/* * Dynamic load project */ var DynLoad = (function () { function DynLoad() { } // Add the hooks DynLoad.init = function () { if (this.active) { return; } else { this.active = true; } // Add an event listener to the document document.addEventListener("click", function (e) { // Check if a href attribute is set if (e.target['href']) { // Prevent the default action e.preventDefault(); // Create a new ajax object var loader = new AJAX(); // Set the url loader.setUrl(e.target['href']); // Add callbacks loader.addCallback(200, function () { var doc = (new DOMParser()).parseFromString(loader.response(), "text/html"); history.pushState(null, null, e.target['href']); document.head.innerHTML = doc.head.innerHTML; document.getElementById("contentwrapper").innerHTML = doc.getElementById("contentwrapper").innerHTML; var evt = document.createEvent('Event'); evt.initEvent('load', false, false); window.dispatchEvent(evt); }); // Send request loader.start(HTTPMethods.GET); } }); }; // Is active DynLoad.active = false; return DynLoad; })();