setPaymentMethod("paypal"); // ### Amount // Lets you specify a payment amount. // You can also specify additional details // such as shipping, tax. $amount = new Amount(); $amount->setCurrency("USD") ->setTotal("0.17"); // ### Transaction // A transaction defines the contract of a // payment - what is the payment for and who // is fulfilling it. $transaction = new Transaction(); $transaction->setAmount($amount) ->setDescription("Payment description"); // ### Redirect urls // Set the urls that the buyer must be redirected to after // payment approval/ cancellation. $baseUrl = getBaseUrl(); $redirectUrls = new RedirectUrls(); $redirectUrls->setReturnUrl("$baseUrl/ExecutePayment.php?success=true") ->setCancelUrl("$baseUrl/ExecutePayment.php?success=false"); // ### Payment // A Payment Resource; create one using // the above types and intent set to 'sale' $payment = new FuturePayment(); $payment->setIntent("authorize") ->setPayer($payer) ->setRedirectUrls($redirectUrls) ->setTransactions(array($transaction)); // ### Get Refresh Token // You need to get a permanent refresh token from the authorization code, retrieved from the mobile sdk. // authorization code from mobile sdk $authorizationCode = 'EJfRuAqXEE95pdVMmOym_mftTbeJD03RBX-Zjg9pLCAhdLqLeRR6YSKTNsrbQGX7lFoZ3SxwFyxADEZbBOxpn023W9SA0JzSQAy-9eLdON5eDPAyMyKlHyNVS2DqBR2iWVfQGfudbd9MDoRxMEjIZbY'; // Client Metadata id from mobile sdk // For more information look for PayPal-Client-Metadata-Id in $clientMetadataId = '123123456'; try { // Exchange authorization_code for long living refresh token. You should store // it in a database for later use $refreshToken = FuturePayment::getRefreshToken($authorizationCode, $apiContext); // Update the access token in apiContext $payment->updateAccessToken($refreshToken, $apiContext); // For Sample Purposes Only. $request = clone $payment; // ### Create Future Payment // Create a payment by calling the 'create' method // passing it a valid apiContext. // (See bootstrap.php for more on `ApiContext`) // The return object contains the state and the // url to which the buyer must be redirected to // for payment approval // Please note that currently future payments works only with PayPal as a funding instrument. $payment->create($apiContext, $clientMetadataId); } catch (Exception $ex) { ResultPrinter::printError("Future Payment", "Payment", null, $request, $ex); exit(1); } ResultPrinter::printResult("Future Payment", "Payment", $payment->getId(), $request, $payment); return $payment;