{% include 'global/header.tpl' %} {% if user.checklogin %}

{% if not page.active %}All members{% else %}{{ page.ranks[page.active].name }}{% if page.ranks[page.active].multi %}s{% endif %}{% endif %}

{% if not page.active %}The entire user list.{% else %}{{ page.ranks[page.active].description }}{% endif %}

{% if page.notfound %}

The requested rank was not found!

{% else %}
{% if page.sort == page.sorts[2] %} {% for count,user in page.users[page.page] %} {% endfor %}
No. Username Registered Last online User title Country
No. Username Registered Last online User title Country
#{{ count + 1 }} {{ user.username }} {{ user.regdate|date("l Y-m-d H:i T") }} {% if user.lastdate == 0 %}Never logged in.{% else %}{{ user.lastdate|date("l Y-m-d H:i T") }}{% endif %} {% if not user.usertitle %}{{ page.ranks[user.rank_main].title }}{% else %}{{ user.usertitle }}{% endif %} {% if user.country|lower == 'eu' %}?{% else %}{{ user.country }}{% endif %}
{% else %} {% for user in page.users[page.page] %} {# These comment tags are here to prevent the link extending too far #}
{# #}{{ user.username }}{# #}{# #}{{ user.username }}{# #}{# #}
{# #}
{% endfor %} {% endif %}
{% endif %} {% if page.users|length > 1 %}

[ {% for count,navpage in page.users %} {{ count + 1 }} {% endfor %} ]

{% endif %}
{% else %}

Login to view this page!

If you actually are logged in something went wrong and you should report this to the administrator.
If you aren't logged in please log in or create an account if you don't have one.
{% endif %} {% include 'global/footer.tpl' %}