; Example Sakura configuration ; Rename this file to config.ini after you're done editing. ; Database configuration [database] ; SQL Driver that should be used. ; This has to relate to a PHP file in the libraries/DBWrapper folder ; but must EXCLUDE the .php file extension. (I recommend sticking with the bundled mysql library) driver = mysql ; Username used to authenticate with the SQL server username = sakura ; Password for the same purpose password = "password" ; Table prefix used. prefix = sakura_ [dsn] host=localhost port=3306 dbname=sakura ; Data files relative to the root directory [data] ; JSON file containing ISO 3166 country codes iso3166 = config/iso3166.json ; Development mode settings [dev] ; Show detailed error logs in browser show_errors = true ; Show a small version of the changelog loaded from sakura.flash.moe show_changelog = true