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2015-06-04 12:41:55 +00:00

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* Sakura User Profiles
// Declare Namespace
namespace Sakura;
// Include components
require_once str_replace(basename(__DIR__), '', dirname(__FILE__)) .'_sakura/sakura.php';
// Catch old profile API and return error
if(isset($_REQUEST['data'])) {
header('Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8');
header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *');
print json_encode(['error' => true]);
// Get user data
if(isset($_GET['u'])) {
$renderData['profile'] = [
'notset' => false,
'user' => ($_PROFILE_USER_DATA = Users::getUser(($_USER_USERNAME_ID = Users::userExists($_GET['u'], false)) ? $_USER_USERNAME_ID : $_GET['u'])),
'rank' => ($_PROFILE_RANK_DATA = Users::getRank($_PROFILE_USER_DATA['rank_main'])),
'colour' => ($_PROFILE_USER_DATA['name_colour'] == null ? $_PROFILE_RANK_DATA['colour'] : $_PROFILE_USER_DATA['name_colour']),
'ranktitle' => ($_PROFILE_USER_DATA['usertitle'] == null ? $_PROFILE_RANK_DATA['title'] : $_PROFILE_USER_DATA['usertitle']),
'data' => ($_PROFILE_PROFILE_DATA = Users::getUserProfileData($_PROFILE_USER_DATA, true)),
'country' => Main::getCountryName($_PROFILE_USER_DATA['country']),
'istenshi' => Users::checkUserTenshi($_PROFILE_USER_DATA['id']),
'online' => Users::checkUserOnline($_PROFILE_USER_DATA['id']),
'profilePage' => Users::getProfilePage($_PROFILE_PROFILE_DATA, true),
'fields' => Users::getUserProfileFields($_PROFILE_PROFILE_DATA, true),
'warnings' => Users::getWarnings($_PROFILE_USER_DATA['id'])
$renderData['page'] = [
'title' => ($_PROFILE_USER_DATA['id'] < 1 || $_PROFILE_USER_DATA['password_algo'] == 'nologin' ? 'User not found!' : 'Profile of '. $_PROFILE_USER_DATA['username']),
'style' => (!empty($_PROFILE_PROFILE_DATA['profileBackground']) ? [
'#userBackground' => [
'background' => 'url("/bg/'. $_PROFILE_USER_DATA['id'] .'") no-repeat center center / cover transparent !important',
'position' => 'fixed',
'top' => '0',
'bottom' => '0',
'right' => '0',
'left' => '0',
'z-index' => '-1'
] : null)
} else {
$renderData['profile']['notset'] = true;
$renderData['page']['title'] = 'User not found!';
// Print page contents
print Templates::render('main/profile.tpl', $renderData);