'Action failed', 'redirect' => '/authenticate', 'message' => 'Timestamps differ too much, refresh the page and try again.', 'success' => 0 ]; // Prevent $continue = false; } // Match session ids for the same reason if(!isset($_REQUEST['session']) || $_REQUEST['session'] != session_id()) { $renderData['page'] = [ 'title' => 'Action failed', 'redirect' => '/authenticate', 'message' => 'Session IDs do not match.', 'success' => 0 ]; // Prevent $continue = false; } } // Login check if(Users::checkLogin()) { if(!in_array($_REQUEST['mode'], ['logout', 'legacypw'])) { $continue = false; // Add page specific things $renderData['page'] = [ 'title' => 'Authentication', 'redirect' => '/', 'message' => 'You are already authenticated. Redirecting...', 'success' => 1 ]; } } if($continue) { switch($_REQUEST['mode']) { case 'logout': // Attempt logout $logout = Users::logout(); // Add page specific data $renderData['page'] = [ 'title' => 'Logout', 'redirect' => ($logout ? $_REQUEST['redirect'] : '/authenticate'), 'message' => $logout ? 'You are now logged out.' : 'Logout failed.', 'success' => $logout ? 1 : 0 ]; break; case 'legacypw': // Attempt change $legacypass = Users::changeLegacy($_REQUEST['oldpw'], $_REQUEST['newpw'], $_REQUEST['verpw']); // Array containing "human understandable" messages $messages = [ 'USER_NOT_LOGIN' => 'What are you doing, you\'re not even logged in. GO AWAY!', 'INCORRECT_PASSWORD' => 'The password you entered was invalid.', 'NOT_ALLOWED' => 'Your account does not have the required permissions to log in.', 'NO_LOGIN' => 'Logging into this account is disabled.', 'PASS_TOO_SHIT' => 'Your password is too weak, try adding some special characters.', 'PASS_NOT_MATCH' => 'Passwords do not match.', 'SUCCESS' => 'Successfully changed your password, you may now continue.' ]; // Add page specific things $renderData['page'] = [ 'title' => 'Change Password', 'redirect' => '/', 'message' => $messages[$legacypass[1]], 'success' => $legacypass[0] ]; break; case 'changepassword': // Attempt change $passforget = Users::resetPassword($_REQUEST['verk'], $_REQUEST['uid'], $_REQUEST['newpw'], $_REQUEST['verpw']); // Array containing "human understandable" messages $messages = [ 'INVALID_VERK' => 'The verification key supplied was invalid!', 'INVALID_CODE' => 'Invalid verification key, if you think this is an error contact the administrator.', 'INVALID_USER' => 'The used verification key is not designated for this user.', 'VERK_TOO_SHIT' => 'Your verification code is too weak, try adding some special characters.', 'PASS_TOO_SHIT' => 'Your password is too weak, try adding some special characters.', 'PASS_NOT_MATCH' => 'Passwords do not match.', 'SUCCESS' => 'Successfully changed your password, you may now log in.' ]; // Add page specific things $renderData['page'] = [ 'title' => 'Forgot Password', 'redirect' => ($passforget[0] ? '/' : $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] .'?pw=true&uid='. $_REQUEST['uid'] .'&verk='. $_REQUEST['verk']), 'message' => $messages[$passforget[1]], 'success' => $passforget[0] ]; break; // Activating accounts case 'activate': // Attempt activation $activate = Users::activateUser($_REQUEST['u'], true, $_REQUEST['k']); // Array containing "human understandable" messages $messages = [ 'USER_NOT_EXIST' => 'The user you tried to activate does not exist.', 'USER_ALREADY_ACTIVE' => 'The user you tried to activate is already active.', 'INVALID_CODE' => 'Invalid activation code, if you think this is an error contact the administrator.', 'INVALID_USER' => 'The used activation code is not designated for this user.', 'SUCCESS' => 'Successfully activated your account, you may now log in.' ]; // Add page specific things $renderData['page'] = [ 'title' => 'Activate account', 'redirect' => '/authenticate', 'message' => $messages[$activate[1]], 'success' => $activate[0] ]; break; // Resending the activation e-mail case 'resendactivemail': // Attempt send $resend = Users::resendActivationMail($_REQUEST['username'], $_REQUEST['email']); // Array containing "human understandable" messages $messages = [ 'AUTH_LOCKED' => 'Authentication is currently not allowed, try again later.', 'USER_NOT_EXIST' => 'The user you tried to activate does not exist (confirm the username/email combination).', 'USER_ALREADY_ACTIVE' => 'The user you tried to activate is already active.', 'SUCCESS' => 'The activation e-mail has been sent to the address associated with your account.' ]; // Add page specific things $renderData['page'] = [ 'title' => 'Resend Activation', 'redirect' => '/authenticate', 'message' => $messages[$resend[1]], 'success' => $resend[0] ]; break; // Login processing case 'login': // Attempt login $login = Users::login($_REQUEST['username'], $_REQUEST['password'], isset($_REQUEST['remember'])); // Array containing "human understandable" messages $messages = [ 'AUTH_LOCKED' => 'Authentication is currently not allowed, try again later.', 'USER_NOT_EXIST' => 'The user you tried to log into does not exist.', 'INCORRECT_PASSWORD' => 'The password you entered was invalid.', 'DEACTIVATED' => 'Your account is deactivated.', 'NO_LOGIN' => 'Logging into this account is disabled.', 'LEGACY_SUCCESS' => 'Login successful! Taking you to the password changing page...', 'LOGIN_SUCESS' => 'Login successful!' ]; // Add page specific things $renderData['page'] = [ 'title' => 'Login', 'redirect' => ($login[1] == 'LEGACY_SUCCESS' ? '/authenticate?legacy=true' : ($login[0] ? $_REQUEST['redirect'] : '/authenticate')), 'message' => $messages[$login[1]], 'success' => $login[0] ]; break; // Registration processing case 'register': // Attempt registration $register = Users::register( $_REQUEST['username'], $_REQUEST['password'], $_REQUEST['confirmpassword'], $_REQUEST['email'], isset($_REQUEST['tos']), ( Configuration::getConfig('recaptcha') ? $_REQUEST['g-recaptcha-response'] : null ), ( Configuration::getConfig('require_registration_code') ? $_REQUEST['registercode'] : null ) ); // Array containing "human understandable" messages $messages = [ 'AUTH_LOCKED' => 'Authentication is currently not allowed, try again later.', 'DISABLED' => 'Registration is currently disabled.', 'INVALID_REG_KEY' => 'The given registration code was invalid.', 'TOS' => 'You are required to agree to the Terms of Service.', 'CAPTCHA_FAIL' => 'Captcha verification failed, please try again.', 'USER_EXISTS' => 'A user with this username already exists, if you lost your password try using the Lost Password form.', 'NAME_TOO_SHORT' => 'Your name must be at least 3 characters long.', 'NAME_TOO_LONG' => 'Your name can\'t be longer than 16 characters.', 'PASS_TOO_SHIT' => 'Your password is too weak, try adding some special characters.', 'PASS_NOT_MATCH' => 'Passwords do not match.', 'INVALID_EMAIL' => 'Your e-mail address is formatted incorrectly.', 'INVALID_MX' => 'No valid MX-Record found on the e-mail address you supplied.', 'EMAILSENT' => 'Your registration went through! An activation e-mail has been sent.', 'SUCCESS' => 'Your registration went through! Welcome to '. Configuration::getConfig('sitename') .'!' ]; // Add page specific things $renderData['page'] = [ 'title' => 'Register', 'redirect' => ($register[0] ? '/' : '/authenticate'), 'message' => $messages[$register[1]], 'success' => $register[0] ]; break; // Unforgetting passwords case 'forgotpassword': // Attempt send $passforgot = Users::sendPasswordForgot($_REQUEST['username'], $_REQUEST['email']); // Array containing "human understandable" messages $messages = [ 'AUTH_LOCKED' => 'Authentication is currently not allowed, try again later.', 'USER_NOT_EXIST' => 'The requested user does not exist (confirm the username/email combination).', 'DEACTIVATED' => 'Your account is deactivated.', 'SUCCESS' => 'The password reset e-mail has been sent to the address associated with your account.' ]; // Add page specific things $renderData['page'] = [ 'title' => 'Lost Password', 'redirect' => '/authenticate', 'message' => $messages[$passforgot[1]], 'success' => $passforgot[0] ]; break; } } // Print page contents or if the AJAX request is set only display the render data print isset($_REQUEST['ajax']) ? ( $renderData['page']['title'] . '|' . $renderData['page']['message'] . '|' . $renderData['page']['success'] . '|' . $renderData['page']['redirect'] ) : Templates::render('errors/information.tpl', $renderData); exit; } // Add page specific things $renderData['page'] = [ 'title' => 'Authentication' ]; $renderData['auth'] = [ 'redirect' => ( isset($_REQUEST['chat']) ? '//'. Configuration::getLocalConfig('urls', 'chat') : ( isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : '/' ) ), 'blockRegister' => [ 'do' => false ] ]; // Check if the user is already logged in if(Users::checkLogin()) { // If password forgot things are set display password forget thing if(isset($_REQUEST['legacy']) && $_REQUEST['legacy'] && Users::getUser(Session::$userId)['password_algo'] == 'legacy') { $renderData['page']['title'] = 'Changing Password'; $renderData['auth']['changingPass'] = true; print Templates::render('main/legacypasswordchange.tpl', $renderData); exit; } // Add page specific things $renderData['page'] = [ 'title' => 'Authentication', 'redirect' => '/', 'message' => 'You are already logged in, log out to access this page.' ]; print Templates::render('errors/information.tpl', $renderData); exit; } // Check if a user has already registered from the current IP address if(count($regUserIP = Users::getUsersByIP(Main::getRemoteIP()))) { $renderData['auth']['blockRegister'] = [ 'do' => true, 'username' => $regUserIP[array_rand($regUserIP)]['username'] ]; } // If password forgot things are set display password forget thing if(isset($_REQUEST['pw']) && $_REQUEST['pw']) { $renderData['page']['title'] = 'Resetting Password'; $renderData['auth']['changingPass'] = true; $renderData['auth']['userId'] = $_REQUEST['uid']; if(isset($_REQUEST['key'])) $renderData['auth']['forgotKey'] = $_REQUEST['key']; print Templates::render('main/forgotpassword.tpl', $renderData); exit; } // Print page contents print Templates::render('main/authenticate.tpl', $renderData);