/* * Sakura Yuuno JavaScript */ function cookieData(action, name, data) { switch(action) { case 'get': return (result = new RegExp('(^|; )' + encodeURIComponent(name) + '=([^;]*)').exec(document.cookie)) ? result[2] : ''; case 'set': document.cookie = name + '=' + data; return; default: return; } } function mobileMenu(mode) { var ucpMenuBtn = document.getElementById('navMenuSite'); var navMenuBtn = document.getElementById('navMenuUser'); var mobMenuBtn = document.getElementById('mobileNavToggle'); if(mode) { ucpMenuBtn.className = ucpMenuBtn.className + ' menu-hid'; navMenuBtn.className = navMenuBtn.className + ' menu-hid'; mobMenuBtn.innerHTML = 'Close Menu'; mobMenuBtn.setAttribute('onclick', 'mobileMenu(false);'); } else { ucpMenuBtn.className = ucpMenuBtn.className.replace(' menu-hid', ''); navMenuBtn.className = navMenuBtn.className.replace(' menu-hid', ''); mobMenuBtn.innerHTML = 'Open Menu'; mobMenuBtn.setAttribute('onclick', 'mobileMenu(true);'); } } window.onscroll = function() { var gotop = document.getElementById('gotop'); if(this.pageYOffset < 112) { if(gotop.getAttribute('class').indexOf('hidden') < 0) gotop.setAttribute('class', gotop.getAttribute('class') + ' hidden'); } else if(this.pageYOffset > 112) gotop.setAttribute('class', gotop.getAttribute('class').replace(' hidden', '')); }; function epochTime() { var time = Date.now(); time = time / 1000; return Math.floor(time); } /* "Delayed" for now (not really any use for it atm) function notification(id, content, sound) { $('.notifications').hide().append('
').fadeIn('slow'); if(sound) { var sound = document.getElementById('notifsnd'); sound.volume = 1.0; sound.currentTime = 0; sound.play(); } window.setTimeout(function() { $('#notif'+id).fadeOut('slow',function() { $('#notif'+id).remove(); }); }, 2500); return true; } function notificationRequest() { var notificationURL = 'http://sys.flashii.net/udata?notifications'; if(window.XMLHttpRequest) { request = new XMLHttpRequest(); } else if(window.ActiveXObject) { try { request = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); } catch(e) { try { request = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } catch(e) {} } } if(!request) { return false; } request.onreadystatechange = function() { if(request.readyState === 4) { if(request.status === 200) { var notifGet = JSON.parse(request.responseText); notifGet[0].notifications.forEach(function(data) { if(data.time >= epochTime()+7 && !$('#notif'+epochTime()).length) { notification(data.id, data.content, true); } }); //if(epochTime() <= epochTime()+1 && !$('#notif'+epochTime()).length) { // notification(epochTime(), notifGet[0].notifications[0].notif1, true); //} } else { notification('ERROR'+epochTime(), 'Error: Was not able to get notification data.',false); } } } request.open('GET', notificationURL); request.send(); setTimeout(notificationRequest, 5000); }*/ function donatePage(id) { var featureBoxDesc = document.getElementsByClassName('featureBoxDesc'); if(!id) { for(var i = 0; i < featureBoxDesc.length; i++) featureBoxDesc[i].className = featureBoxDesc[i].className + ' donateClosed'; return; } var featureBox = document.getElementById(id).children[1]; if(featureBox.className.search('donateOpened') > 0) { featureBox.className = featureBox.className.replace(' donateOpened', ''); featureBox.className = featureBox.className + ' donateClosed'; return; } else { featureBox.className = featureBox.className.replace(' donateClosed', ''); featureBox.className = featureBox.className + ' donateOpened'; return; } return; } function removeClass(className) { var objectCont = document.getElementsByClassName(className); while(objectCont.length > 0) objectCont[0].parentNode.removeChild(objectCont[0]); } function removeId(id) { var objectCont = document.getElementById(id); if(typeof(objectCont) != "undefined" && objectCont !== null) objectCont.parentNode.removeChild(objectCont); } function ajaxBusyView(show, message, type) { var busyCont = document.getElementById('ajaxBusy'); var busyStat = document.getElementById('ajaxStatus'); var busyAnim = document.getElementById('ajaxAnimate'); var pageContent = document.getElementById('contentwrapper'); switch(type) { default: case 'busy': var busyAnimIco = 'fa fa-refresh fa-spin fa-4x'; break; case 'ok': var busyAnimIco = 'fa fa-check fa-4x'; break; case 'fail': var busyAnimIco = 'fa fa-remove fa-4x'; break; } if(show) { if(busyCont == null) { var createBusyCont = document.createElement('div'); createBusyCont.className = 'ajax-busy'; createBusyCont.setAttribute('id', 'ajaxBusy'); var createBusyInner = document.createElement('div'); createBusyInner.className = 'ajax-inner'; createBusyCont.appendChild(createBusyInner); var createBusyMsg = document.createElement('h2'); createBusyMsg.setAttribute('id', 'ajaxStatus'); createBusyInner.appendChild(createBusyMsg); var createBusySpin = document.createElement('div'); createBusySpin.setAttribute('id', 'ajaxAnimate'); createBusyInner.appendChild(createBusySpin); pageContent.appendChild(createBusyCont); busyCont = document.getElementById('ajaxBusy'); busyStat = document.getElementById('ajaxStatus'); busyAnim = document.getElementById('ajaxAnimate'); } busyAnim.className = busyAnimIco; if(message == null) busyStat.innerHTML = 'Please wait'; else busyStat.innerHTML = message; } else { if(busyCont != null) { var fadeOut = setInterval(function() { if(busyCont.style.opacity == null || busyCont.style.opacity == "") busyCont.style.opacity = 1; if(busyCont.style.opacity > 0) { busyCont.style.opacity = busyCont.style.opacity - .1; } else { removeId('ajaxBusy'); clearInterval(fadeOut); } }, 10); } } } function ajaxPost(url, data) { var req = new XMLHttpRequest(); req.open("POST", url, false); req.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); var query = []; for(var i in data) query.push(encodeURIComponent(i) +"="+ encodeURIComponent(data[i])); req.send(query.join("&")); if(req.status === 200) return req.responseText; else return ""; } // Quickly building a form for god knows what reason function generateForm(formId, formAttr, formData, appendTo) { // Create form elements and assign ID var form = document.createElement('form'); form.setAttribute('id', formId); // Set additional attributes if(formAttr != null) { for(var i in formAttr) form.setAttribute(i, formAttr[i]); } // Generate input elements for(var i in formData) { var disposableVar = document.createElement('input'); disposableVar.setAttribute('type', 'hidden'); disposableVar.setAttribute('name', i); disposableVar.setAttribute('value', formData[i]); form.appendChild(disposableVar); } // Append to another element if requested if(appendTo != null) document.getElementById(appendTo).appendChild(form); // Return the completed form return form; } // Enter substitute function formEnterCatch(key, id) { // 13 == Enter if(key.which == 13) { // Submit the form document.getElementById(id).click(); // Return true if yeah return true; } // Return false if not return false; } // Submitting a form using an AJAX POST request function submitPost(formId, busyView, msg) { // If requested display the busy thing if(busyView) ajaxBusyView(true, msg, 'busy'); // Get form data var form = document.getElementById(formId); // Make sure the form id was proper and if not report an error if(form == null) { if(busyView) { ajaxBusyView(true, 'Invalid Form ID, contact the administrator.'); setTimeout(function(){ajaxBusyView(false);}, 2000); } return; } // Make an object for the request parts var requestParts = new Object(); // Get all children with a name attribute var children = form.querySelectorAll('[name]'); // Sort children and make them ready for submission for(var i in children) { if(typeof children[i] == 'object') requestParts[children[i].name] = ((typeof children[i].type !== "undefined" && children[i].type.toLowerCase() == "checkbox") ? children[i].checked : children[i].value); } // Submit the AJAX request var request = ajaxPost(form.action, requestParts).split('|'); // If using the busy view thing update the text displayed to the return of the request if(busyView) ajaxBusyView(true, request[1], (request[2] == '1' ? 'ok' : 'fail')); setTimeout(function(){ if(busyView) ajaxBusyView(false); if(request[2] == '1') window.location = request[3]; }, 2000); return; }