{% extends '@yuuno/master.twig' %} {% set title %}Support {{ config('general.name') }}{% endset %} {% block content %}
Support {{ config('general.name') }}

redo this entirely

{% if user.isPremium %}
Your current Tenshi tag

Your Tenshi tag is valid till {{ user.premiumInfo.expire|date(config('general.date_format')) }}.

{# the progress bar is completely broken, not fixing it until i completely reviewed the premium system #} {##}
{% endif %}
Payment Options
Our transactions are handled through PayPal.
{% if user.isActive %}

Total: €

{% elseif user.isActive %}

You can't get Tenshi at the current moment!

{% else %}

You need to be logged in to get Tenshi!

{% endif %}
{% if user.isActive %} {% endif %} {% endblock %}