*/ class Comments { /** * The array containing the comments. * * @var array */ public $comments = []; /** * The comment category. * * @var string */ public $category; /** * The amount of comments. * @var int */ public $count = 0; /** * Constructor. * * @param mixed $category The category that comments should be fetched from. */ public function __construct($category) { // Set category $this->category = $category; // Get the comments and assign them to $comments $comments = Database::fetch( 'comments', true, [ 'comment_category' => [$this->category, '='], 'comment_reply_to' => ['0', '='], ], ['comment_id', true] ); // Feed them into the sorter $this->comments = $this->sortComments($comments); } /** * Sort the comments. * * @param array $comments Array containing comments. * * @return array Array containing the sorted comments. */ public function sortComments($comments) { // Create storage array $layer = []; // Sort comments foreach ($comments as $comment) { // Attach the poster $comment['comment_poster'] = User::construct($comment['comment_poster']); $comment['comment_text'] = Utils::parseEmotes(Utils::cleanString($comment['comment_text'])); // Get likes and dislikes $votes = $this->getVotes($comment['comment_id']); $comment['comment_likes'] = 0; $comment['comment_dislikes'] = 0; // Store amount in their respective variables foreach ($votes as $vote) { if ($vote['vote_state']) { $comment['comment_likes'] += 1; } else { $comment['comment_dislikes'] += 1; } } // Add post to posts array $layer[$comment['comment_id']] = $comment; // Up the comment count $this->count += 1; // Attempt to get replies from the database $replies = Database::fetch('comments', true, [ 'comment_category' => [$this->category, '='], 'comment_reply_to' => [$comment['comment_id'], '='], ]); // Check if this was a reply to something if ($replies) { // Save the replies $layer[$comment['comment_id']]['comment_replies'] = $this->sortComments($replies); } } return $layer; } /** * Get a single comment. * * @param int $cid ID of the comment. * * @return array The comment. */ public function getComment($cid) { // Get from database return Database::fetch('comments', false, [ 'comment_id' => [$cid, '='], ]); } /** * Get the votes for a comment. * * @param int $cid ID of the comment. * * @return array The votes. */ public function getVotes($cid) { // Get from database return Database::fetch('comment_votes', true, [ 'vote_comment' => [$cid, '='], ]); } /** * Creating a new comment. * * @param int $uid ID of the user creating the comment. * @param int $reply ID of the comment that is being replied to. * @param string $content Contents of the comment. * * @return array Response identifier. */ public function makeComment($uid, $reply, $content) { // Check if the comment is long enough if (strlen($content) < Config::get('comment_min_length')) { return [0, 'TOO_SHORT']; } // Check if the comment isn't too long if (strlen($content) > Config::get('comment_max_length')) { return [0, 'TOO_LONG']; } // Insert into database Database::insert('comments', [ 'comment_category' => $this->category, 'comment_timestamp' => time(), 'comment_poster' => $uid, 'comment_reply_to' => (int) $reply, 'comment_text' => $content, ]); // Return success return [1, 'SUCCESS']; } /** * Making a vote. * * @param int $uid User making this vote. * @param int $cid ID of the comment that is being voted on. * @param int $mode Positive or negative vote. * * @return bool Always returns true. */ public function makeVote($uid, $cid, $mode) { // Attempt to get previous vote $vote = Database::fetch('comment_votes', false, [ 'vote_user' => [$uid, '='], 'vote_comment' => [$cid, '='], ]); // Check if anything was returned if ($vote) { // Check if the vote that's being casted is the same if ($vote['vote_state'] == $mode) { // Delete the vote Database::delete('comment_votes', [ 'vote_user' => [$uid, '='], 'vote_comment' => [$cid, '='], ]); } else { // Otherwise update the vote Database::update('comment_votes', [ [ 'vote_state' => $mode, ], [ 'vote_user' => [$uid, '='], 'vote_comment' => [$cid, '='], ], ]); } } else { // Create a vote Database::insert('comment_votes', [ 'vote_user' => $uid, 'vote_comment' => $cid, 'vote_state' => $mode, ]); } return true; } /** * Remove a comment * * @param int $cid ID of the comment to remove. * * @return mixed No idea what this returns but it doesn't really matter anyway, the comment is dead. */ public function removeComment($cid) { // Remove from database return Database::delete('comments', [ 'comment_id' => [$cid, '='], ]); } }