setMerchantInfo(new MerchantInfo()) ->setBillingInfo(array(new BillingInfo())) ->setNote("Medical Invoice 16 Jul, 2013 PST") ->setPaymentTerm(new PaymentTerm()) ->setShippingInfo(new ShippingInfo()); // ### Merchant Info // A resource representing merchant information that can be // used to identify merchant $invoice->getMerchantInfo() ->setEmail("") ->setFirstName("Dennis") ->setLastName("Doctor") ->setbusinessName("Medical Professionals, LLC") ->setPhone(new Phone()) ->setAddress(new Address()); $invoice->getMerchantInfo()->getPhone() ->setCountryCode("001") ->setNationalNumber("5032141716"); // ### Address Information // The address used for creating the invoice $invoice->getMerchantInfo()->getAddress() ->setLine1("1234 Main St.") ->setCity("Portland") ->setState("OR") ->setPostalCode("97217") ->setCountryCode("US"); // ### Billing Information // Set the email address for each billing $billing = $invoice->getBillingInfo(); $billing[0] ->setEmail(""); $billing[0]->setBusinessName("Jay Inc") ->setAdditionalInfo("This is the billing Info") ->setAddress(new InvoiceAddress()); $billing[0]->getAddress() ->setLine1("1234 Main St.") ->setCity("Portland") ->setState("OR") ->setPostalCode("97217") ->setCountryCode("US"); // ### Items List // You could provide the list of all items for // detailed breakdown of invoice $items = array(); $items[0] = new InvoiceItem(); $items[0] ->setName("Sutures") ->setQuantity(100) ->setUnitPrice(new Currency()); $items[0]->getUnitPrice() ->setCurrency("USD") ->setValue(5); // #### Tax Item // You could provide Tax information to each item. $tax = new \PayPal\Api\Tax(); $tax->setPercent(1)->setName("Local Tax on Sutures"); $items[0]->setTax($tax); // Second Item $items[1] = new InvoiceItem(); // Lets add some discount to this item. $item1discount = new Cost(); $item1discount->setPercent("3"); $items[1] ->setName("Injection") ->setQuantity(5) ->setDiscount($item1discount) ->setUnitPrice(new Currency()); $items[1]->getUnitPrice() ->setCurrency("USD") ->setValue(5); // #### Tax Item // You could provide Tax information to each item. $tax2 = new \PayPal\Api\Tax(); $tax2->setPercent(3)->setName("Local Tax on Injection"); $items[1]->setTax($tax2); $invoice->setItems($items); // #### Final Discount // You can add final discount to the invoice as shown below. You could either use "percent" or "value" when providing the discount $cost = new Cost(); $cost->setPercent("2"); $invoice->setDiscount($cost); $invoice->getPaymentTerm() ->setTermType("NET_45"); // ### Shipping Information $invoice->getShippingInfo() ->setFirstName("Sally") ->setLastName("Patient") ->setBusinessName("Not applicable") ->setPhone(new Phone()) ->setAddress(new InvoiceAddress()); $invoice->getShippingInfo()->getPhone() ->setCountryCode("001") ->setNationalNumber("5039871234"); $invoice->getShippingInfo()->getAddress() ->setLine1("1234 Main St.") ->setCity("Portland") ->setState("OR") ->setPostalCode("97217") ->setCountryCode("US"); // ### Logo // You can set the logo in the invoice by providing the external URL pointing to a logo $invoice->setLogoUrl(''); // For Sample Purposes Only. $request = clone $invoice; try { // ### Create Invoice // Create an invoice by calling the invoice->create() method // with a valid ApiContext (See bootstrap.php for more on `ApiContext`) $invoice->create($apiContext); } catch (Exception $ex) { // NOTE: PLEASE DO NOT USE RESULTPRINTER CLASS IN YOUR ORIGINAL CODE. FOR SAMPLE ONLY ResultPrinter::printError("Create Invoice", "Invoice", null, $request, $ex); exit(1); } // NOTE: PLEASE DO NOT USE RESULTPRINTER CLASS IN YOUR ORIGINAL CODE. FOR SAMPLE ONLY ResultPrinter::printResult("Create Invoice", "Invoice", $invoice->getId(), $request, $invoice); return $invoice;