{% include 'global/header.tpl' %} {% if profile.checkPermission('SITE', 'DEACTIVATED') or profile.data.password_algo == 'nologin' or (profile.checkPermission('SITE', 'RESTRICTED') and (user.data.id != profile.data.id and not user.checkPermission('MANAGE', 'USE_MANAGE'))) %}

user not found!

There are a few possible reasons for this:
{% else %}
{{ profile.data.username }}'s Avatar
{{ profile.data.username }}
{{ profile.userTitle }}
Joined {{ profile.data.regdate|date(sakura.dateFormat) }}
{% if profile.data.lastdate == 0 %}User hasn't logged in yet.{% else %}Last Active {{ profile.data.lastdate|date(sakura.dateFormat) }}{% endif %}
{% if not profile.checkPermission('SITE', 'DEACTIVATED') and (profile.checkPremium[0] or profile.checkPermission('MANAGE', 'USE_MANAGE')) %}
    {% if profile.checkPremium[0] %}
  • Tenshi
  • {% endif %} {% if profile.checkPermission('MANAGE', 'USE_MANAGE') %}
  • Staff
  • {% endif %} {% if false %}
  • Developer
  • {% endif %} {% if false %}
  • Alumnii
  • {% endif %}
{% if session.checkLogin %} {% if profile.profileFields %} {% for name,field in profile.profileFields %} {% endfor %} {% else %}
This user has not set any links yet.
{% endif %} {% else %}
Log in to view the full profile.
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
Account Standing
{% if profile.checkPermission('SITE', 'DEACTIVATED') %}
{% elseif profile.checkBan %}


{% else %} {% if profile.getWarnings %}
{% else %}
{% endif %} {% endif %} {% if profile.getWarnings %}
This user has {{ profile.getWarnings|length }} warning{% if profile.getWarnings|length != 1 %}s{% endif %}!
After 10 warnings a user may be permanently banned.
{% endif %}
{% endif %} {% include 'global/footer.tpl' %}