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* Sakura Authentication Page
// Declare Namespace
namespace Sakura;
// Include components
require_once str_replace(basename(__DIR__), '', dirname(__FILE__)) .'_sakura/sakura.php';
// Page actions
isset($_REQUEST['mode']) &&
isset($_REQUEST['time']) &&
) {
// Continue
$continue = true;
// Compare time and session so we know the link isn't forged
if($_REQUEST['time'] < time() - 1000) {
$renderData['page'] = [
'title' => 'Action failed',
'redirect' => '/authenticate',
'message' => 'Timestamps differ too much, please try again.'
// Prevent
$continue = false;
// Match session ids for the same reason
if($_REQUEST['session'] != session_id()) {
$renderData['page'] = [
'title' => 'Action failed',
'redirect' => '/authenticate',
'message' => 'Session IDs do not match.'
// Prevent
$continue = false;
// Login check
if(Users::checkLogin()) {
if($_REQUEST['mode'] != 'logout')
$continue = false;
if($continue) {
switch($_REQUEST['mode']) {
case 'logout':
// Attempt logout
$logout = Users::logout();
// Add page specific data
$renderData['page'] = [
'title' => 'Logout',
'redirect' => ($logout ? $_REQUEST['redirect'] : '/authenticate'),
'message' => $logout ? 'You are now logged out.' : 'Logout failed.'
// Login processing
case 'login':
// Attempt login
$login = Users::login($_REQUEST['username'], $_REQUEST['password'], isset($_REQUEST['remember']));
// Array containing "human understandable" messages
$messages = [
'USER_NOT_EXIST' => 'The user you tried to log into does not exist.',
'INCORRECT_PASSWORD' => 'The password you entered was invalid.',
'DEACTIVATED' => 'Your account is deactivated.',
'NO_LOGIN' => 'Logging into this account is disabled.',
'LEGACY_SUCCESS' => 'Login successful! Taking you to the password changing page...',
'LOGIN_SUCESS' => 'Login successful!'
// Add page specific things
$renderData['page'] = [
'title' => 'Login',
'redirect' => ($login[0] ? $_REQUEST['redirect'] : '/authenticate'),
'message' => $messages[$login[1]]
// Registration processing
case 'register':
// Add page specific things
$renderData['page'] = [
'title' => 'Register on Flashii',
'redirect' => $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'],
'message' => 'what'
// Unforgetting passwords
case 'forgotpassword':
// Add page specific things
$renderData['page'] = [
'title' => 'Forgot Password',
'redirect' => $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'],
'message' => 'what'
// Print page contents or if the AJAX request is set only display the render data
print isset($_REQUEST['ajax']) ?
. ':'
. $renderData['page']['message']
. ':'
. $renderData['page']['redirect']
) :
Templates::render('errors/information.tpl', $renderData);
// Add page specific things
$renderData['page'] = [
'title' => 'Login to Flashii'
$renderData['auth'] = [
'redirect' => (
isset($_REQUEST['chat']) ?
Configuration::getLocalConfig('urls', 'chat') :
Configuration::getLocalConfig('urls', 'main')
'blockRegister' => [
'do' => false
// Check if a user has already registered from the current IP address
if(count($regUserIP = Users::getUsersByIP(Main::getRemoteIP()))) {
$renderData['auth']['blockRegister'] = [
'do' => true,
'username' => $regUserIP[array_rand($regUserIP)]['username']
// Print page contents
print Templates::render('main/authenticate.tpl', $renderData);