// ## Get Webhook ID. // In samples we are using CreateWebhook.php sample to get the created instance of webhook. // However, in real case scenario, we could use just the ID from database or use an already existing webhook. /** @var \PayPal\Api\Webhook $webhook */ $webhook = require 'CreateWebhook.php'; // Updating the webhook as per given request // // [ // { // "op":"replace", // "path":"/url", // "value":"https://requestb.in/10ujt3c1" // }, // { // "op":"replace", // "path":"/event_types", // "value":[ // { // "name":"PAYMENT.SALE.REFUNDED" // } // ] // } // ] $patch = new \PayPal\Api\Patch(); $patch->setOp("replace") ->setPath("/url") ->setValue("https://requestb.in/10ujt3c1?uniqid=". uniqid()); $patch2 = new \PayPal\Api\Patch(); $patch2->setOp("replace") ->setPath("/event_types") ->setValue(json_decode('[{"name":"PAYMENT.SALE.REFUNDED"}]')); $patchRequest = new \PayPal\Api\PatchRequest(); $patchRequest->addPatch($patch)->addPatch($patch2); // ### Get Webhook try { $output = $webhook->update($patchRequest, $apiContext); } catch (Exception $ex) { ResultPrinter::printError("Updated a Webhook", "Webhook", null, $patchRequest, $ex); exit(1); } ResultPrinter::printResult("Updated a Webhook", "Webhook", $output->getId(), $patchRequest, $output); return $output;