comments[$comment] = new Comment($comment); } return $comments; } /** * Get the user's profile fields. * * @return array The profile fields. */ public function profileFields() { // Check if we have cached data if ($this->profileFields) { return $this->profileFields; } // Create array and get values $profile = []; $profileFields = DB::table('profilefields') ->get(); $profileValuesRaw = DB::table('user_profilefields') ->where('user_id', $this->id) ->get(); $profileValues = array_column($profileValuesRaw, 'field_value', 'field_name'); // Check if anything was returned if (!$profileFields || !$profileValues) { return $profile; } // Check if profile fields aren't fake foreach ($profileFields as $field) { // Completely strip all special characters from the field name $fieldName = clean_string($field->field_name, true, true); // Check if the user has the current field set otherwise continue if (!array_key_exists($fieldName, $profileValues)) { continue; } // Assign field to output with value $profile[$fieldName] = []; $profile[$fieldName]['name'] = $field->field_name; $profile[$fieldName]['value'] = $profileValues[$fieldName]; $profile[$fieldName]['islink'] = $field->field_link; // If the field is set to be a link add a value for that as well if ($field->field_link) { $profile[$fieldName]['link'] = str_replace( '{{ VAL }}', $profileValues[$fieldName], $field->field_linkformat ); } // Check if we have additional options as well if (!empty($field->field_additional)) { // Decode the json of the additional stuff $additional = json_decode($field->field_additional, true); // Go over all additional forms foreach ($additional as $subName => $subField) { // Check if the user has the current field set otherwise continue if (!array_key_exists($subName, $profileValues)) { continue; } // Assign field to output with value $profile[$fieldName][$subName] = $profileValues[$subName]; } } } // Assign cache $this->profileFields = $profile; // Return appropiate profile data return $profile; } /** * Get a user's option fields. * * @return array The array containing the fields. */ public function optionFields() { // Check if we have cached data if ($this->optionFields) { return $this->optionFields; } // Create array and get values $options = []; $optionFields = DB::table('optionfields') ->get(); $optionValuesRaw = DB::table('user_optionfields') ->where('user_id', $this->id) ->get(); $optionValues = array_column($optionValuesRaw, 'field_value', 'field_name'); // Check if anything was returned if (!$optionFields || !$optionValues) { return $options; } // Check if option fields aren't fake foreach ($optionFields as $field) { // Check if the user has the current field set otherwise continue if (!array_key_exists($field->option_id, $optionValues)) { continue; } // Make sure the user has the proper permissions to use this option if (!$this->permission(constant('Sakura\Perms\Site::' . $field->option_permission))) { continue; } // Assign field to output with value $options[$field->option_id] = $optionValues[$field->option_id]; } // Assign cache $this->optionFields = $options; // Return appropiate option data return $options; } /** * Add premium in seconds. * * @param int $seconds The amount of seconds. * * @return int The new expiry date. */ public function addPremium($seconds) { // Check if there's already a record of premium for this user in the database $getUser = DB::table('premium') ->where('user_id', $this->id) ->get(); // Calculate the (new) start and expiration timestamp $start = $getUser ? $getUser[0]->premium_start : time(); $expire = $getUser ? $getUser[0]->premium_expire + $seconds : time() + $seconds; // If the user already exists do an update call, otherwise an insert call if ($getUser) { DB::table('premium') ->where('user_id', $this->id) ->update([ 'premium_expire' => $expire, ]); } else { DB::table('premium') ->insert([ 'user_id' => $this->id, 'premium_start' => $start, 'premium_expire' => $expire, ]); } // Return the expiration timestamp return $expire; } /** * Does this user have premium? * * @return int Returns the premium expiration date. */ public function isPremium() { // Get rank IDs from the db $premiumRank = (int) config('rank.premium'); $defaultRank = (int) config('rank.regular'); // Fetch expiration date $expire = $this->premiumInfo()->expire; // Check if the user has static premium if (!$expire && $this->permission(Site::STATIC_PREMIUM)) { $expire = time() + 1; } // Check if the user has premium and isn't in the premium rank if ($expire && !$this->hasRanks([$premiumRank])) { // Add the premium rank $this->addRanks([$premiumRank]); // Set it as default if ($this->mainRankId == $defaultRank) { $this->setMainRank($premiumRank); } } elseif (!$expire && $this->hasRanks([$premiumRank])) { $this->removeRanks([$premiumRank]); if ($this->mainRankId == $premiumRank) { $this->setMainRank($defaultRank); } } return $expire; } public function premiumInfo() { // Attempt to retrieve the premium record from the database $check = DB::table('premium') ->where('user_id', $this->id) ->where('premium_expire', '>', time()) ->get(); $return = new stdClass; $return->start = $check ? $check[0]->premium_start : 0; $return->expire = $check ? $check[0]->premium_expire : 0; return $return; } /** * Parse the user's userpage. * * @return string The parsed page. */ public function userPage() { return BBcode::toHTML(htmlentities($this->page)); } /** * Parse a user's signature * * @return string The parsed signature. */ public function signature() { return BBcode::toHTML(htmlentities($this->signature)); } /** * Get a user's username history. * * @return array The history. */ public function getUsernameHistory() { return DB::table('username_history') ->where('user_id', $this->id) ->orderBy('change_id', 'desc') ->get(); } /** * Alter the user's username * * @param string $username The new username. * @param string $username_clean The new (clean) username. */ public function setUsername($username, $username_clean) { // Insert into username_history table DB::table('username_history') ->insert([ 'change_time' => time(), 'user_id' => $this->id, 'username_new' => $username, 'username_new_clean' => $username_clean, 'username_old' => $this->username, 'username_old_clean' => $this->usernameClean, ]); // Update userrow DB::table('users') ->where('user_id', $this->id) ->update([ 'username' => $username, 'username_clean' => $username_clean, ]); } /** * Alter a user's e-mail address * * @param string $email The new e-mail address. */ public function setMail($email) { // Update userrow DB::table('users') ->where('user_id', $this->id) ->update([ 'email' => $email, ]); } /** * Change the user's password * * @param string $password The new password. */ public function setPassword($password) { // Create hash $password = password_hash($password, PASSWORD_BCRYPT); // Update userrow DB::table('users') ->where('user_id', $this->id) ->update([ 'password' => $password, 'password_chan' => time(), ]); } /** * Get all the notifications for this user. * * @param int $timeDifference The timeframe of alerts that should be fetched. * @param bool $excludeRead Whether alerts that are marked as read should be included. * * @return array An array with Notification objects. */ public function notifications($timeDifference = 0, $excludeRead = true) { $alertIds = DB::table('notifications') ->where('user_id', $this->id); if ($timeDifference) { $alertIds->where('alert_timestamp', '>', time() - $timeDifference); } if ($excludeRead) { $alertIds->where('alert_read', 0); } $alertIds = array_column($alertIds->get(['alert_id']), 'alert_id'); $alerts = []; foreach ($alertIds as $alertId) { $alerts[$alertId] = new Notification($alertId); } return $alerts; } }