setName('T-Shirt of the Month Club Plan') ->setDescription('Template creation.') ->setType('fixed'); // # Payment definitions for this billing plan. $paymentDefinition = new PaymentDefinition(); // The possible values for such setters are mentioned in the setter method documentation. // Just open the class file. e.g. lib/PayPal/Api/PaymentDefinition.php and look for setFrequency method. // You should be able to see the acceptable values in the comments. $paymentDefinition->setName('Regular Payments') ->setType('REGULAR') ->setFrequency('Month') ->setFrequencyInterval("2") ->setCycles("12") ->setAmount(new Currency(array('value' => 100, 'currency' => 'USD'))); // Charge Models $chargeModel = new ChargeModel(); $chargeModel->setType('SHIPPING') ->setAmount(new Currency(array('value' => 10, 'currency' => 'USD'))); $paymentDefinition->setChargeModels(array($chargeModel)); $merchantPreferences = new MerchantPreferences(); $baseUrl = getBaseUrl(); // ReturnURL and CancelURL are not required and used when creating billing agreement with payment_method as "credit_card". // However, it is generally a good idea to set these values, in case you plan to create billing agreements which accepts "paypal" as payment_method. // This will keep your plan compatible with both the possible scenarios on how it is being used in agreement. $merchantPreferences->setReturnUrl("$baseUrl/ExecuteAgreement.php?success=true") ->setCancelUrl("$baseUrl/ExecuteAgreement.php?success=false") ->setAutoBillAmount("yes") ->setInitialFailAmountAction("CONTINUE") ->setMaxFailAttempts("0") ->setSetupFee(new Currency(array('value' => 1, 'currency' => 'USD'))); $plan->setPaymentDefinitions(array($paymentDefinition)); $plan->setMerchantPreferences($merchantPreferences); // For Sample Purposes Only. $request = clone $plan; // ### Create Plan try { $output = $plan->create($apiContext); } catch (Exception $ex) { // NOTE: PLEASE DO NOT USE RESULTPRINTER CLASS IN YOUR ORIGINAL CODE. FOR SAMPLE ONLY ResultPrinter::printError("Created Plan", "Plan", null, $request, $ex); exit(1); } // NOTE: PLEASE DO NOT USE RESULTPRINTER CLASS IN YOUR ORIGINAL CODE. FOR SAMPLE ONLY ResultPrinter::printResult("Created Plan", "Plan", $output->getId(), $request, $output); return $output;