data = Database::fetch( 'users', false, [ 'id' => [$uid, '=', true], 'username_clean' => [Main::cleanString($uid, true), '=', true], ] ); // Check if anything like the username exists if (empty($this->data)) { $this->data = Database::fetch( 'users', false, [ 'username_clean' => ['%' . Main::cleanString($uid, true) . '%', 'LIKE'], ] ); } // Check if the user actually exists if (empty($this->data)) { // If not assign as the fallback user $this->data = Users::$emptyUser; } // Decode the json in the userData column $this->data['userData'] = json_decode(!empty($this->data['userData']) ? $this->data['userData'] : '[]', true); // Decode the ranks json array $ranks = json_decode($this->data['ranks'], true); // Get the rows for all the ranks foreach ($ranks as $rank) { // Store the database row in the array $this->ranks[$rank] = Database::fetch('ranks', false, ['id' => [$rank, '=']]); } // Check if ranks were set if (empty($this->ranks)) { // If not assign the fallback rank $this->ranks[0] = Users::$emptyRank; } // Assign the user's main rank to a special variable since we'll use it a lot $this->mainRank = $this->ranks[ array_key_exists($this->data['rank_main'], $this->ranks) ? $this->data['rank_main'] : array_keys($this->ranks)[0] ]; } // Check if the user has the specified ranks public function checkIfUserHasRanks($ranks) { // Check if the main rank is the specified rank if (in_array($this->mainRank['id'], $ranks)) { return true; } // If not go over all ranks and check if the user has them foreach ($ranks as $rank) { // We check if $rank is in $this->ranks and if yes return true if (array_key_exists($rank, $this->ranks)) { return true; } } // If all fails return false return false; } // Get the user's colour public function colour() { return empty($this->data['name_colour']) ? $this->mainRank['colour'] : $this->data['name_colour']; } // Get the user's title public function userTitle() { return empty($this->data['usertitle']) ? $this->mainRank['title'] : $this->data['usertitle']; } // Get the user's long and short country names public function country() { return [ 'long' => Main::getCountryName($this->data['country']), 'short' => $this->data['country'], ]; } // Check if a user is online public function checkOnline() { return $this->data['lastdate'] > (time() - Configuration::getConfig('max_online_time')); } // Get user's forum statistics public function forumStats() { return Forum::getUserStats($this->data['id']); } // Check if the user is friends with the currently authenticated public function checkFriends($with) { return Users::checkFriend($this->data['id'], $with); } // Get all the friend of this user public function getFriends($timestamps = false, $getData = false, $checkOnline = false) { return Users::getFriends($this->data['id'], $timestamps, $getData, $checkOnline); } // Check if the user is banned public function checkBan() { return Bans::checkBan($this->data['id']); } // Check if the user has the proper permissions public function checkPermission($layer, $action) { return Permissions::check($layer, $action, $this->data['id'], 1); } // Get a user's profile comments public function profileComments() { return new Comments('profile-' . $this->data['id']); } // Get amount of time since user events public function elapsed($append = ' ago', $none = 'Just now') { return [ 'joined' => Main::timeElapsed($this->data['regdate'], $append, $none), 'lastOnline' => Main::timeElapsed($this->data['lastdate'], $append, $none), 'birth' => Main::timeElapsed(strtotime($this->data['birthday']), $append, $none), ]; } // Get the user's profile fields public function profileFields() { // Get profile fields $profileFields = Database::fetch('profilefields'); // If there's nothing just return null if (!count($profileFields)) { return; } // Once again if nothing was returned just return null if (empty($this->data['userData']['profileFields'])) { return; } // Create output array $profile = []; // Check if profile fields aren't fake foreach ($profileFields as $field) { // Completely strip all special characters from the field name $fieldName = Main::cleanString($field['name'], true, true); // Check if the user has the current field set otherwise continue if (!array_key_exists($fieldName, $this->data['userData']['profileFields'])) { continue; } // Assign field to output with value $profile[$fieldName] = array(); $profile[$fieldName]['name'] = $field['name']; $profile[$fieldName]['value'] = $this->data['userData']['profileFields'][$fieldName]; $profile[$fieldName]['islink'] = $field['islink']; // If the field is set to be a link add a value for that as well if ($field['islink']) { $profile[$fieldName]['link'] = str_replace( '{{ VAL }}', $this->data['userData']['profileFields'][$fieldName], $field['linkformat'] ); } // Check if we have additional options as well if ($field['additional'] != null) { // Decode the json of the additional stuff $additional = json_decode($field['additional'], true); // Go over all additional forms foreach ($additional as $subName => $subField) { // Check if the user has the current field set otherwise continue if (!array_key_exists($subName, $this->data['userData']['profileFields'])) { continue; } // Assign field to output with value $profile[$fieldName][$subName] = $this->data['userData']['profileFields'][$subName]; } } } // Return appropiate profile data return $profile; } // Get the user's option fields public function optionFields() { // Get option fields $optionFields = Database::fetch('optionfields'); // If there's nothing just return null if (!count($optionFields)) { return; } // Once again if nothing was returned just return null if (empty($this->data['userData']['userOptions'])) { return; } // Create output array $options = []; // Check if profile fields aren't fake foreach ($optionFields as $field) { // Check if the user has the current field set otherwise continue if (!array_key_exists($field['id'], $this->data['userData']['userOptions'])) { continue; } // Make sure the user has the proper permissions to use this option if (!$this->checkPermission('SITE', $field['require_perm'])) { continue; } // Assign field to output with value $options[$field['id']] = $this->data['userData']['userOptions'][$field['id']]; } // Return appropiate profile data return $options; } // Check if user has Premium public function checkPremium() { // Check if the user has static premium if (Permissions::check('SITE', 'STATIC_PREMIUM', $this->data['id'], 1)) { return [2, 0, time() + 1]; } // Attempt to retrieve the premium record from the database $getRecord = Database::fetch('premium', false, [ 'uid' => [$this->data['id'], '='], ]); // If nothing was returned just return false if (empty($getRecord)) { return [0]; } // Check if the Tenshi hasn't expired if ($getRecord['expiredate'] < time()) { Users::removeUserPremium($this->data['id']); Users::updatePremiumMeta($this->data['id']); return [0, $getRecord['startdate'], $getRecord['expiredate']]; } // Else return the start and expiration date return [1, $getRecord['startdate'], $getRecord['expiredate']]; } // Get all warnings issued to the user public function getWarnings() { // Do the database query $warnings = Database::fetch('warnings', true, [ 'uid' => [$this->data['id'], '='], ]); // Return all the warnings return $warnings; } // Get all warnings issued to the user public function userPage() { return isset($this->data['userData']['userPage']) ? Main::mdParse( base64_decode( $this->data['userData']['userPage'] ), true ) : null; } // Get username change history public function getUsernameHistory() { // Do the database query $changes = Database::fetch('username_history', true, [ 'user_id' => [$this->data['id'], '='], ], ['change_id', true]); // Return all the warnings return $changes; } // Set a new username public function setUsername($username) { // Create a cleaned version $username_clean = Main::cleanString($username, true); // Check if the username is too short if (strlen($username_clean) < Configuration::getConfig('username_min_length')) { return [0, 'TOO_SHORT']; } // Check if the username is too long if (strlen($username_clean) > Configuration::getConfig('username_max_length')) { return [0, 'TOO_LONG']; } // Check if this username hasn't been used in the last amount of days set in the config $getOld = Database::fetch('username_history', false, [ 'username_old_clean' => [$username_clean, '='], 'change_time' => [(Configuration::getConfig('old_username_reserve') * 24 * 60 * 60), '>'], ], ['change_id', true]); // Check if anything was returned if ($getOld) { return [0, 'TOO_RECENT', $getOld['change_time']]; } // Check if the username is already in use $getInUse = Database::fetch('users', false, [ 'username_clean' => [$username_clean, '='], ]); // Check if anything was returned if ($getInUse) { return [0, 'IN_USE', $getInUse['id']]; } // Insert into username_history table Database::insert('username_history', [ 'change_time' => time(), 'user_id' => $this->data['id'], 'username_new' => $username, 'username_new_clean' => $username_clean, 'username_old' => $this->data['username'], 'username_old_clean' => $this->data['username_clean'], ]); // Update userrow Database::update('users', [ [ 'username' => $username, 'username_clean' => $username_clean, ], [ 'id' => [$this->data['id'], '='], ], ]); // Return success return [1, 'SUCCESS', $username]; } // Set a new e-mail address public function setEMailAddress($email) { // Validate e-mail address if (!filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { return [0, 'INVALID']; } // Check if the username is already in use $getInUse = Database::fetch('users', false, [ 'email' => [$email, '='], ]); // Check if anything was returned if ($getInUse) { return [0, 'IN_USE', $getInUse['id']]; } // Update userrow Database::update('users', [ [ 'email' => $email, ], [ 'id' => [$this->data['id'], '='], ], ]); // Return success return [1, 'SUCCESS', $email]; } // Set a new password public function setPassword($old, $new, $confirm) { // Validate password switch ($this->data['password_algo']) { // Abyssing case 'nologin': return [0, 'NO_LOGIN']; // Default hashing method default: if (!Hashing::validatePassword($old, [ $this->data['password_algo'], $this->data['password_iter'], $this->data['password_salt'], $this->data['password_hash'], ])) { return [0, 'INCORRECT_PASSWORD', $this->data['password_chan']]; } } // Check password entropy if (Main::pwdEntropy($new) < Configuration::getConfig('min_entropy')) { return [0, 'PASS_TOO_SHIT']; } // Passwords do not match if ($new != $confirm) { return [0, 'PASS_NOT_MATCH']; } // Create hash $password = Hashing::createHash($new); // Update userrow Database::update('users', [ [ 'password_hash' => $password[3], 'password_salt' => $password[2], 'password_algo' => $password[0], 'password_iter' => $password[1], 'password_chan' => time(), ], [ 'id' => [$this->data['id'], '='], ], ]); // Return success return [1, 'SUCCESS']; } }